Algonquin, Muskoka, and Toronto – A Vacation Made In Heaven

Why is it that when you return from a vacation you need another vacation to unwind? After rolling through Algonquin park on Thursday, we made our way west to to cottage country.
The family and I spent three nights at a small resort right on the Muskoka River and despite no air conditioning, we didn’t complain. The first night, our cottage had no power due to the storms that rolled through the area the night before, but we made the most of it playing cards by moonlight and candlelight.

The rest of the time it was swimming, kayaking, peddleboating and hiking around the area. We were blessed at a part of the river that was pretty much a lake with a very light current and we had the beautiful view of the waterfalls below.

Muskoka 1

We took a small hike around the river up to the falls where I proceeded to find a rock out in the middle of the falls. And as sure footed as I think I am, there is always room for a spill into the river as I made my way back to shore. The funny part is that I enjoyed every second of the splashing.

Muskoka 2

After three solid days of living by the river, we headed down to the Big Smoke where we spent a couple of nights with my family.

We spent the Civic Day holiday at Canada’s Wonderland (a yearly excursion for us), where we proceeded to make our way onto just about every rollercoaster the park had to offer. This was the first year Cookie was tall enough to ride every major ride so we had a blast.

Now it’s back to the grind.

P.S. For Joanne, we didn’t make it to Weber’s burger joint, but we did see it on our cruise down to Toronto. It was just too early in the day to be eating burgers Maybe next year.

OS Bookshelf – Stephen Harper and the Future of Canada

I just finished Stephen Harper and the Future of Canada by William Johnson and I must say it was quite enlightening.

Harper Book ImageI was one of those right leaning Canadians who had misunderstood the politics around the formation of the Reform Party and the evolution to the Canadian Alliance. I was also one of those right leaning Canadians who stuck with the PC Party thinking the glory would return. I was also one of those right leaning Canadians who never paid very close attention to the nuances of Canadian politics. (Remember my motto…You can pay attention or pay through the nose. I would rather pay attention.)

This book gave me quite an education and an even greater amount of respect for our Prime Minister.

So I will say that this book is much less of a biography of Stephen Harper than it is a good recent history lesson on the political state of Canada. I found it incredibly educational and at the same time realized that our current Prime Minister was quite a visionary. And this isn’t just because a book says so.

William Johnson does a wonderful job of explaining what was going on and quotes various statements made by Harper before his rise to power. His predictions were right on the mark and the fact that the Liberal party implemented many ideas Harper had pushed for and claimed them as their own was a testament to his vision.

If you have not read this book, it is a must read. Not only for those who already see the light. But moreso for those who believed the Liberals painting him as a big bad wolf.

I give it a 9 out of 10.
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Drug Whore Thy Name Is Apotex

The difference in price between generic medications and brand name can be profound. Quite often, people who would never be able to afford brand name drugs end up buying the, equally as effective, generics which can prolong and even save lives.

I have always been a proponent of brand name medications because the price increase goes into research for newer, more effective medications. But when a patent ends and the generics come out, a whole new class of people can benefit from the generics. This is typically those on lower or fixed incomes.

Bloomberg is reporting about Briston-Myers Squibb Co. being investigated for a deal they struck with Apotex.

July 27 (Bloomberg) — Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. said the U.S. Justice Department is conducting a criminal probe of an accord that would delay generic competition to its biggest- selling drug, the Plavix blood thinner.

The company learned yesterday of an investigation by the Justice Department’s antitrust division, according to a statement today by the New York-based drugmaker. Bristol-Myers and partner Sanofi-Aventis SA had agreed to pay generic-drug maker Apotex Inc. an unspecified amount to stay off the market with a generic copy of Plavix until 2011.

So Apotex signed a deal to take money from BMS in exchange for screwing lower income Canadians. Hmmm. What do YOU call someone who takes money to screw people?

I would imagine with their biggest selling drug possibly going generic, the bottom line at BMS would be affected significantly.

For those who don’t recall, Apotex is the company who had executives and their teenage children donating the maximum political contribution to Liberal Leadership candidate Joe Volpe.

H/T to Small Dead Animals

Caledonia – Free Summer Camp For Natives

The Oka Crisis started on March 11th, 1990 and ended on September 26th, 1990.

The Caledonia land claim dispute started on April 28th, 2006.

Since the Yellow Bellied McShifty has bought the land and put it in trust until the dispute is settled, the natives can leave and the land will not be touched. Yet still they squat.

Neighbours who border on the disputed land have been claiming late night parties, revelry and loud music until the wee hours of the morning coming from the land where the standoff is taking place.

Is it just me or does this look like the natives are using this situation as an opportunity to enjoy a summer of R&R?

I guess we’ll find out come September/October. Five bucks says they wander off to where they came from before first snowfall.

Dan Matheson – Bitchslapping A Liberal Near You

When ProudtobeCanadian embedded this clip on their site a couple of weeks ago, people cheered CTV newsman Dan Matheson for his hard hitting, non left wing, spins on the situation in Lebanon. A refreshing change from the typical socialist MSM.

Well Dan “The Man” Matheson has done it again. He bitchslaps Liberal MP Dan McTeague so hard in the clip below that McTeague goes from calling Matheson “Dan” to calling him “Mr. Matheson”.

Click the video below to watch it.

I am still waiting for Dan McTeague to apologize to Peter McKay.

Hezbollywood Movies Of Dead Children Have Only One Sad Star


An Israeli missile hits a building.

In another part of town, a child lies dead in an ambulance.

Oddly, 7 or 8 hours later the building hit by the missile crumbles.

Even odder, the same child from the ambulance is then dug up from the rubble in front of press cameras, hours after the ambulance photo is taken.

Then the same child, covered in the dust and grime from the collapsed building, is paraded around for several hours by the same Lebanese “rescue worker”.

If you are as disgusted as I am at children dying in the current war going on in Lebanon, then this will disgust you even more. Whatever evil you may find in errant Israeli missiles, you will find a worse evil in the twisted minds of the Directors in Hezbollywood, posing already dead children to gain sympathy.

Sound too sick to be true? Go read the whole thing yourself.

H/T Jack’s Newswatch

If You Can Spend An Hour Watching Reality TV …

…then you can spend an hour and watch this documentary.



You won’t see it on your usual TV stations like CBC, Canwest-Global, or CTV. You won’t read about it in newspapers like The Toronto Star, or the Ottawa Citizen, or the NY Times.
You will only hear about it from people who refuse to let the values of the western world get torn apart by radicals. You will only hear about it from people who want their children raised in happy homes. You will only hear about it from people who want both sexes treated equally. You will only hear about it from those who want a world where men, women and children live free.

If you have a hate on for countries like Israel, you owe it to yourself to wake up and watch this documentary. If you have a hate on for George Bush for his war on terror, then you owe it to yourslf to watch this video. If you have anger towards Stephen Harper for his current position on the war between Israel and Hezbollah, then you owe it to yourself to watch this video. And most of all, if you can spend an hour watching trash on television, then you owe it to yourself, your children, and your society to watch this documentary.

H/T to Conservative Life

Hezbollah Wheels Getting No Grease. They Will Grind To A Halt Soon

Hezbollah is in Canada.

You heard me right. This terrorist group is residing in Canada. It is protesting in Canada. It is calling for “death to Israel”.

In what is turning out to be a weekly protest, Hezbollah has Lebanese Canadians lining up to protest the death of civilians because they are getting desperate. The Israeli attacks are working because the protests are getting stronger.

As many people know, most Lebanese who have good hearts have left Lebanon. In fact, most left long before the evacuations of dual citizenship holders. The “rebuilt” country was rebuilt by the stinking rot that comes from Syria and the stench of death that comes from Iran.

Earl McRae’s article speaks volumes about what real good hearted Lebanese say.

“The Hezbollah started it and it’s getting what it deserves,” says my friend, who still has family in the land of his birth, yet supports Israel’s severe military attacks on Lebanon even though they have destroyed parts of the re-built city of Beirut where he grew up, and loves for its beauty.

He gets Arab television on his satellite dish and sees the destruction.

“They show things they don’t show here on TV. Dead people. The body parts of people. Children. Women.”

They’re upsetting sights to him. Civilians are being killed and it’s always possible that one or more could be from his family. And yet what upsets him most is the constant criticism by certain Canadian journalists, Canadian politicians, and Lebanese and non-Lebanese citizens in Canada of Harper for supporting Israel in the crisis and its method of retaliation.

“When President Bush took action right after 9/11 at the site in New York of the bombings and gave his great speeches to the Americans, he was praised for his leadership not only by Republicans, but Democrats. The Democrats were big enough to praise the president. But what’s happening now in this country? They make me want to throw up.”

This is rarely the view in the MSM because to snippet news like CTV Newsnet, you only hear the quotes like “Stephen Harper’s popularity is dramatically dropping in the polls.” I have news for the MSM, Stephen Harper cares about the good hearted Lebanese. He cares about the safety and security for the whole region, and not Hezbollah. And I wouldn’t be surprised if CSIS films every protest and gets the agents working overtime with the facial recognition software.

The MSM says that the anger is growing among the population regarding Harper’s stance. I think the anger is growing among Canadians disgusted with terrorists who have infiltrated our nation and rile up their communities against Canadian values. I think the anger is growing in Canadians disgusted with immigrants who bring their baggage from other countries. I think that the unspoken anger against the protesters will be far louder come election day than a few thousand terrorists protesting every week.

Mark my words.

There Goes The Neighbourhood

There is an expression, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. How much closer could Peace Mother Sheehan (PMS) get to George Bush than to set up shop in Crawford, Texas.

Well she’s gone and done it. Her Camp Casey project now owns land in Crawford, Texas. She admits the neighbours don’t really agree with her politically, but in her whacked out effort to continually harass Gdub, she is willing to set up shop where he vacations.

I can just see her in a pink day-glo bus, cruising around Crawford selling veggie burritos. Why does the last scene to Easy Rider come to mind? I wonder of George has given the keys to the place to Cheney and his hunting buddies.

Psychedelic Saturday – Time To Boogie Your Ass Off

It’s been a long week so for this edition of Psychedelic Saturday I picked some great summer tunes for getting your boogie on. I am not sure if I will get to post next Saturday night as I will be on vacation, but I’ll do my best. In the meantime, get your ass moving with these tunes.


The Doors – L.A. Woman
Canned Heat – Woodstock Boogie (live from Woodstock)
Janis Joplin – Try (live from Woodstock)
Grateful Dead – Goin’ Down The Road Feelin’ Bad (live from the Fillmore)