Green Helmet Crossing Guard?

When you can work with a bit of paint shop pro like Reuters freelancers, you start having some fun. Green helmet guy’s vest reminded me of something, but I just couldn’t figure it out until I dug this old photo out of my public school yearbook…errrr ….ok maybe I was just getting rid of some dust spots and this is what it turned out like.

Green Helmet Crossing guard

An Order of Edamame, A Rainbow Roll, and A Sleeman's Honey Brown Please!

My friends know I am a big fan of Sushi. They also know that on the rare occasion when I hoist a brew or two, they are inevitably Sleeman’s, and in particular, the Sleeman’s Honey Brown.

Today it was announced that Sapporo of Japan is buying Sleeman’s Brewery in Canada. The deal is expected to make Sleeman’s more competitive.

I think what I like most about this deal is being able to get a good Sleeman’s when I head out for some edamame and sashimi!!!

Domo Arigato Sapporo!!

Smackdown – Cotler Breaks Rank, Bitchslaps Louise Arbour

Almost a month ago, I wrote that Irwin Cotler was already on the record regarding his view on the situation in the middle east.

Well now Cotler has come out and bitchslapped Louise Arbour for her view on the situation.

Louise Arbour’s comments on international law as it applies to Israel’s military actions in Lebanon are as superficial as they are simplistic as a matter of law, and uninformed and misleading in their appreciation of and application to the facts.

There is much more to read and I urge you to do so. It is quite nice to see someone speak out for what is right instead of just towing the party line.

H/T to Dispatches From The Socialist Gulag

Is It All About Religion? Or Just About The Money?

Many believe that there is a war going on between radical Islam and Western values. Is it truly a battle of philosophy and religion? I am curious how many people wonder about what drives the price of oil up?

Instability. So let’s look at the top 10 nations by oil reserves.(in billions of barrels)

1. Saudi Arabia (264.3) – Terrorists from 9/11 were primarily Saudi Arabs. What better way to keep the House of Saud rolling in cash than to support terrorism under the table.

2. Canada (178.8) – For 13 years Chretien ruled with an iron fist that tossed cash out left right and center buying votes. Adscam, HRDC, Gun Registry, etc. All the money that could have paid off our debt and reinforced our armed forces blown on cash envelopes and monogrammed golfballs.

3. Iran (132.5) – Spawned Hezbollah and support terrorism openly.

4. Iraq (115.0) – Saddam supported terrorists and ruled with an iron fist to control the oil money.

5. Kuwait (101.5) – A tiny friend among giants.

6. United Arab Emirates (97.8) – Another tiny friend among giants.

7. Venezuela (79.7) – Hugo Chavez is pushing limits of sanity and joining forces with Iran and Russia.

8. Russia (60.0) – Don’t be fooled by Putin’s G8 Status and friendly trade pacts. Putin likes the instability in the middle east which is why the Russians are indirectly supporting nations where terrorists tend to breed.

9. Libya (39.1) – We know what Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi’s nation did for terrorism in the 70’s and 80’s before Ronnie Reagan bombed his home, killing his daughter and putting the Libyan terrorism on hold.

10. Nigeria (35.9) – A nation ruled by military generals for decades before the people stepped up and put a civilian (Olusegun Obasanjo) in charge. Just when the nation is looking to be turning a corner, rumours are starting that Al Qaeda has moved their base from Afghanistan to Nigeria.

Breaking down these top ten nations we have 6 that have been indirectly involved in destabilizing the oil supplies of the world which lead to higher oil prices. You can almost toss Russia into the mix due to their support via weapon sales to many of the other nations on this list, including Iraq. (just think SCUD missiles).

This leaves Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Canada.

Our current government’s stance against terrorism is a refreshing change from the previous governments wishy washy approach. Bravo Stephen Harper.  Previous PM Paul Martin has received kudos for getting Canada back on track financially when he was the Finance Minister, but he also had a tripling of oil prices since 1999 to ride and the huge tax surpluses created when big oil started raking in the dough.

So when you go fill your tank up and think it is because of a religious war going on overseas, you might want to rethink what the wars and terrorism are really all about.

Follow the money.

Lebanese Man Looks Gift Horse In The Mouth …

… and says it has rotten teeth.

I hate to flog a dead horse, but …

Minutes after receiving his Canadian citizenship, a Lebanese man spoke out against Ottawa’s response to the crisis in the Middle East.

Wadih Farah took his oath of citizenship Wednesday during a ceremony at Halifax’s Pier 21. After repeating his pledges to the country, he said a few words about the country’s handling of the crisis in Lebanon.

“I think they could do a little bit more,” said Farah. “They were a little bit slow to pull people out at the beginning.”

I’m starting to get sick of this kind of complaint. I have no problem with Mr. Farah becoming a Canadian citizen. I have no problem with Mr. Farah saying Canada could be doing a little bit more. But for Mr. Farah to say Canada was a bit slow to pull people out at the beginning? Well frankly I think he is full of shit.

The bottom line is that the only Canadian civilian casualties happened before any foreign nationals were evacuated by any nation. So Mr. Farah, why not tell me and the rest of the citizens in your new found home what a faster reaction from our government would have accomplished? Tell us how many lives it would have saved?

H/T to DustMyBroom

k.d. lang Gets A Spanking She DOESN'T Enjoy

Many of you know I am a big fan of John Robson. After today, I am as big a fan of his wife Brigitte Pellerin. I was always a fan when she would do stints on CFRA and today I have added her to my pundit link list.

I know this story is a week old, but just returning from vacation, I am still catching up.

In her story from August 1st, Brigitte does a great job spanking k.d. lang for her comments regarding Stephen Harper not attending the Outgames.

I would like to believe most people in the Western world are tolerant enough of homosexuality to refrain from shouting insults at gays or treating them badly. If they don’t go out of their way to endorse a big pride event (or do endorse it and still get booed off the stage), it doesn’t mean they are intolerant or even disrespectful.

Sometimes we just have other things to do than watch a parade. I wish gay activists could understand that.

It is well worth the read.

This post is also my standing offer to take this great writing couple to dinner sometime.

H.T. to Tory Time

Robert Picton Will Only Be Tried On 6 of 26 Charges … As A Start

I just heard this on CTV’s nightly news. As much as I can try to empathize with with the family of the other 20 women Picton is accused of killing, I would hope that they understand that this is probably a defensive measure should Picton get off on some technicality or mistrial.

The judge in the case says that a trial in the other 20 cases is still a possibility which provides the Crown with some insurance.

I hope the family of the other 20 victims understand that this may not provide them with the complete closure they desire, but it is in the best interest of all Canadians.

Reuters Picture Booboo Might Be Worse Than First Reported

Being away from civilization for a few days and I am still catching up but I noticed something today regarding the doctored images by a Reuters freelance photographer, Adnan Hajj.

“Manipulating photographs in this way is entirely unacceptable and contrary to all the principles consistently held by Reuters throughout its long and distinguished history. It undermines not only our reputation but also the good name of all our photographers,” Szlukovenyi said.

“This doesn’t mean that every one of his 920 photographs in our database was altered. We know that not to be the case from the majority of images we have looked at so far but we need to act swiftly and in a precautionary manner.”

(emphasis mine)

Either the speaker of the above words, Global Picture Editor Tom Szlukovenyi, needs to take a few language courses, or he is trying to hide something.

Why would they need to qualify that not EVERY ONE of his 920 photographs in their database was altered?

Why would they say they know this is not the case from the MAJORITY of images looked at so far? Majority implies anything from 1 more than half all the way up to all of the images.

i.e. Tom’s words could easily imply that as many as 459 of the photos taken by Adnan Hajj may be doctored. This is obviously not the case, but why would Reuters not come out and say after a thorough analysis, they found X number of photos were doctored and print a retraction on all the doctored photos?

Montreal Borough Gets It Right Nixing Moment Of Silence

A Montreal borough denied having a moment of silence for a Lebanese Canadian family killed when the recent war in Southern Lebanon broke out a month ago.

Politicians got it right this time.

The mayor and council in Cote-des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grace rejected two requests from the public to recognize the tragedy during their meeting earlier this week.

“It was refused for political reasons,” said Wissam Moussa, a member of the Lebanese Muslim Youth Association who made one of two requests for a moment of silence.

Senator Marcel Prud’homme, a former Liberal MP with a long-standing interest in the Middle East, called it hypocrisy.

“I think it’s unbelievably sad that (the council) did not see fit to keep a minute of silence,” Prud’homme said.

But Mayor Michael Applebaum said Wednesday the tragic deaths have been hijacked by Hezbollah supporters who are bringing the war home to Canadian soil.

The council has held only one moment of silence in the past, a motion brought by a council member after the death of late Pope John Paul II.

Ironically, the same group did not ask for a moment of silence for:

-The Canadian who was killed in the original kidnapping of 2 IDF soldiers. (one of the 8 killed in the original action that sparked the current war)

-The Canadian who was killed when the U.N. post was inadvertently bombed.

-The Canadian IDF pilot killed when his helicoptor crashed

Nor have they expressed any concern over the Canadian IDF soldier who is being held hostage at this time by Hezbollah.

H/T to Jack’s Newswatch