YES!!! The Wanker Censored Me!! I Win!!

Yesterday I made a trek over to Robert McClelland’s blog to see what the radical, left wingnutbar, one-man freakshow had to say about a video on Stephen Taylor’s site and before anyone had commented on the post, I submitted a comment asking him if he even bothered to even watch the video.

I went back today to see if there was any comments and lo and behold, my comment did not make it through his left wing filter.

At first I thought “Wow, what an asshole”, but then I thought about it and, considering how much this man is hated, I felt like I have earned my stripes. What stripes? I have no clue, but I just felt that way.

But it just goes to show you he finds it easier to drop a comment than to argue it. I guess I can assume I won that argument. Hehehehe.

Gwen Boniface Resigns Before Held To Fire

I had to title my post as such because I am not sure if I should be jumping for joy that this inept leader is stepping down from her roll as OPP commissioner or if I should be upset that her resignation stole from us the opportunity of booting her ass out.

Once the Ottawa Police PSS performs it’s service and investigates the way the OPP handled the Caledonia affair, I think many Canadians will join me in congratulations for sites like CaledoniaWakeUpCall.

Bubbye Gwen. Hope you enjoy warm Guinness for drowning your sorrows.

I’d H/T this but everyone and their brother is posting about it.

U.N. Soldier Says Hezbollah Using Them As Shields

When the CBC let’s this on the air, you know they must be feeling the anti-MSM pressure.

We received emails from him a few days ago, and he was describing the fact that he was taking fire within, in one case, three meters of his position for tactical necessity, not being targeted. Now that’s veiled speech in the military. What he was telling us was Hezbollah soldiers were all over his position and the IDF were targeting them. And that’s a favorite trick by people who don’t have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields knowing that they can’t be punished for it.

Smackdown – Harper Questions U.N. Presence In Warzone

Stephen Harper laid a smackdown on the United Nations and questioned their presence in the Middle East warzone.

“We want to find out why this United Nations post was attacked and also why it remained manned during what is now, more or less, a war during obvious danger to these individuals,” he told reporters.

Asked about UN head Kofi Annan’s statement suggesting Israel had targeted the outpost, Harper said: “I certainly doubt that to be the case.”

I can just picture Kofi Annan fuming right now and asking himself when Canada got a backbone.

I think it was the morning of January 24th, 2006.

Lowell Green And I – LRT Boondoggle and OPP Investigation By Ottawa Police

Today while listening to CFRA online, I decided to give Lowell my weekly call. This often happens while I am driving on the road between sales calls, but today I happened to be at home so I taped the online broadcast of my call. NOTE: This was NOT recorded on my end, but the online delayed call. Unless I end up getting sued, I hope to record all my calls in the future.

My points today were on the ineptness of our City Council via their allowance of our already hurting police force being used to investigate the OPP situation in Caledonia and also the situation where our LRT now has First Nations land claims threatening to either stop it or, at minimum, drive up the cost via a buy out of crown land the Algonquins say they have the rights to.

Here is my call.

"I hope this doesn't mean we will face additional significant costs."

Whenever a politician speaks those words, hide your wallet. In what is a surprising turn of events for the citizens and some councilors, but NOT a surprise to the City of Ottawa, this whole affair looks to spell disaster for Canadian tax payers.

THE ALGONQUIN First Nations have asked the city to stop its proposed light rail transit project until a land claim against a portion of the route has been resolved.

Algonquin Chief Kirby Whiteduck told the Sun yesterday that his council has asked the city not to proceed with the construction that will take the rail line through a portion of the National Capital Commission’s Greenbelt between Leitrim and Hunt Club roads.

The province has also said the group has a good case. Negotiations began in January but it could take years before a final settlement is reached with compensation including a mix of Crown land and money.

Here we go. The first of the “add on” costs has started.

City solicitor Rick O’Connor said the city only learned of the issue from the federal government in March and that the project has received environment approval from the provincial and federal governments and will move forward.

“As far as we are concerned it won’t delay the project,” he said.

So the city was aware of the Algonquin claim in March (or earlier), which is about 4 months before they approved the route and no one was notified of this and they plan to go ahead with the LRT. Since negotiations have been ongoing since January, it means others have been aware for at least 6 months and not one peep during the LRT negotiations.

I guess every city is allowed its three quarters of a BILLION dollar Goof Up.

Way to spend our gas tax revenue Mayor Bob. Good job. Ram the LRT through and then stiff Canadians with the compensation bills.

How Do You Spell Conflict Of Interest? EmCeeGeeYouEyeEnTeeWhy

Or M-C-G-U-I-N-T-Y for those who prefer the actual letters.

Today I am livid. Why?? This is why.

Earlier in the day, OPP Commissioner Gwen Boniface announced that Ottawa police would investigate the actions of provincial police officers during an assault on two television camera operators at the protest scene.

First of all I live in Ottawa and it is MY property taxes paying for the Ottawa Police force. Since the city of Ottawa amalgamated our police force has dropped by close to 25% (252 now vs. 330 before amalgamation) in terms of the number of officers we have on the force. The city has grown from 780,000 (in the areas that amalgamated) to 845,000 now, the property taxes have gone up and now we are sending our boys to Caledonia to investigate the assault of the TV crew that OPP officers stood by watching.

Secondly, our illustrious Premier, the Yellow Bellied McShifty, whose family is very closely tied to our community was elected in Ottawa South. Does this not smack of a conflict of interest? McShifty has been at the heart of this whole conflict since it escalated out of control and having the Police force that protects his jurisdiction do the investigation is simply wrong.

Every citizen of Ontario has a big reason to be worried about this “investigation” *nudge nudge wink wink say no more* and every citizen of Ottawa has two reasons to be ticked off.

OfficiallyScrewed … again.

H/T Dust My Broom for the Globe and Mail quote.

ADDENDUM:  Today the Ottawa Police Chief Vince Bevan announced he will be stepping down in 6 months. Hmmmmmm … a man with good morals announces his retirement on the same day his police force is announced to be investigating the OPP affair in Caledonia.

ADDENDUM II:  Sandra Blaikie of A Channel was just giving her pre show info to CFRA and said Vince Bevan’s resignation was totally unexpected.  Double Hmmmm….

Dan McTeague Can Say He Is Sorry Anytime

My comparisons between the Middle East (ME) and the Tsunami Zone in South East Asia (SEA) and how the Conservatives have handled ME the past week and how the Liberals handled the SEA zone after the Tsunami that hit on Dec. 26, 2004.

ME – Warzone
SEA – Non-Warzone

+1 for the Tories for managing negotiations with Israel for safe passage of Canadian boats

ME – Ongoing breakouts make emergency situations hard to handle
SEA – Tsunami hit and everyone watching news KNEW help would be needed

+1 for the Tories for not overreacting but waiting for confirmation of trouble.

ME – Tories took 4 days to react after Israel began it’s bombing, and another 4 for the first ship to evacuate Canadians to arrive without any local military personnel
SEA – Liberals didn’t get 200 DART personnel off the ground in Canada until Thursday January 6th, a full 11 days after the Tsunami.

+1 for Tories for their quick reaction once an emergency situation was confirmed

ME – Summer offseason may have slowed reaction by Tories
SEA – Holiday season may have slowed reaction by Liberals

-1 for both parties

ME – Canada has no heavy lift to help
SEA – Canada rents Russian airlift

-1 for Liberals letting our military capabilities deteriorate.

Score To Date?

Tories +2
Liberals -2

When can Mr. MacKay expect to hear your apology Mr. McTeague? Or are you washing egg off your face in cottage lake water away from the medias prying eyes?