Adscam2 Is Getting Interesting And It Just Might Make The Summer Fun!!

…and this could be fun.

Steve Janke has tracked down what the $210,000 got us as citizens and it isn’t pretty. So far there are three one page advertisements that depict a few people enjoying antiquing, fishing and cycling in the Caledonia area.

Caledonia 3
Caledonia 2
Caledonia 1

I don’t know about you guys, but I think these ads could have been done with a digital camera, a few family members and Adobe Photoshop. To prove this, I would like to point you all to Stephen Taylor’s quick work in creating knock offs.

In fact, I have a feeling that there will be dozens of knock off comedic versions in the blogosphere by the end of July. Oh look!! A third one already!!


To help the effort, I would like to provide anyone out there with the following two images to incorporate into your own version.




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