Sometimes Life Just Smiles On You…

… and those are the days you feel light in your step and walk around whistling and making everyone at work despise you for being in a good mood.

Sunday I was out all day as my daughter was competing in a local invitational tournament I was emcee-ing. Now for those who remember, Cookie finished 17th of 17 at provincials two years ago. And last year she moved up to 7th out of 13 in her age group.

Well at this local invitational, there were 8 ladies in her age group which is about half the total competition for the provincials in a couple of months. Cookie ended up taking a bronze in her free routine, a 5th place in her ball routine and she nailed her ribbon routine for the gold, taking a silver overall and another silver with her duo partner.

This all bodes well for a great showing at this years provincials.

Then I come home Monday night and hear that Charles Adler is not going to sue me for using his voice in a Smackdown!! (phew!!) In fact, I hear he gave me some compliments on the air which I am ecstatic and very appreciative of. Mr. Adler is a well known and well respected sanity check expert calling people out on all types of issues where a sanity check is needed. I took the liberty of cropping the compliments he gave me and turning them into an MP3 you can listen to below.

Lowell Green And I – The Red Friday Video And The Idea To Sell Prints Of The Parliament Hill Photo

The one benefit I have when I work from home is the luxury of recording my calls to Lowell Green whom I respect to no end for his service to our community.

Today, after hearing how Le Droit Newspaper in Montreal was reporting only 2000 people on parliament hill and the CBC and CRV reporting that there was only 3000, I called Lowell to

a) tell him that the number was far greater. (He confirmed that the official count was close to 30,000)

b) tell him about the hundreds who had viewed my video already over the internet


c) resuggest that CFRA sells prints of the photo with proceeds going to the Legions or to some sort of fund that supports the families of soldiers who have died overseas.

Lowell thought it was a great idea. He also was incredibly generous and let me say my website name online.

As many of you are here specifically to view the videos, I have put a set of links to the right under the Red Friday’s ribbon so you can view the 7 parts. The granularity of the video is not that great as I tried to keep the file size down for those who may not have a good high speed connection.

I do want to take this opportunity to apologize about the shakiness in the videos as well. I had no tripod with me and with the crowd, it wouldn’t have done me any good anyway so what you see is basically the camcorder on my hand being held up in the air for approximately an hour straight. (my arm paid for it the next day)

Psychedelic Saturday – Time To Boogie Your Ass Off

It’s been a long week so for this edition of Psychedelic Saturday I picked some great summer tunes for getting your boogie on. I am not sure if I will get to post next Saturday night as I will be on vacation, but I’ll do my best. In the meantime, get your ass moving with these tunes.


The Doors – L.A. Woman
Canned Heat – Woodstock Boogie (live from Woodstock)
Janis Joplin – Try (live from Woodstock)
Grateful Dead – Goin’ Down The Road Feelin’ Bad (live from the Fillmore)

Lowell Green And I – LRT Boondoggle and OPP Investigation By Ottawa Police

Today while listening to CFRA online, I decided to give Lowell my weekly call. This often happens while I am driving on the road between sales calls, but today I happened to be at home so I taped the online broadcast of my call. NOTE: This was NOT recorded on my end, but the online delayed call. Unless I end up getting sued, I hope to record all my calls in the future.

My points today were on the ineptness of our City Council via their allowance of our already hurting police force being used to investigate the OPP situation in Caledonia and also the situation where our LRT now has First Nations land claims threatening to either stop it or, at minimum, drive up the cost via a buy out of crown land the Algonquins say they have the rights to.

Here is my call.

Psychedelic Saturday – Party Time

This week I pulled a gem out from the vault. Even non Deadheads will appreciate this version of Scarlet Begonias (into) Fire On The Mountain. It’s from Ithaca NY in 1977 and many feel it is one of their best versions of the song. I might argue that Pine Knob 1991 or Copps Colosseum 1994 might be better but that would just be picking at straws.

I also picked some tunes sure to get your feet tapping so sit back, grab a beer, or whatever, and enjoy the set.


Phish – Bouncing Around The Room
George Baker Selection – Little Green Bag
Three Dog Night – Mama Told Me Not To Come
Grateful Dead – Scarlet-Fire (i.e. Scarlett Begonias —> Fire On The Mountain)

Psychedelic Saturday – Smokin' Clapton

This week the rain finally broke in Ottawa and the heatwave kicked in. Musically, Syd Barrett, one of the founders of Pink Floyd passed away so in his honour I have pulled out one of the most whacked Pink Floyd songs ever. For those who might find it a bit much, I did have the courtesy of putting it at the end of the set.

I also pulled out one of the most smokin’ guitar solos Clapton ever played from Live at the Fillmore in 1970 and I also included a song by Barry McGuire that should help tone down some of the thoughts that the Middle East situation right now has us on the Eve of Destruction. Things haven’t changed a whole lot since 1965.

Enjoy the set.


Chambers Brothers – Time Has Come Today
Barry McGuire – Eve of Destruction
Grateful Dead – Jack Straw
Derek and the Dominoes – Let It Rain
Pink Floyd – Several Small Species of Furry Animals Gathered In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict (yes that is the title)

Psychedelic Saturday – Hot In The City

It’s been nice and hot in Ottawa this weekend and I think I may have to move a set of speakers out to the garage so I can listen to some tunes while shooting hoops tonight. This weeks set list is full of live tunes so if you are a concert goer, you should really enjoy this. It’s short on quantity but still about 30 minutes long and very sweet.

Set List

Traffic – Light Up Or Leave Me Alone
Grateful Dead – Chinacat Sunflower >> I Know You Rider
Little Feat – Willin’
Velvet Underground – I’m Waiting For The Man Has Sound!!

Well, I must first off say thanks to Darcey at for his Friday night blues and beer. His weekly podcasts have sparked my interest in getting my online music persona going again.

Many of you may remember my stint working for the now defunct, which was an online live radio station for listening over the web. I used to host a psychedelic Saturday night special there from 9pm to midnight playing some of the funkiest tunes from the pre 1979 (for the most part) under the moniker SpacedCowboy.
The advent of podcasting has made it quite easy for me to save a quick set and get it online for listeners. (It also gives me a chance to get unconservative and shake my booty a bit)

I will probably never put another solid blues set together, but in honour of DustMyBroom and their inspiration, this one is all blues and dedicated to them.

Set List
Collins, Copeland, Cray – Black Cat Bone
Grateful Dead – Walkin’ Blues
Allman Brothers – Statesboro Blues
Bob Dylan – From a Buick 6
Grateful Dead – Viola Lee Blues

Please let me know what you think, and hopefully I got this working right the first time.