CTV Pulls A Fast One

This morning the issue of the “support our troops” decals has become front and centre on a national level. The boycott of Toronto is growing. And in an effort to stifle the support for our troops, the CTV has made a mockery of the question as indicated by the image below which shows their poll today.

Troop Support Poll on CTV

The way this is poll is worded is quite misleading.

Troop Support Poll on CTV2

The issue today is not to question the use of decals on city vehicles for “causes” but for our troops. Our troops are NOT a cause.

The fact is that with such an ambiguous question, I myself would vote no. But if you change the word causes to troops, you can guarantee that the results would be far different.

Shame on you CTV.

David Miller Raises Rainbow Flag, Takes Down Support Our Troops Decals

God Bless Lowell Green.

This morning he is raving mad and he has a right to be. The leftist mayor of Toronto, David Miller, is calling for Toronto’s firefighters, police, and ambulance services to remove the “We support our troops” magnetic decals off of the cities vehicles.

However, just a few short days ago, the mayor, himself, raised the rainbow flag to kick off Toronto’s Gay Pride parade.

Lowell Green is calling for an immediate boycott of Toronto and I, for one, am joining him.

What I find most ironic about the mayor’s stand is that it was the military that was called in to dig the Big Smoke out of a blizzard back in the days of mayor Lastman.

I encourage Canadians out there to join this boycott until mayor Miller comes to his senses and I encourage everyone to email the mayor at mayor_miller@toronto.ca and let them know that if they continue to insult our troops, we are giving up on this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Travel Propaganda Leans Left

Last Wednesday I took off for San Jose, California on a work excursion. While travelling I began to notice the trend that left leaning MSM propaganda is everywhere.

Over the last three years, I have probably been on about 40 different business trips and stayed in dozens of different hotels. While on all these trips I can conclude the following.

1) The TV station of choice for displaying in American airports is CNN.


2) The newspaper that inevitably sits on my hotel room doorstep each morning is USA Today.

This doesn’t usually irk me until I sat down for my 3 hour layover in Toronto, looked up and saw that the Greater Toronto Airport Authority has partnered up with CBC to propagandize our travellers.

Maybe the fact that I saw as many people on laptops as I did watching the TVs was a good sign of the way things are moving in the world.

If anyone out there knows what is on other Canadian airport monitors, please feel free to comment. Since most of my travel was to the US, I am not as familiar with other Canadian airports outside of the TV in the smoking lounge at the Ottawa airport which was flexible. (I would consistently change the station to CTV newsnet whenever I had a chance)

As an aside, on this trip I got to run into Tim Powers, the Conservative pundit who is on Mike Duffy Live a couple of times a week and on CFRA weekly. I took a few minutes to say hi and let him know I enjoyed watching him spar with the other party pundits.

Liberal Vixens

If you go to google’s online translator and plug in the word “Volpe” and have it translate from Italian to English, it spits out the word “Vixen”.

If you then go to Dictionary.com and plug in the word “Vixen” you get the definition:

1. a female fox.
2. an ill-tempered or quarrelsome woman.

Considering Joe is fighting on despite having signed up dead people and having taken donations from teenagers, we know he is quarrelsome. Considering he is a wiley politician who decided to play the ethnicity card by screaming “It’s because I am Italian” when he got caught signing up the dead people, I would consider him as sly as a fox.

In other news, on Mike Duffy Live tonight Belinda Stronach politicianed her way around the question on whether or not she and Tie Domi are/were having an affair that ruined his marriage. She made a point to comment that the allegations were exactly that, but then she said it would not be prudent for her to comment on a case that was before the courts. (meaning Tie Domi’s divorce battle with his wife).

All I can say is that if Stronach had not had an affair, she would most certainly have been denying it.

Belinda seems to be more of a vixen than Volpe!

Algonquin, Muskoka, and Toronto – A Vacation Made In Heaven

Why is it that when you return from a vacation you need another vacation to unwind? After rolling through Algonquin park on Thursday, we made our way west to to cottage country.
The family and I spent three nights at a small resort right on the Muskoka River and despite no air conditioning, we didn’t complain. The first night, our cottage had no power due to the storms that rolled through the area the night before, but we made the most of it playing cards by moonlight and candlelight.

The rest of the time it was swimming, kayaking, peddleboating and hiking around the area. We were blessed at a part of the river that was pretty much a lake with a very light current and we had the beautiful view of the waterfalls below.

Muskoka 1

We took a small hike around the river up to the falls where I proceeded to find a rock out in the middle of the falls. And as sure footed as I think I am, there is always room for a spill into the river as I made my way back to shore. The funny part is that I enjoyed every second of the splashing.

Muskoka 2

After three solid days of living by the river, we headed down to the Big Smoke where we spent a couple of nights with my family.

We spent the Civic Day holiday at Canada’s Wonderland (a yearly excursion for us), where we proceeded to make our way onto just about every rollercoaster the park had to offer. This was the first year Cookie was tall enough to ride every major ride so we had a blast.

Now it’s back to the grind.

P.S. For Joanne, we didn’t make it to Weber’s burger joint, but we did see it on our cruise down to Toronto. It was just too early in the day to be eating burgers Maybe next year.

To The Big Smoke, GST means Graft and Sloth Tax – Say No To Option 2!!!

To follow up my idea on suing the City of Toronto for stealing the GST savings the Harper Government has laid in place for us starting July 1st, I have more documentation which you can read here. Scroll down to the Appendix A to view the cost analysis options.

The City itself has gone through some pretty thorough analysis on it’s two options. Option 1 to cut the tax down and change the prices, and Option 2, to leave the end cost the same and pocket the 1% GST cut in a classic example of political graft.

If the City has all these figures already laid out, how much more work could possibly be needed? I have a feeling we will never find out due to the sloth. The city is too lazy to bill people prices that are not round numbers. That’s what it comes down to.

This Summer I Am Going To Sue The City Of Toronto For My 1%… Join Me!!

The City of Toronto is either going to commit fraud or they are liars when they do not extend the 1% GST cut to the residents starting July 1st. If they charge 7% and pocket 1% while sending the 6% on to the feds then they are committing fraud in my estimation. If they simply change the price to compensate for the 1% then they are liars because they are saying it wouldn’t be worth it to change the prices of everything, but in essence, they must do all the calculations to keep the price the same.

In either case, I will be visiting Toronto this summer, and I will be going to a museum and I will be suing them for my 1%. I figure the legal costs alone in defending the small claims court suit will be worth the 1%. The negative press will get Miller canned, which is highly needed. And I hope my showing of solidarity with my brothers in Toronto will help them see that the rest of Canada cares about them and maybe they will elect a few Tories next time around.

Join me. Small claims court cases are easy to file. The City cannot defend itself without showing up which means the legal expenditures to defend itself will get them back into line.

If you are willing to sue the City of Toronto, please sign my comments below. Together we can get Toronto that 1% GST cut they deserve and prevent other companies from following suit and making the GST cut worthless to taxpayers.

Let’s Officially Screw them back!!!!!!

ADDENDUM: How To Sue The City Of Toronto

In light of the interest in this concept, I have provided information below on what you may need to do in order to sue the City Of Toronto.

1) There is a cost to suing. But should you be unable to pay it, there are waivers you can get. If you win, you are also eligible to receive the expenses of filing and setting a court date back in the settlement.

2) This Website has the requirements for suing in small claims court. I urge you to visit and bookmark it.

3) Below is a list of links that will provide you with further information or supporting documentation:

a) Budget 2006 – On page 6 you will find the statement regarding the GST cut which the Conservative Party of Canada has implemented.

b) Toronto Sun Article – Which outlines the City of Toronto’s plan to not offer the 1% GST cut as proposed in the above budget.

c) The Orchestrator – David Soknacki, City Coun. for Ward 43 Scarborough East is the one supporting this concept. I urge you to write him at his email first. This way you can point out that you have raised your concerns. The vote on this issue will take place at the end of June.

d) Toronto Budget Advisory Committee – I urge you to write them as well expressing your disapproval.

e) Budget Advisory Committee Agenda/Minutes – There are no minutes up yet for their end of June meeting, but they will be there eventually and they will probably be your ace in the hole for a court case. Keep an eye on this link.

4)  For those who are golfers, I have screen shots of the current prices for all five City of Toronto golf courses.  Hopefully the prices stay the same and the GST drops.  But if it doesn’t these screen shots may help.

a) Don Valley Golf

b) Dentonia Golf

c) Humber Valley Golf

d) Scarlett Woods Golf

e) Tam O’Shanter Golf

I will post more information as I find it. If you have any other suggestions, please email me.

What The Tories Giveth, Toronto City Council Taketh Away

This is simply unbelievable. In what amounts to a financial windfall, the City Council of Toronto is not passing the 1% GST cut on to citizens on anything that they pay for. Instead it is going to pocket the tax relief which the Federal Tories have promised all Canadians, the council is going to bend every citizen over and give it to them good everytime they golf on a city owned course, or buy a recycling box, or pay for any other city service.

That’s because city staffers are recommending that reducing the GST isn’t worth the change.

“Unbelievable,” John Williamson of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation said yesterday. “This is meant to be a tax cut that benefits all taxpayers across the country, not go into the pockets of governments.”

To reduce the GST, the city would have to change billing systems, websites and printed publications to reflect the new, slightly lower fees, staff reported.

It might also force an amendment to the municipal code or other bylaws.

“Boo-hoo,” Williamson said. “Governments never seem to complain when there is a cost to business or individuals when they hike their taxes. It’s funny how they sing this song when it’s going to benefit taxpayers at large. It’s a bad excuse.”
What this amounts to is a direct attack on the Federal Conservative government. The city is setting a precedent, that if followed by other business, will in essence take the Tory GST cut away.

Officially Screwed … Again!!!

Less than 24 Hours After Canadian Terror Arrests And The Race Card Comes Out

Canada is a VERY tolerant country. Unlike the United States, we are not a “melting pot”. In Canada, your ethicity comes first. ex. I am a Greek Canadian, not a Canadian Greek.

But The Buzz at Canoe.ca points out a quote from the Aly Hindy that has visions of Johnny Cochrane flashing before my eyes.

Aly Hindy, an imam at the Salaheddin Islamic Centre in east-end Toronto, said the centre’s mosque had been monitored by security agencies for years. He said Muslims were once again being falsely accused.

“It’s not terrorism. It could be some criminal activity with a few guys, that’s all,” said Hindy.

“We are the ones always accused.”

(bolded emphasis mine)

Brent Colbert reminds us of a quote Aly Hindy made back in July. (note the followup comment to Brent’s post that mentions Hindy is a close friend of the Khadr family.)

He also demanded that the police and intelligence agencies stop “terrorizing Muslim Canadians” and chillingly suggested that he couldn’t “guarantee what is going to happen. Our young people we can’t control.”

Indeed, Mr. Hindy. You can NOT control your youth. This is why we have the RCMP, CSIS and four police divisions jumping when a threat alert occurs. This is why we have lists of anyone buying ammonium nitrate. This is why we have border guards, sniffer dogs, and anti-terrorism divisions in all major western countries.

RCMP assisstant commissioner Mike McDonell put the three tonnes of ammonium nitrate found in perspective:

“If I can put this in context for you, the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people was completed with only one tonne of ammonium nitrate.”

For the record? If the 17 arrested were Greeks, and if some were cousins of mine, I would be the first to say “lock them up and throw away the key”.

ADDENDUM:  By the above article, my main argument, which may be a bit vague is that it doesn’t matter what the accused background is.  Nor does it matter what their religion is.  Nor the colour of their skin.  The fact remains that the authorities feel they had enough intelligence, information and facts to move on the individuals.  And until due process is complete, they are accused of some very nasty crimes, but still innocent until proven guilty.

But if you saw the cell phone, 8D batteries, barbecue element, and assorted guns, knives, etc from today’s Ottawa Sun, you might already be disqualified as a juror.  It was pretty damning evidence.

Terrorists Busted In Canada!!!

It was around 10pm last night when I heard the news that a dozen or so people were arrested (with more to come overnight) under Canada’s anti-terrorism laws. My heart leapt with pride for my hometown security forces.

The investigation, which has been ongoing since 2004, culminated in last night’s arrests. The individuals have been tied to explosives and CTV says that there may have been a series of terrorist attacks on our own soil prevented with the arrests.

It’s about time!! After hearing earlier this week that less than 10% of immigrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan have gone through appropriate security clearance, there has been a small sense of dread in me. That tiny voice that just yells inside, “Are you kidding me??? 10%?? From the hotbed of extremism??” That volume of that little voice has gone down a few deciBels after the announcement about the arrests.

Last night’s arrests bring faith and hope back to me. The report says that the cell is not al-Quaeda related but possibly a self starter and their are rumblings that some of those arrested attended a “training camp” north of Toronto. If they know of a camp north of our most populous city, then I am positive they are starting to track what has gone on there and this will likely lead to more arrests.

Sleep a little bit safer tonight Canada.