Sylvester The Cat Elected To Birdcage Safety Panel

In the news today, Sylvester the Cat was elected to sit on the panel responsible with determining the safety guidelines and regulations on bird cages. He made it clear that he feels the tensile strength regulations on bird cages are too stringent and that cost reductions can be realized if a thinner material was used for the wireframes. He also felt that all bird cages should be within three feet of the ground for better viewing by children. The panel will be releasing their final report soon.

In a similar story, Homer Simpson was elected to sit on the Board of Directors for the Vegan Society of America. He overcame setbacks such as his past quote “If God didn’t want us to eat meat, he wouldn’t have made it taste so good.” and “MMmmmmm….Porkchops….” He SAYS he’s reformed and the Board felt he was being genuine in his denouncement of the statements.

And additionally, Iran has been elected to the United Nations Commission on Women’s Rights. Mahmoud Ahmadinnerjacket made it clear that the Iranian policy to stone women who have a tan is simply an effort to minimize skin cancer rates in the hot middle eastern country. Three women were not found to refute his testimony on this fact so it must be true.

Talk about being OfficiallyScrewed.

Oil Dollars Changing American History

When you can donate $20M to an American university like Georgetown or Harvard, it gets you some pull.  The only things I have to say after watching this short YouTube clip of a news program are:

a) I thought that there was separation of church and state in schools?  Why are they teaching kids that Muslims discovered America?  Even if this incorrect information was to be taught, should it not at least have been that someone from the middle east discovered America?  Where is the ACLU?   Where are the people forcing schools to not celebrate Christmas?  Where are these hypocrites?


b)  I hope this misinformation is the part of an education that these kids don’t remember.

h/t to Nick V.

Terror Free Oil?

(See The Poll To The Right)

Terror Free Oil

The first “Terror Free Oil” gas station will be opening in the USA in the next few days.

The idea is to sell gasoline made from oil orginating in countries friendly to the United States.

Yoohoo!! That’s us up in Canada *waving hands*.

You can find out more information by visiting the Terror Free Oil Initiative. And to answer your question, it does not appear that any Canadian gas stations are part of this initiative.

Iraqi Economy Booming More Than The Car Bombs

Let’s cut to the chase. Iraq, despite the security issues, is starting to thrive. The International edition of Newsweek reported in their December 25th, 2006 to January 1st, 2007 issue:

  • 2 years ago, Iraqi cell phones numbered 1.4 Million. Today there are 7.1 Million.
  • 3 years ago, Iraq had 8,000 registered companies. Today there are 34,000.
  • GDP in Iraq grew 17% in 2005 and projections are for 13% in 2006.
  • Income tax has gone from 45% under Saddam to 15% and Iraqi’s are spending.

To quote some of the article:

Consider some less formal indicators. Perhaps the most pervasive is the horrendous Iraqi traffic jams. Roadside bombs account for fewer backups than the sheer number of secondhand cars that have crowded onto the nation’s roads—five times as many in Baghdad as before the war. Cheap Chinese goods overflow from shop shelves, and store owners report quick turnover. Real-estate prices have risen several hundred percent, suggesting that Iraqis are more optimistic about the future than most Americans are.

That last sentence is quite telling. And all this from Newsweek, which is typically considered a left leaning publication.

So Iraq is thriving. What does this mean? It means that despite what Americans think about the war, the nation is going through some major pains while it grows.

The withdrawal of a certain great power could drastically reduce the foreign money flow, and knock the crippled economy flat.

Could George Bush be right? Could Iraq be a thriving western style nation under the right conditions? We may never find out with the Democrats taking control of both houses. The biggest complaint by the Democrats is that American soldiers are dying.

Some statistics. The number of casualties in 45 months since the war began is 3017. That comes out to just over 800 a year. In the four calendar years from 2001 to 2004 inclusive the average number of road deaths in the USA was over 42,000 a year. But do the car crash safety ratings get the air time that the war in Iraq gets? Not even close. Iraq is in the news every newscast, every day, every week. In my opinion, the war fatigue just caught up with Americans and we can thank the MSM for continuing to report every single death in Iraq numerous times and rarely, if ever, reporting statistics about how the nation has changed and is thriving under new government.

God help the Iraqi people once the Americans leave.

US Departure From Iraq Needs The Robson Plan (A or B)

Whenever I think of the way the US left Viet Nam, I imagine the scene from the beginning of Raiders of The Lost Ark when Indiana Jones is running through the jungle to his waiting pontoon plane, being chased by local natives, scrambling across the beach yelling “Start the plane! Start the plane!”, swinging on a vine and landing in the lagoon, swimming up to the pontoon and grabbing hold while the plane starts off down it’s watery runway for takeoff as spears and arrows land all around.

I get a similar emotion when I think of the Blackhawk Down situation in Mogadishu.

And I am starting to get the feeling that the situation in Iraq will be the same now that the Democrats are taking over.

It may not be politically correct, but I hope the US takes advice from John Robson.

What would Caesar do in Iraq? I ask not only because it was in that region that Julius Caesar came, saw and conquered. I ask because Imperial Romans habitually thought clearly and acted decisively on geopolitical questions.

As democratic politicians too often do the opposite, let me offer a simple, Caesarean solution to cut through the trouble and deliver Western security interests alive and well.

My plan A that won’t happen is the coalition troops grab their stuff and leave … through Syria. About 200,000 heavily armed, highly trained, really annoyed U. S. and other coalition troops stomp Bashir Assad’s regime flat, hang a left through Lebanon to demolish Hezbollah, then sail home from Haifa waving a sign saying: “Don’t make us come back and do that again.” I call this plan Caesarean because it’s the sort of thing Imperial Rome would have done to extricate itself from Iraq while inspiring salutary caution in its enemies, especially following the provocative assassination of Pierre Gemayel in Lebanon. But you know it’s not going to happen and you know why.

Far from being the ogre of Michael Moore’s fantasies, the U. S. lacks even the hard-headed sang-froid of imperial Britain, let alone Rome.

To expand Robson’s point, I think the Democrats lack the sang-froid of Scooby Doo and Shaggy when their box is out of Scooby Snacks.

Robson goes on with a plan B that makes a lot of sense to me.

…devise a Plan B that could happen. Namely that the U. S partitions Iraq into Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite countries and leaves at least the latter two.

This plan is also Caesarean, and not just because Iraq est omnis divisa in partes tres. Yes, I realize it would require some people to relocate, but moving beats dying in a bloody civil war. Meanwhile my proposal has three decisive geopolitical virtues for the coalition (beyond the PR plus that if sectarian violence persists it will be clear who’s to blame).

First, whatever the various domestic and foreign insurgents in Iraq want, it clearly isn’t partition. Second, once done it would be extremely hard to undo. Third, it lets the coalition depart without fleeing, leaving in splendid Roman fashion at least one client state very keen on U. S. support.

John Robson writes for the Ottawa Citizen and can be heard every Friday morning with Steve Madely on CFRA between 8am and 9am. He also has a new book out that Mark Steyn has given a strong endorsement for.

And The Arar CopyCats Have Started Cropping Up

This morning I heard that there is now a case of a man who claims Canada played a part in his human rights abuse.

He came to Canada as a refugee and Canada refused him and deported him back to Egypt where he was, allegedly, beaten and tortured.

CTV News has now obtained photographs and videotape, allegedly of the same man, which show fresh injuries on his back. They appear to be burns and welts, which he claims were inflicted by Egyptian authorities. He alleges that, since he was sent back, two security officers from Egypt’s State Security Investigations (SSI) have detained, interrogated and threatened him several times. He also claims he was shocked with electricity, doused with water and beaten.

CTV News has also obtained an audiotape recording, which his supporters said is the man pleading for help.

“I feel very afraid. Very afraid. Save me please. They tortured me. They tortured me a lot all over my back,” the man on the tape said. “They told me, we decorated your back like your Jesus. All my body was shaking. I could not control myself.”

“They were laughing. They were laughing. Let your Jesus come to save you.” The man broke down in tears. “Please, I beg you, I beg you save me, save me. Save my life.”

I feel for anyone who is tortured. I hope that whoever did the actual torture should rot in hell. But I am NOT willing to let Canada take responsibility for this.

How much do you want to bet a lawsuit as big as Maher Arar’s is in the works? Remember, Arar is suing for $300 to $400 Million dollars.


Arar Chronicles from CitizenSo I got up this morning and flipped open the big 24 page Arar section in my Sunday edition of the Ottawa Citizen. For some reason, it just didn’t have quite as much information for me and the text just wasn’t cutting it for my audio/visual personality. (image is from actual Ottawa Citizen website)

This drove me to flip on the boobtube and I caught a couple of hours of CTV-Ararnet. For those of you not on digital cable … you lose!! But for some reason, they missed some of the choice audio clips that I was really looking forward to hearing today. (I read about them on Dear Arar, the syndicated advice column designed for people who missed out on past Arar events.)

So I proceeded to turn on my Sirius digital satellite radio to listen to the 24/7 Arar call in talk radio show called Arar You Sirius? and dialled in a few times to try to ask about these hidden audio gems. No dice. The lines were packed with angry callers from Damascus demanding photos of his Syrian passport.

So, I just did the same old, same old and visited the hoping one of the Arararrazzi caught some good cellular phone video footage that they uploaded. Now and then I find some really awesome audio to go along with the video.

Barring this, I will just have to catch that Gemini winning, CBC reality show Terror Error – The Maher Arar Affair. Season 5 is available on DVD in time for Christmas. (nudge nudge wink wink to my wife)

Liberals Misinterpret Anti-Israeli For Anti-Jew … There IS A Difference

Late last week Prime Minister Harper made a comment that virtually all the Liberal leadership candidates are anti-Israeli.

In the ensuing days, the same candidates are all defensive about the comment. And in EVERY defence I heard, the candidate in question made allusions to the Jewish religion and how the comment was blatantly false. But was it??

I have some news for the Liberals out there. Israel may have been formed as a homeland for the Jews, but it is also a holy place for people of Christian and Muslim faith. Jerusalem is a holy city to all three religions. Christ was born in Bethlehem.

So when the PM makes a statement that the Liberals are anti-Israel, it should not be misinterpreted by anyone as anti-Jew. To do so would just insult those of us who know that the two are different. It is in fact a statement against a nation, not a religion. And for people like Bob Rae to play the sympathy card is simply wrong.

If you don’t believe me, try reading more about the differences at Jews Against Zionism.

Could The $100 Bills Being Found In Lebanon Be Legitimate?

Michelle Malkin has a few links to some website that are noting the quantity of US $100 bills showing up all over Lebanon. Speculation is that this money is counterfeit.

This also reminds me of Tim, a CIA intelligence officer that was buying up information from Iraqi militants on the locations of various Iraqi leaders during the recent Iraq war. Tim was a fake name used by Bob Woodward in his book on the Iraq war.
Below is a funny excerpt from Bob Woodward’s book Plan of Attack:

So rare, so mind-blowing were Tim’s informants that the CIA gave them the crypt or secret designation DB/ROCKSTARS. (DB was the designator for Iraq.) Tim was now paying the two brothers $1 million a month for ROCKSTAR intelligence. The brothers seemed to spend the money in about six days, so tim would offer several hundred thousand more if they provided really good intelligence.

Swimming in a sea of $100 bills, the ROCKSTARS were buying up weapons on the black market that the PUK was also trying to buy.

Tim was also doling out millions to the PUK to keep them happy and for the intelligence and security they provided. One day the PUK leader, Jalal Talabani, came to see him.

“Tim, I will need if you can bring me ones and fives and tens because now everything in Sulaymaniyah costs $100.” The $100 bills had caused extreme inflation. It seemed even a cup of coffee was going for $100 because no one could make small change.

At those prices, forget Kandahar, I say we open up a Tim Horton’s in Sulaymaniyah!!

Hezbollah On Streets In Calgary

Guns … on yellow flags … in our streets …

We’re not making this up.

Click Here If You Can’t See The Player Above

What I hope is that CSIS and/or the RCMP use the fact that someone is draped in a terrorist flag for grounds to get search warrants, wiretap warrants, internet tap warrants, ingoing and outgoing mail interception warrants and use whatever they find to toss these terrorist supporters in jail permanently.

Carrying the flag of a foreign nation like Lebanon is wonderful. I am all for people rallying peacefully with Lebanese flags. But when the flag of a terrorist group comes out like this, it is time to draw a line.

This has me so upset, I am changing my poll question to reflect this subject.

H/T to Let Freedom Reign via Dust My Broom