Arar Chronicles from CitizenSo I got up this morning and flipped open the big 24 page Arar section in my Sunday edition of the Ottawa Citizen. For some reason, it just didn’t have quite as much information for me and the text just wasn’t cutting it for my audio/visual personality. (image is from actual Ottawa Citizen website)

This drove me to flip on the boobtube and I caught a couple of hours of CTV-Ararnet. For those of you not on digital cable … you lose!! But for some reason, they missed some of the choice audio clips that I was really looking forward to hearing today. (I read about them on Dear Arar, the syndicated advice column designed for people who missed out on past Arar events.)

So I proceeded to turn on my Sirius digital satellite radio to listen to the 24/7 Arar call in talk radio show called Arar You Sirius? and dialled in a few times to try to ask about these hidden audio gems. No dice. The lines were packed with angry callers from Damascus demanding photos of his Syrian passport.

So, I just did the same old, same old and visited the hoping one of the Arararrazzi caught some good cellular phone video footage that they uploaded. Now and then I find some really awesome audio to go along with the video.

Barring this, I will just have to catch that Gemini winning, CBC reality show Terror Error – The Maher Arar Affair. Season 5 is available on DVD in time for Christmas. (nudge nudge wink wink to my wife)


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    December 17, 2006 at 7:20 am

    I both fear and welcome the day when Arrarofacism rears its ugly head. I fear that innocent people will suffer the consequences and welcome the reply of the “compassionate” left wingnuts. However, I am sure they will be quick to remind everyone it was the Conservatives who apologized to Arrar.

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    December 17, 2006 at 12:16 pm

    Thanks for the chuckle, I needed it!

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    December 17, 2006 at 2:33 pm

    Great post. Does anyone know definitively whether Arar was travelling on his Syrian or his Canadian passport? I can not seem to find this information any where.

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    December 18, 2006 at 3:18 am

    The time is …around 1:30am and I’ve just spent 15 minutes watching Newsnet. Nothing on Arar. I was however treated to 10 minutes on why Stephen Harper is the Canadian Person of the Year.

    Arar is a legitimate issue (especially given the recent American announcement that is likely a ploy for the Americans to have a bargining chip). Stephen Harper being the Time Canadian “Person of the Year” – not so much.

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    December 18, 2006 at 4:29 pm

    can anyone tell me why the Canadian rep at the UN isn’t banging his desk with his shoe and screaming at the Syrians for torture ??

    gawd if he’d been sent to gitmo the international lefty moonbat brigades and every human rights NGO would be over the story like stink on shit.

    But if Syria tortures somebody, they get a free pass >>

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