Could The $100 Bills Being Found In Lebanon Be Legitimate?

Michelle Malkin has a few links to some website that are noting the quantity of US $100 bills showing up all over Lebanon. Speculation is that this money is counterfeit.

This also reminds me of Tim, a CIA intelligence officer that was buying up information from Iraqi militants on the locations of various Iraqi leaders during the recent Iraq war. Tim was a fake name used by Bob Woodward in his book on the Iraq war.
Below is a funny excerpt from Bob Woodward’s book Plan of Attack:

So rare, so mind-blowing were Tim’s informants that the CIA gave them the crypt or secret designation DB/ROCKSTARS. (DB was the designator for Iraq.) Tim was now paying the two brothers $1 million a month for ROCKSTAR intelligence. The brothers seemed to spend the money in about six days, so tim would offer several hundred thousand more if they provided really good intelligence.

Swimming in a sea of $100 bills, the ROCKSTARS were buying up weapons on the black market that the PUK was also trying to buy.

Tim was also doling out millions to the PUK to keep them happy and for the intelligence and security they provided. One day the PUK leader, Jalal Talabani, came to see him.

“Tim, I will need if you can bring me ones and fives and tens because now everything in Sulaymaniyah costs $100.” The $100 bills had caused extreme inflation. It seemed even a cup of coffee was going for $100 because no one could make small change.

At those prices, forget Kandahar, I say we open up a Tim Horton’s in Sulaymaniyah!!