All Good Videos Must Come To An End

I just arrived home to find a note in my email box from YouTube telling me that the Dan Matheson vs. Dan McTeague video that I had on my YouTube channel (via CTV Newsnet) was removed due to a third party complaint regarding it infringing on copyright. The third party was Holland and Hart LLC, a law firm out of the western US states.

I have no clue why an American law firm would complain about a Canadian blogger/YouTube video post unless it is either a) a firm helping protect YouTube or b) a firm tied to some Canadian entity that must dislike my blog.

In light of this, I am encouraging you all to go to my YouTube channel and view any of my video posts now because I will be removing many of them over the long weekend. i.e. consider now to Sunday your Last Chance Viewing!!

When all is said and done, I will only have my Red Friday videos.

If any lawyers out there would care to defend me leaving these videos up there (for free) please email me. Otherwise, enjoy them while they last.

Dear Member:

This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Holland & Hart LLP claiming that this material is infringing:

Dan The Man Matheson Rocks:

Movie Entertainment Magazine Goes Political

In the October issue of Movie Entertainment, the magazine sent to pay TV subscribers, Gordon McCall gets all political about the Conservative plan to cut funding to the Canada Council for the Arts.

In true spirit of the Brothers Grimm, and in his apparent quest to make us all things American, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s minority government seems prepared to put an end to the Maple Leaf model of government funding for the performaing arts.

Maple Leaf model?? More like socialist model. Where do you get off with such preposterous rubbish? The American model is truly successful because a) they have big name talent b) they let the market dictate what is successful and what is not and c) they don’t suck money out of government programs to make dog movies.

These folks wonk around in their tuxedos on tax payer dollars like it was theirs to spend. Why don’t they take some pride in their work and put out a movie that is entertaining. Or even better, why not learn to market a movie that actually may have some legs instead of pumping out ridiculous junk with the millions in funding that the Liberals were going to give them?

Professional theatres are dependent on the small current government subsidy to, in some cases, simply stay afloat and, in others, to keep ticket prices in line with audience expectations.”

What the heck is that? $50 Million isn’t enough for you? Did you ever think that if ticket prices were at a level equal to the value of what the theatre was showing that the market would dictate whether or not the show should go on?? If enough flops start showing up then the person selecting plays or movies for that theatre doesn’t DESERVE to get paid. Like the real world, they should get fired. What gives you the right to keep asking for more money to keep opening more theatres so that more and more Canadians can be dependent on tax dollars for a living? Get stuffed.

You know Canada’s entertainment business would die without sucking money out of the public coffers. And why is that Mr. McCall? Is it because most of the movies made in Canada are crap that would never have seen the light of day were it not for the money you leech off of people with real jobs that are productive to society?

Why don’t you take a page out of the book of good solid comedic TV like Corner Gas. The advertisers pay more for that one because it is a solid winner. It deserves to make money and be successful because it’s good. Not because it’s supported by a socialist attitude.

So when you get on your political soapbox to get the average “sitting at home on the sofa” citizen to listen to you mangle the Prime Minister for saving our tax dollars, think about all the people who’s taxes paid for that tuxedo you sport at the film festivals and how most of them don’t even own a tux.

Office Of The Auditor General Fumbles The Ball With Enviromental Report

I have often posted about the Kyoto Protocol and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions on my blog but never have I been as outraged and upset as I am this morning.

I have been reviewing the Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development and I am shocked that the Office of the Auditor General would release such a report with it’s partial information.

Imagine you eating a pizza everyday. Imagine a report on weight loss providing the breakdown of content of ONE SINGLE slice of pepperoni. Imagine a report on weight loss providing information on what the caloric breakdown of pepperoni was. And then imagine that same report recommending how changing ONE SLICE of pepperoni could help you reduce weight without addressing the caloric aspects of cheese, crust, sausage, mushrooms, green peppers and maybe even anchovies.

Believe it or not, this is what the report does with respect to GHG emissions.

The report provides great information about

a) the breakdown of GHGs released by developed countries, and
b) the breakdown of where Canada’s man made GHGs are produced by sector.

But without correlating this to the total amount of GHGs in the atmosphere and what percentage our man made ones are of this total amount, the report is useless. Again the fact that simple water vapour makes up 99% of the earths GHGs is ignored.

This is simply gross negligence and for the OAG to ask Canadians to act on this is gross misconduct. I am just disgusted that the report ignores the fact that our nation produces less than 1/100th of 1% of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

So when someone tells you the earth is warming because of man made GHG emissions, tell them to stick water vapour in their pipes and smoke it.

PM Harper Faces Down The Francophonie Nations And Wins

The story below just blows me away with pride. Our Prime Minister has clearly shown Canada that he is a leader. Today he showed the world.

Members of the Francophonie summit have agreed to a compromise on a contentious resolution after Prime Minister Stephen Harper blocked the original proposal.

The original wording of the resolution recognized Lebanon’s suffering in this summer’s 34-day conflict, but not Israel’s.

Harper took a strong stance against the Egyptian-proposed resolution which most of the 72 members supported. He urged the organization to recognize the suffering of both nations.

After returning to the conference table to hammer out the wording of the resolution, the French-speaking states eventually agreed unanimously to support a compromise that called for the end of hostilities and a return to calm.

“They spent much of the afternoon at the conference table re-drafting a resolution with the wording Harper wanted,” said CTV’s Rosemary Thompson reporting from the summit.

H/T to PoliticalStaples

Caribou Boo By The NDP

I think Ann Coulter is rubbing off on me. While reading one of her books I distinctly remember that the caribou populations in Alaska were growing dramatically and that they frolic next to the oil pipelines and that the warmth from the pipelines may actually make them frisky.

So while watching my recording of Question Period today, hearing Dennis Bevington, NDP MP from the Northwest Territories state that the caribou is a way of life to the north and that their way of life is disappearing.

I think what Mr. Bevington really dislikes is the fact that big oil brings big money and jobs and a cash based economy to his riding. This is a major threat to him since there is no way for the government to tax caribou. Once northerners start making money and getting taxed, they may not be so apt to vote NDP.

Keep lying to your constituents and the rest of Canada Mr. Bevington. Some of out here know the truth about the caribou.

If you can’t see the video by clicking once on the image above, try clicking on the link below.

12 Step Program For Socialists

When I realized that socialism was destroying our nation, I was curious how other destructive actions were handled and how people went about fixing these problems before it was too late. Then it hit me. Our nation’s left needs a 12 step program. So below is my small part towards ensuring socialism doesn’t take over our great nation. It is modelled after the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step program.

1. We admitted we were powerless over Socialism–that our lives had become unmanageable.

To admit that there are many factors that drew you to Socialism and to realize that it wasn’t your fault is something that must be accepted. Socialism is a devious and attractive thing. Few humans can resist the temptation to give all we have to a cause that shows starving children, bloodies harp seals, battered wives etc. over and over again. We are only human and our heartstrings can easily be pulled by this monster.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

There is a greater power that can bring sanity back to the confused socialist. This greater power is called Logic. Logic is something that is exhibited by conservative minded people who do not simply WANT the world to be a better place, but they actually can use Logic to help MAKE it a better place. The road to Socialism is paved with good intentions.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Logic, as we understood it.

Once you succumb to Logic and let it guide you, your actions will steer you away from socialism and towards a more sensible way of life.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

This is a tough one. We need to really look beyond the socialist traps like universal daycare, and universal healthcare, and realize that many socialist programs that are called “universal” are not truly universal. They are usually make work programs which is the socialist way of redistributing wealth. Tax the hard working citizens that are PRODUCTIVE TO THE NATION and redistribute that wealth to agencies and organizations that hire people who are unwilling to be “productive”. These agencies are leeches. They tear down the urge of “productive” people to make a better living. As more agencies form and the productive people hit their limits, the tax rate must rise to help redistribute the wealth. Eventually the tax rate will hit a critical point we call 100%. This is where a nation reaches pure communism. (A nirvana for Socialists).

5. Admitted to Logic, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

This is not hard. You can go join the local Conservative party EDA and just tell the person you speak to that you were a socialist but that you want to correct the error of your ways and join the party. They can help you.

6. We’re entirely ready to have Logic remove all these defects of character.

This one is easy. Once Logic comes into our lives, the defects of character which rear their ugly heads due to Socialism tend to whither by the roadside.

7. Humbly asked Logic to remove our shortcomings.

If Logic doesn’ answer your request, you can always find an island of sanity with the Lowell Green show on (Monday to Friday 9am to noon), or you can try Jeff Allen on .

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

The list starts with stay at home moms. It includes every Canadian working for a private corporation. It includes everyone who has waited over a month for an MRI. It includes countless people who have had chiropractic or physiotherapy aid cut. It includes every child who has had mom, dad, grandma, a neighbour, etc watch them during the day. It includes every Canadian who has suffered wrongly at the hand of any criminal who is reoffending due to a lax criminal justice system. The list goes on and on and on.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Where to start? The list from number 8 is a good place. Warning, this one may take awhile.

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

Again, Logic can help guide the socialist in this regard.

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with Logic, as we understood It, praying only for knowledge of Its’ will for us and the power to carry that out.

We are starting to realize self-actualization by this point. It isn’t hard. Just believe that you can reach for and accomplish more than to work in a socialist job that provides minimal help while getting paid by tax dollars.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other socialists, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

You can help with step 12 by clicking the “Email This Post” button and sending this to a friend who is a socialist.

Smackdown – Bill Graham Caught Off Guard

After 13 years of listening to Liberals twist and turn while answering questions in Question Period, I am really enjoying watching the Conservatives square off and answer questions with real answers. I think some Liberals are also surprised that the Conservatives aren’t squriming like Chretien or Martin did.

A couple of days ago I caught this clip of Liberal leader Bill Graham humming and hawing in confusion after he gets a straight answer from the Prime Minister that he obviously was not expecting. Graham’s expression is simply priceless.

If the above video does not appear for you, try clicking the link below.

Liberal Vixens

If you go to google’s online translator and plug in the word “Volpe” and have it translate from Italian to English, it spits out the word “Vixen”.

If you then go to and plug in the word “Vixen” you get the definition:

1. a female fox.
2. an ill-tempered or quarrelsome woman.

Considering Joe is fighting on despite having signed up dead people and having taken donations from teenagers, we know he is quarrelsome. Considering he is a wiley politician who decided to play the ethnicity card by screaming “It’s because I am Italian” when he got caught signing up the dead people, I would consider him as sly as a fox.

In other news, on Mike Duffy Live tonight Belinda Stronach politicianed her way around the question on whether or not she and Tie Domi are/were having an affair that ruined his marriage. She made a point to comment that the allegations were exactly that, but then she said it would not be prudent for her to comment on a case that was before the courts. (meaning Tie Domi’s divorce battle with his wife).

All I can say is that if Stronach had not had an affair, she would most certainly have been denying it.

Belinda seems to be more of a vixen than Volpe!

March For Freedom In Caledonia

When is a protest not a protest? When the Liberal government aims to shut it down via an injunction, despite the right to peaceful protest being guaranteed by our Charter.

The Ontario Provincial Police has apparently chosen a side of the fence that allows natives to protest by hijacking a housing development in Caledonia, protest by burning down a bridge without repurcussions, protest by harassing local residents who point cameras at them, protest by beating up news crews without penalty, yet when the non natives plan a peaceful march/rally in protest of the natives squatting on the disputed land, they seek an injunction to block the protest.

How two faced is this?

Apparently they have also asked local media to not support the march. SOOOoooooo…….I think if you live within a one or two hour drive of Caledonia and are not happy with the way the government is handling this particular legal morash of a land claim, you should head on down to Caledonia, help out the local shop owners by buying some local goods, food, perhaps stay in a local hotel for the night, and take part in the march for freedom.

Federal Tories To Pay Down Debt By 13.2 Billion!!

What is debt? It’s money that our government owes. And to whom does the government owe this money to? Well to be honest, about 3/4’s of it is owed to Canadian Citizens. This is owed via Canada Savings Bonds, T-Bills or other financial vehicles. This means that about a quarter of the debt is owed to foreign entities and investors.

So when the debt is paid down, the government is giving us double the bonus.

1) They are paying back debt owed directly to citizen’s

2) They are reducing the amount of interest we pay to service the debt.

This 13.2 Billion paydown at a modest 4% interest rate means that our interest will drop by about a half billion a year. That means 500 Million more dollars to put towards social programs, tax cuts, new equipment for the military or paying down the debt even further next year, etc. Whatever the government decides to do, the bottom line is that this payment of the surplus directly to the debt will make each yar better and better for Canadians.

I just have to say “Bravo!!”