Liberals Misinterpret Anti-Israeli For Anti-Jew … There IS A Difference

Late last week Prime Minister Harper made a comment that virtually all the Liberal leadership candidates are anti-Israeli.

In the ensuing days, the same candidates are all defensive about the comment. And in EVERY defence I heard, the candidate in question made allusions to the Jewish religion and how the comment was blatantly false. But was it??

I have some news for the Liberals out there. Israel may have been formed as a homeland for the Jews, but it is also a holy place for people of Christian and Muslim faith. Jerusalem is a holy city to all three religions. Christ was born in Bethlehem.

So when the PM makes a statement that the Liberals are anti-Israel, it should not be misinterpreted by anyone as anti-Jew. To do so would just insult those of us who know that the two are different. It is in fact a statement against a nation, not a religion. And for people like Bob Rae to play the sympathy card is simply wrong.

If you don’t believe me, try reading more about the differences at Jews Against Zionism.

Ottawa Light Rapid Taxpit … errr … I mean Transit

A couple of weeks ago, I was down in San Jose for a couple of days for work and I managed to snap a couple of cell phone photos of the LRT system used. This is similar to the system that is planned for the city of Ottawa. It is based on electricity with train like street cars that get their juice from the overhanging wires. Like we had last century.
Let’s take a look at the San Jose LRT and see what we can expect from our system.

San Jose LRT 1

Notice the overhead wires?? How lovely for our city to have such nice wires strung across our view of the lovely blue sky.

Can’t see them? Look at the picture below. They are much nicer. Think of how many kites our city will be able to catch and resell at a profit!!
San Jose LRT 3

See how they contrast so nicely on the blue? It will give our eyes something joyful to focus on. Who would want to stare at that lovely blue sky all by its’ lonesome anyway.

Oh, and in case you just can’t get enough, check out this lovely rat’s nest that happens where routes split. We will have lots of these as spurs as the system grows. It’s such a nice pattern. It reminds me of a spider’s web. And our green environmentalista ridership will appreciate the natural artistry of a spiders web won’t they!! And if they can’t appreciate that, they can appreciate the system not using diesel electric trains. Instead they will run on juice provided by the power grid that supplies our homes. We all know how reliable that system is. It means our city of Ottawa will not get those noxious diesel fumes. Instead. we can now slough it off on the area surrounding the coal fired power plants in some other part of the province. How nice of us to have clean air at someone elses expense. Mayor Bob was a genius with regards to this aspect of the plan.
San Jose LRT 2

Below is a picture of one of the stations for posterity. It looks pretty harmless. I also noticed that much of the LRT route in San Jose had lovely trees lining it to try to hide it from the view of the public. But lucky for us in Ottawa, those overhead wires will not have the foliage to hide them with our long winters. Oh joy, oh bliss!! We get to look at the spider’s web of wires!!

San Jose LRT 4

I hope my sarcasm came through in the above info. I am very thankful that Minister Baird is putting conditions on the federal funding for this money pit. The city has apparently overhestimated ridership.

Check this out. The route runs North South. The bulk of traffic is East West and our East West highway is packed during rush hour and the city decides to implement a “no idling” law for people who sit in cars that are not moving. The irony is astounding.

I, for one, am glad that Minister Baird is holding this LRT up for our new city council to decide on. The whole plan was shrouded in secrecy and I have a feeling that cost overruns are going to cost us all a hefty tax increase to compensate for the lack of ridership.

Premier McShifty Shows Two Faces Again

In today’s Toronto Sun, Yellow Bellied McShifty is asking protesters expecting to be at the Caledonia rally this weekend to show up at Queen’s Park instead:

Premier Dalton McGuinty is encouraging the organizers of a controversial Caledonia rally to protest on the front lawn of Queen’s Park rather than on land occupied by Six Nations protesters.

McGuinty is concerned about public safety if this Sunday’s “March for Freedom” rally goes ahead as planned on the disputed land.

So let’s get this straight. When Natives want to protest the lack of response in the land claim settlement they can protest by taking the land in question hostage, destroying roads, burning bridges, beating up citizens and media, tossing cops around and they won’t have a problem with OPP harassing them or stopping them from breaking the law in order to protest.

But when the taxpaying citizens whose tax dollars have purchased the disputed land decide they want to protest at the same site, the Premier asks them to come to Queen’s Park and protest instead. I don’t remember hearing McShifty asking the Natives to come protest at Queen’s Park. Do You?

Liberal double standards at work again.

Hey Dalton….get stuffed.

CTV Jumps On Sexual Innuendo Bandwagon

When it comes to the MSM, I am usually pretty fond of the CTV when comparing them to other choices out there. However, I woke up this morning to watch my recording of the Daily Show/Colbert Report and forgetting to skip through a commercial I noticed one for the new Tina Fey/Alec Baldwin TV show called 30 Rock.

I like Alec Baldwin in straight faced comedic roles, and being Greek, I am also a big fan of Tina Fey and her writing for Saturday Night Live. I have no beef with the show or the actors.

But in the commercial, there is a clip of Alec Baldwin saying:

Five inches … but it’s thick

It is obviously meant to be a wisecrack about the size of the rise in his Levis.

As the commercial was being aired on a late night program, I smiled at the overall commercial and thought that I will probably enjoy this show.

And then they announced the time this show would air.

730pm EST, 10 Central.

730pm? Are they serious? It reminded me of hearing the term “Cleveland Steamer” on The Family Guy, a show no child should be allowed to watch.

What’s going on with TV these days? It seems that sexual innuendo has taken over every single comedy out there.

I’m all for good parenting and I keep a close eye on the TV shows my kids watch, but I just have to say that I am disappointed at the CTV for airing a show with comments like the one above at a pre 8pm time slot. Call me a prude but shows with comments like that shouldn’t be on before 9 or 10pm.

The Pencil Commies Get Bitchslapped In BC – Is Ontario Next?

I took a bit of a beating from the moonbats on my view of forced pencil sharing in public schools, but thanks to Sara from Choice For Childcare, the story about the lawsuit in BC forcing schools to pay for all items related to the curriculum and graduation of students has been resurrected in the Toronto Star today.

The ruling is a welcome one. And while applicable only in B.C., it should serve as a strong reminder to schools, boards and education ministry officials in Ontario that fees have no place in public education.

Officially, Ontario schools cannot charge fees for anything, including basic supplies, that is required for courses under the provincial curriculum.

But after years of budget cuts, many schools appear to be quietly and unofficially skirting the rules. A 2005 study by People for Education, a parent advocacy group, suggested nearly 75 per cent of Ontario’s high schools levied lab and material fees. According to the group, those charges ranged from $5 to $100 and included science supplies, musical instruments, woodworking materials, photocopying and workbooks.

To rectify the situation, Queen’s Park should remind school administrators that fees are not allowed for basic courses or class materials. At the same time, it should ban the practice of levying student activity fees and give schools the funds they need to offer full programs for all without cost.

Wow!! It looks to me like schools in Ontario should provide that box of pencils, not to mention art supplies, that compass for math, and even musical instruments. Considering we rent T-bone’s trombone annually, I am starting to wonder just how much money we are paying directly for our children’s education for items that the school should be providing.

I wonder if Afghani children pay for their pencils?

Follow The Bouncing Moonbat Ball

Follow along now…

1) Canada’s Liberal Government gave China $50 Million a year in humanitarian aid.
2) China in turn has been providing food and aid to starving North Koreans
3) Kim Jong Poofyhead has been starving his people to live a lavish life and develop nuclear weapons
4) North Korea has claimed to have detonated a nuclear bomb
5) Nuclear bombs generate massive amounts of heat and radiation which is brutal for the environment


Every moonbat leftwing nutbar website is criticizing the Tory Clean Air Act and not the North Koreans. If the DPRK is even mentioned it’s to shift the blame somewhere else or to condone the detonation.

Tonight on The Hour, even George Strombolopolous threw out a joke that blamed the CBC for the North Korean nukes. Way to turn a global event into a cute self deprecating joke George. < sarcasm>Nice job.< / sarcasm>

Go figure. I guess to get a lefty to complain about a nuclear bomb going off, it would need to be detonated by George Bush. Although if that happened, you would see thousands of the environmentalistas picketing the US Embassy.

I Think I Hit A Nerve With The Pencil Commentary

I think I must have hit a nerve at Kinchblog and where’d that bug go blogs with my forced pencil sharing commentary. At least jeff at bug agrees with me that school items that are needed for the curriculum should be funded by tax payers.

As I commented on jeff’s blog:

Thanks for agreeing with SOME of my post. I want to clarify that I am all for our education system buying everything until 9th grade. That’s the way it was when I was in school, and I think it should continue.

I don’t like the fact that teachers FORCE the kids to do it. As I mentioned, my daughter does know well enough to share when it’s needed. But it isn’t the teachers place to force it. Sharing comes from the heart, not from a whip.

But thanks for trying to paint me as a tyrant. I’ll remember that (and laugh) when I give to the food bank or donate to the Canadian Cancer Society, or walk door to door with my daughter to raise money for gymnastics equipment for children who can’t afford it as I do yearly.

Did I mention sharing comes from the heart and not from a whip?

I have no clue what changed, but I do know that everything was paid for until I started 9th grade. At that point I remember going with my friends to Grand And Toy and getting our school supplies, binders, paper, etc. It was a big day getting out there on my own to buy supplies. Text books were still supplied by the school at that point and I didn’t have to buy a text until grade 13 (in Ontario) and again in all my post secondary endeavours.

Funny, that when I was in university I gave my old texts back to the school for less fortunate kids instead of selling them.

Ohh….did I mention that sharing comes from the heart and not from a whip??

Liberals Sent Big Bucks To Little China

Rona AmbroseFrom Oral Questions on Tuesday October 3rd. Lucienne Robillard tried to slam the Tory environmental policy when Minister of the Environment, Rona Ambrose dropped these numbers.

Mr. Speaker, I know the Liberals would like to distract us from their record. Let us talk about that record on climate change and their priorities.

The Liberals gave $2 million to the State Power Corporation of China to buy foreign credits. Last week I told the House about the $4.5 million the Liberals gave to Kazakhstan. Yesterday I told the House about the $5 million to the Asian Development Bank. Today I am telling the House about the $2 million to the State Power Corporation of China, all to buy foreign credits.

That could have paid for anti-pollution technology and sewage treatment to protect the health of Canadians. That money should stay here at home.

(emphasis mine)

So not only were they paying OUR Kyoto credits, but we were paying for China’s Kyoto credits too. How nice of us.

Just another example of the Liberals Officially Screwing Canadians while the Tories continue to slam the door on corruption and waste.

Well done Minister Ambrose.

Is Forced Sharing Communism?

Yesterday at the dinner table, my wife was talking to Cookie about pencils. Cookie, my 10 year old daughter, commented that they don’t have their own pencils at school.

This made me perk my ears up a bit to listen closer.

She then proceeded to explain that in her class they have a box where they all put their pencils at the beginning of the year and when you need a pencil, you can just go up and get one from the box.

I distinctly remember pencils being on the school supply list which we, as parents, were asked to supply our children with at the beginning of the year. Now I am all for the school offering up a solution which has every student put ONE pencil into a community box which they can “borrow” from for a day when they forget their own. But for the whole class to lump ALL of their pencils into one community pile which the children draw from is not sharing. It’s communism.

Am I being paranoid? A few years ago, I remember that the kids had “1 Box of Facial Tissues” on their school supply list and the teacher took them all on the first day and kept one box on her desk the whole year for kids who needed them. What happened to parents who either kept their sick kids home or sent them to school with a pocketfull of tissues when they were sick?

I distinctly remember things like pencils and tissues and art supplies being paid for by the school when I was a child. Now we are not only forced to send supplies with our kids, but the school is forcing the children to share. Cookie knows well enough to let a friend borrow a pencil if they forgot one, but this classroom communism is pushing my limits a bit.

Someone tell me I am wrong (with a valid argument please!!)

Travel Propaganda Leans Left

Last Wednesday I took off for San Jose, California on a work excursion. While travelling I began to notice the trend that left leaning MSM propaganda is everywhere.

Over the last three years, I have probably been on about 40 different business trips and stayed in dozens of different hotels. While on all these trips I can conclude the following.

1) The TV station of choice for displaying in American airports is CNN.


2) The newspaper that inevitably sits on my hotel room doorstep each morning is USA Today.

This doesn’t usually irk me until I sat down for my 3 hour layover in Toronto, looked up and saw that the Greater Toronto Airport Authority has partnered up with CBC to propagandize our travellers.

Maybe the fact that I saw as many people on laptops as I did watching the TVs was a good sign of the way things are moving in the world.

If anyone out there knows what is on other Canadian airport monitors, please feel free to comment. Since most of my travel was to the US, I am not as familiar with other Canadian airports outside of the TV in the smoking lounge at the Ottawa airport which was flexible. (I would consistently change the station to CTV newsnet whenever I had a chance)

As an aside, on this trip I got to run into Tim Powers, the Conservative pundit who is on Mike Duffy Live a couple of times a week and on CFRA weekly. I took a few minutes to say hi and let him know I enjoyed watching him spar with the other party pundits.