Smackdown – Chuck Strahl Raps Anita Neville On The Knuckles

When you demand someone sweep the world’s doorstep, you damn well better make sure you have swept your own doorstep.

As Chuck Strahl points out in the video below, Liberal Anita Neville doesn’t own a broom, but she sure has the guts of Dick Tracy to ask what she does.

Click the video below once to start watching.

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Reprint: "Liberal" … "Advertising" … Is Your Spidey Sense Tingling Now Too?

Below is a reprint of a post I put up on July 7th, 2006. I think this is important so that Ontarians realize what kind of government they are dealing with. The term “sponsorship scandal” does not only apply to federal Liberals.

Liberal … Advertising … Is Your Spidey sense Tingling Now Too?

Well it should be.

Steve Janke has done it again. In an incredible excercise of digging up the dirt, he may have just caught that Yellow Bellied McShifty with his pants down.

It is no secret that businesses in Caledonia are suffering because of the land dispute. The provincial government, run by the Liberals under Premier Dalton McGuinty, has offered to help.

In true Liberal fashion, they are offering to help with advertising.

An advertising agency that works in the Hamilton area called Play Advertising was awarded the contract.

The head of the firm is Brian Torsney. His sister is Paddy Torsney, a former Member of Parliament for Burlington for the federal Liberals. Burlington is near Hamilton. From 1985 to 1989, she was a special assistant to David Peterson, at the time the Liberal premier of Ontario.

The same David Peterson who was assigned the task of negotiating on behalf of the province in the Caledonia dispute.


Interesting indeed. I highly urge you all to go read this.

I think we are, once again, getting Officially Screwed by a Liberal and their ad agency friends.

Julian Fantino Taking (Lack Of) Ball(s) And Going Home

In an effort to imitate an 8 year old, new OPP commissioner Julian Fantino is looking to pack up his officers and leave Caledonia because one Caledonia city councilor feels the OPP has created a two-tiered justice system.

Well “Wahhh wahhh wahhh!” to you too Julian.

Fantino’s anger was directed at one councillor in particular, Coun. Craig Grice, over an e-mail he sent to Gary McHale, a controversial Richmond Hill resident who has staged protests in Caledonia against the OPP and Six Nations presence on Douglas Creek Estates.

Grice said he does not support the April 22 march and does not endorse McHale’s actions.

But he does agree with McHale that the OPP has created a “two-tiered” justice system in Caledonia.

“Caledonia citizens are frustrated with the OPP,” he said.

Grow up and address the problem Julian. Running and hiding won’t help matters for you or your boss, the Yellow-Bellied McShifty.

Hey Kashechewan … Get Out Of Dodge!

The residents of Kashechewan do not want to be relocated just outside Timmins as has been recommended. Three times the community has been evacuated with a cost running in the millions, and rebuilding would cost them $500M.

What is a government to do?

There is compassion, but there is also reality. If a commission recommends they should move and they choose to ignore the recommendation, my cold heart says turn the taps off on government funding. I would call it tough love. Tax dollars come at a cost and wasting half a billion on a new town is not acceptable.

I admire the first nations for their desire to stay, but I would admire them more if they chose a path that allowed them to sustain themselves.

The ironic part of this whole choice is that the town is built on a flood plain and the only real answer to rebuilding is to relocate to a different location off the floodplain. If they are going to relocate anyway, it would just make sense to relocate near an existing urban area like Timmins. They would have access to far more benefits like good health care, clean water, a decent school system, abundant jobs, etc. The effect would be noticeable on the suicide rate alone.

No one ever wants to move. It’s a hard choice to pick up and change everything about your life. But sometimes a major change creates a new attitude in a community. Sometimes it gives a fresh start, a rebirth of sorts.

Give your children a chance. Get out of Dodge.

Only Five Days Left To Make A Difference

I didn’t see Christina Blizzard’s original column on this back in December, but the Ontario Lt. Governor, the Honourable James K. Bartleman is asking Ontario residents to donate children’s and young adult books for the native communities in Northern Ontario, Yukon, Nunavut and northern Quebec. The empty library shelves and 3rd world literacy rates in some areas can really use a boost from those of us who have better opportunities and well stocked libraries.

The drive ends January 31st, but you can drop off new and gently used books at any OPP or Toronto Police Services detachment in Ontario.

With the support and assistance of the Canadian Forces, other voluntary organizations, and shipping companies, these books will be shipped and distributed to aboriginal communities.

It sounds like a great cause to me. Time to raid the kids bookshelves!!

H/T to my friend Sandy

ADDENDUM: I want to commend my children because I mentioned this cause to them and T-Bone pulled out over 40 books by R.L. Stein’s Goosebumps series and told me that he loved these books and figured someone else may love them as much. Cookie dug through books she has had sitting on her shelf since she started reading so there were books ranging from Bugs Bunny learn to read books all the way up to some Judy Blume and various Lizzy McGuire and Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen books she has gone through.

As a dad, I am proud that a) my kids appreciate how important reading is and b) how compassionate they were in giving them up.

I took the three bagfuls over to the Teron Rd. OPP dispatch here in Kanata and was pleased to see dozens of bags and several boxes of books waiting to be picked up.

Bob Runciman Rips Yellow Bellied McShifty A New One

I really don’t have much to add other than to put a few words down from Bob Runciman’s article in today’s National Post.

Public sources and documents show the Six Nations council agreed to surrender the land on Jan. 18, 1841, on the agreement the government would sell it and invest the money for them. On May 15, 1848, the land currently occupied was sold to George Ryckman, and a crown deed was issued to him. The same land was purchased by Henco Industries in 1992 and registered on title in July, 2005.

Apart from buying the occupied land for $22-million, the McGuinty Liberals are also paying the hydro and water bills for the occupiers. When asked about the costs of the occupation, Mr. Ramsay [David Ramsay, Mr. McGuinty’s Aboriginal Affairs Minister] declared, “It’ll cost what it costs.” That’s the kind of approach to fiscal responsibility that the McGuinty Liberals believe someone else should now pay for.

Under our Constitution, the administration of justice is clearly a provincial responsibility. Dalton McGuinty’s approach to fulfilling this responsibility has been to handcuff the Ontario Provincial Police by encouraging what could be construed as “hands-off” policing in Caledonia — thereby damaging the once-stellar reputation of the OPP.

And now, Dalton McGuinty wants Stephen Harper to foot the bill for policing in Caledonia, the $22-million cost of the land, the $1.5-million compensation package for local businesses and who knows what else. Perhaps Dalton McGuinty will add the cost of compensation promised to local homeowners on June 16 of this year, or better yet, he will ask Stephen Harper to keep this promise for him — since Mr. McGuinty’s record in the promise-keeping department leaves too much to be desired.


Hey, Dalton! Do you need to use twice as much toilet paper now?

H/T to Jack’s Newswatch

Yellow Belly McShifty Hides Behind Federal Skirts

Today I am appauled appalled. I am disgusted. I am angry. I am upset.

Dalton Yellow Bellied McShifty is passing the Caledonia buck to the feds. DustMyBroom has the whole scoop and I wouldn’t do this justice other than to say that this shows poor judgement, poor leadership and poor representation on behalf of the citizens of Ontario by Mr. McGuinty.

An ongoing aboriginal occupation in southern Ontario has worn out the patience of the province’s taxpayers, Premier Dalton McGuinty says — and he’s urging Ottawa to pick up its fair share of the cost and settle the eight-month dispute with Six Nations protesters.

Although McGuinty has consistently called for patience in the aboriginal standoff in Caledonia, south of Hamilton, his own forbearance appeared at an end as he reminded the Conservatives in Ottawa that aboriginal land claims are a federal responsibility.

“It is costing the people of Ontario a lot of money,” McGuinty said after a weekend speech in Niagara Falls.

“We intend to claim for compensation from the federal government and we would encourage the federal government to fully assume its proper responsibility and begin to bring some real vigour to the negotiations and to bring them to some conclusion.”

Go Read It All!!!

ADDENDUM:I added the words “by Mr. McGuinty” to the second paragraph to clarify that it is his actions I am disgusted with. The way it read before may have been misconstrued as me being disgusted with Lisa’s post at DustMyBroom, which is not the case. DustMyBroom is a GREAT blog I urge you all to bookmark and read regularly.

Premier McShifty Shows Two Faces Again

In today’s Toronto Sun, Yellow Bellied McShifty is asking protesters expecting to be at the Caledonia rally this weekend to show up at Queen’s Park instead:

Premier Dalton McGuinty is encouraging the organizers of a controversial Caledonia rally to protest on the front lawn of Queen’s Park rather than on land occupied by Six Nations protesters.

McGuinty is concerned about public safety if this Sunday’s “March for Freedom” rally goes ahead as planned on the disputed land.

So let’s get this straight. When Natives want to protest the lack of response in the land claim settlement they can protest by taking the land in question hostage, destroying roads, burning bridges, beating up citizens and media, tossing cops around and they won’t have a problem with OPP harassing them or stopping them from breaking the law in order to protest.

But when the taxpaying citizens whose tax dollars have purchased the disputed land decide they want to protest at the same site, the Premier asks them to come to Queen’s Park and protest instead. I don’t remember hearing McShifty asking the Natives to come protest at Queen’s Park. Do You?

Liberal double standards at work again.

Hey Dalton….get stuffed.

March For Freedom In Caledonia

When is a protest not a protest? When the Liberal government aims to shut it down via an injunction, despite the right to peaceful protest being guaranteed by our Charter.

The Ontario Provincial Police has apparently chosen a side of the fence that allows natives to protest by hijacking a housing development in Caledonia, protest by burning down a bridge without repurcussions, protest by harassing local residents who point cameras at them, protest by beating up news crews without penalty, yet when the non natives plan a peaceful march/rally in protest of the natives squatting on the disputed land, they seek an injunction to block the protest.

How two faced is this?

Apparently they have also asked local media to not support the march. SOOOoooooo…….I think if you live within a one or two hour drive of Caledonia and are not happy with the way the government is handling this particular legal morash of a land claim, you should head on down to Caledonia, help out the local shop owners by buying some local goods, food, perhaps stay in a local hotel for the night, and take part in the march for freedom.