Cabinet Shuffle Rumours Abound

Well the skinny from David Akin is….

Environment Minister Rona Ambrose to Intergovermental Affairs
Treasury Board President John Baird to Environment Minister
Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice to Treasury Board President
Peter Van Loan to Indian Affairs

Other possibilities are
Gerry Ritz to new junior position called Secretary of State for Tourism
James Moore to pull Olympic portfolio from the mishmash David Emerson holds
Jason Kenney and Diane Albonczy to possibly get new senior positions.

Possible split of Bev Oda’s portfolio to create a new spot.

Other long shot rumours have LIBERAL Wajid Khan crossing the floor, possibly to a parliamentary secretary position after his appointment by Harper to help in a study of the Middle East dynamics.

Another rumour has Vic Toews moving to Immigration. Where current Immigration Minister Monte Solberg would go is not known.

My Predictions

I personally like the Baird, Prentice and Van Loan moves, and could live with the Ambrose move to Intergovernmental Affairs, but I think Alonczy might snatch that one and Ambrose or Helena Guergis might step in and grab the Status for Women spot from Bev Oda.

Project Polygamy – Phase Two Complete

Phase One was getting same sex marriage allowed.

They said it would never come to pass, but Phase Two is here and a child is now allowed to have “two mothers and a father” as indicated in articles at both the CTV and the Globe and Mail.

An Ontario boy can legally have two mothers and a father, the province’s highest court ruled Tuesday.

The same-sex partner of the child’s biological mother went to court seeking to also be declared a mother of the boy.

The first stage took on the definition of parents. This second phase leverages a same sex marriage into changing the NUMBER of parents a child can have.

I can guarantee you Phase Three will have a same sex couple living with the father listed as a common law couple of co-habitating for over a year.

Canada is on the verge of becoming a nation that allows polygamy. Below is a map indicating (in green) which nations allow polygamy. Click the image to view a larger version.

H/T to 905Tory and HallsOfMacadamia

CBC's Air Farce – A Truly Biased Farce Of A Network

On New Year’s Eve I recorded the CBC Air Farce special entitled 2006 The Year of the Farce and took a leisurely look at it the following day. Holy Biased Humour Batman!!

I watch Air Farce and have for years but I don’t think I have ever seen them this lopsided in their humour. I can understand a few extra ribs at the party in power but this New Year’s Eve 60 minute special was ridiculously slanted.

By my rough count the ratio of jokes poking fun at the four parties was as follows:

Conservatives were made fun of about 25 times
Liberals were made fun of about 4 times
Dippers were made fun of once or twice
BQ were not made fun of at all

Is this what politically incorrect humour has become? Of those 25 or so jibes, 20 of them were aimed at Stephen Harper with 3 (and possibly 4) attempting to tie him to George Bush, 2 aimed at his weight, 3 or 4 aimed at painting him as anti-gay, and even one pro-life comment which floored me because never have I heard Stephen Harper make any pro-life remark.

Again, I want to emphasize, I usually laugh along with Air Farce. But this blatant slanting against the current Tory government is simply not a fair indication of politics in Canada. In a year when the Dippers had a policy convention and the Liberals had a leadership convention, there had to be some prime targets for humour that simply did not appear in the show.

What gets my goat the most is that even in two attempts to start ribbing Dion and Layton, the humour gets twisted and both times Harper ends up taking the punchline on the chin.

I really think the CBC ought to readdress the inequality in their political humour.

To view a 10 minute assessment, click the video below once:

If you cannot see the above video, try clicking the link below.

ADDENDUMGerry makes a great comment below. I, myself, have commented to the Air Farce crew how disappointed I was at their biased New Year’s Eve special and encourage you to do the same by clicking this link.

Merry Christmas

I wanted to drop a quick post on here before Santa shows up. I know that many of you will be loitering around your computers tomorrow so don’t be shy and tell us what Santa brought you in between opening gifts, services, Christmas dinner and family time.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Beer And Popcorn Approach To The Environment

John Duffy, the Liberal known for supporting the “beer and popcorn” quote has put his name behind a website called one of the founders. The website was initiated as a forum to 1) Focus on the Climate Crisis, 2) Use the Liberal Party as a vehicle, and 3) Organize via the web. Ironically, they refuse to scientifically argue the Climate Crisis, and as you will read below, the website seems to be going nowhere fast. But aren’t Liberals glad they have such a well organized group preparing to dip into envirodollars one day?

The site is clearly a failing prospect. To quote one of their recent commenters:

Slick appearance and over-the-top promotion aside, this website is a dud — from its patronizing, self-congratulatory home page to its unused forums.

Unless Liberals take the entire month of December off — that might partly explain Canada’s retreat from its Kyoto targets during their tenure, I would have expected them to flock to this site after the convention. Everybody there wet their pants in excitement at the prospect of this Internet Leviathan single-handedly toppling the hapless Conservatives. But, nobody came — not even Harry Potter and his “dream team” have bothered to participate.

Not simply putting my trust in the commenter, I took a peek around and found the comment above quite accurate. The forum section is not only unused, but when it is used it is clearly not open to discussion, which is the whole point of a forum.

There is a great initial post by Tom Harris about the flaws in Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth that presents Tom’s credentials as someone with a M. Eng in Thermofluids and links to an article he wrote with tons of great information on climate change and global warming.

The counter argument by the webmaster, Al Booth is as follows:

I Googled you Mr. Tom Harris. I think others visiting this forum might like to know the following (simply in the interests of transparency).

Here’s what Ajax-Liberal MP Mark Holland has to say about you on his web site in an article titled…

Petroleum money drives Conservative climate change skepticism

Here’s the part about you:

Tom Harris, once a legislative assistant to former Conservative Environment Critic Bob Mills, has been a prolific writer of anti-Kyoto op-ed pieces, typically quoting scientists associated with Friends of Science. He is a lobbyist with High Park Group, a firm with a number of energy industry clients. Previously working as an associate with the public relations firm APCO Worldwide (Canada), he organized a news conference of climate change skeptics in 2002. Most of those who spoke at the news conference have ties to both Friends of Science and the petroleum industry.

So a masters in engineering with a specialization in thermofluidity presents technical documentation on a website dedicated to addressing the enviromental issues surrounding climate change and it is met with what, in essence, translates to “You’re a filthy conservative, you’re science isn’t good here!”

What I find especially disheartening is that Tom was even nice enough to follow up and address all the concerns regarding his past ties to Bob Mills and the Conservative Party, but even that gets a response like this:

The one critism that can legitimately be leveled at Al Gore’s film is that it understates the threat to our planet and it doesn’t suggest any really workable, effective solutions. Changing a few light bulbs certainly won’t solve our problems.

What we need are huge federal programs and massive expenditures immediately invested in clean, green energy and totally revamping housing construction and our transportation system.

Even the NDP are calling the site sleezy. You know when the party that is traditionally known as the environmentally friendly party calls an environmental site sleezy, something REALLY has to be wrong with the site.

And the Liberals wonder why the greenest Prime Minister in history was a Conservative. And when Kyoto is explained as a carbon dioxide problem and not a pollution problem, people begin to understand why the previous government, and it’s environement minister, Stephane Dion, do not have a leg to stand on.

I would even go so far as to say that this site is a preliminary ploy by liberal supporters to lay the groundwork to receive a nice big paycheck should the Liberals be returned to power and pour millions, if not billions, into the environment. Can we say Enviroscam?

That payday would buy Mr. Duffy a heck of a lot of beer and popcorn.

Rogers Separates Church and Cable

This morning, at 11:21am I received an email from Rogers Cable telling me about all the great programs on their Rogers On Demand offering. It pointed me to Holiday Fun on channel 100. Yet all 38 movies displayed are Christmas oriented. Why would they not call the category Christmas Fun?

The main page had four subcategories:

Rogers 1

I then drilled down in the Holiday Classics section:

Rogers 2 Rogers 4
(click to view larger image)

Each of them Christmas oriented.

I then popped open the Animated Favourites section to see what was available:

Rogers 6 Rogers 6 Rogers 7
(click to view larger image)

Each and every animated one a Christmas movie.

I then scanned the Santa Specials knowing what Holiday these would celebrate:

Rogers 8
(click to view larger image)

And finally the last section, Holiday Hits:

Rogers 9 Rogers 10

(Click to view larger image)

So there you have it. Thirty Eight Movies. Thirty Eight Christmas oriented movies and Rogers has the politically correct gaul to avoid calling these categories Christmas names.

This is exactly the kind of bullchips that drive me insane. I would be perfectly happy to have overlooked this whole thing if there was a single movie based on any holiday other than Christmas. In fact, for the sake of equality it would have been nice to see others there. But when each movie is Christmas oriented, have enough respect for Christians to call it a Christmas movie section.

Vote For Rory And Teach Wayne Gretzky What Democracy Is

The movement is afoot. The fans of Vancouver Canuck defencemen Rory Fitzpatrick have been promoting for him to start in the NHL All Star game and the young defender has over 400,000 votes and is kicking some butt in the balloting, behind only Scott Neidermeyer by about 20,000 votes.

He is a write in name, so this total is quite amazing.

But tonight I heard that Wayne Gretzky, the elitist that he is, is asking the league to intervene to keep Fitzpatrick from playing.

I am usually up for the top players showing up, but it really irks me that the Great One would try to undermine the support this player has received.

Wayne was a great hockey player. The best. But when it comes to democracy, he needs to take a valium. Heck, he can take two, they’re small.

I say Vote For Rory just to teach Wayne a lesson.

You can go to the website, click All Star Ballot on the left hand side, then click Canada, and choose Rory Fitzpatrick from the Write In Western Conference List below the main selections.

Vote For rory

And The Arar CopyCats Have Started Cropping Up

This morning I heard that there is now a case of a man who claims Canada played a part in his human rights abuse.

He came to Canada as a refugee and Canada refused him and deported him back to Egypt where he was, allegedly, beaten and tortured.

CTV News has now obtained photographs and videotape, allegedly of the same man, which show fresh injuries on his back. They appear to be burns and welts, which he claims were inflicted by Egyptian authorities. He alleges that, since he was sent back, two security officers from Egypt’s State Security Investigations (SSI) have detained, interrogated and threatened him several times. He also claims he was shocked with electricity, doused with water and beaten.

CTV News has also obtained an audiotape recording, which his supporters said is the man pleading for help.

“I feel very afraid. Very afraid. Save me please. They tortured me. They tortured me a lot all over my back,” the man on the tape said. “They told me, we decorated your back like your Jesus. All my body was shaking. I could not control myself.”

“They were laughing. They were laughing. Let your Jesus come to save you.” The man broke down in tears. “Please, I beg you, I beg you save me, save me. Save my life.”

I feel for anyone who is tortured. I hope that whoever did the actual torture should rot in hell. But I am NOT willing to let Canada take responsibility for this.

How much do you want to bet a lawsuit as big as Maher Arar’s is in the works? Remember, Arar is suing for $300 to $400 Million dollars.

Pssst … Santa … Is It Too Late To Send You My List?

Last year, many of you may recall that my Christmas wish was for one of those cool trapper skin hats Roots provided to our Canadian Winter Olympians. Well last year Santa stiffed me.

So in keeping with this tradition of not getting my Christmas gift request, I thought I would share this years request. I know it won’t be under my tree, but a guy can dream, can’t he?

Some guys want Ferraris. Some guys want Porsches. Others want a Mercedes-Benz or a BMW.

Me? I want a Tesla.


Tesla Motors is a start up auto company based in Silicon Valley and it was started with seed money from the owners of Google, Ebay and Paypal. Pretty good business partners, I would say.

They build an electric car, that unlike Toyota’s, uses standard off the shelf laptop batteries to power it. I imagine they avoid Sony batteries. They take advantage of the high volume, low cost laptop battery market which is constantly improving itself in terms of capacity, recharge speed and weight. This utilization of the high volume consumer market will help them as a company.

The car can go from 0 to 100kph in less than 4 seconds and it can go about 400km on a single charge. The average fuel cost is 1 US cent per mile according to their website.

I remember reading an article about them in Wired magazine and recall that the car does not generate heat from operation. So the company put an electric heater in it which begins working right away (but does limit the driving distance). This is an interesting feature for the Canadian winters. It may end us having to assume the ‘winter position” of being hunched over with our hands wedged between our legs as we wait for the car to heat up.

This company sold out of their 2007 models in a mere four months and they are taking orders for their 2008 models now. You can get yours for a cool $92,000 US (base price). I suspect the price will eventually come down as more Ontario MPPs, unionized teachers and the head of Hydro One snatch them up.

Oh, and did I mention, that other than a slight whining of the rotor, the car is pretty much completely silent. No engine revving, no gears shifting. It’s truly 100% electric and packs a whallup. This car can theoretically hit about 13500 rpm and go 130mph and takes as little as 3.5 hours to charge up.

Today I wrote our Prime Minister asking him to invest in getting a Tesla manufacturing plant in Canada. A nice green move, jobs and a great looking car for the press photo op.

But, alas, for now I will just have to keep staring at the pictures of this car and dream. If anyone out there is interested in donating to the “Get Mulder A Tesla” fund, let me know.