Cabinet Shuffle Rumours Abound

Well the skinny from David Akin is….

Environment Minister Rona Ambrose to Intergovermental Affairs
Treasury Board President John Baird to Environment Minister
Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice to Treasury Board President
Peter Van Loan to Indian Affairs

Other possibilities are
Gerry Ritz to new junior position called Secretary of State for Tourism
James Moore to pull Olympic portfolio from the mishmash David Emerson holds
Jason Kenney and Diane Albonczy to possibly get new senior positions.

Possible split of Bev Oda’s portfolio to create a new spot.

Other long shot rumours have LIBERAL Wajid Khan crossing the floor, possibly to a parliamentary secretary position after his appointment by Harper to help in a study of the Middle East dynamics.

Another rumour has Vic Toews moving to Immigration. Where current Immigration Minister Monte Solberg would go is not known.

My Predictions

I personally like the Baird, Prentice and Van Loan moves, and could live with the Ambrose move to Intergovernmental Affairs, but I think Alonczy might snatch that one and Ambrose or Helena Guergis might step in and grab the Status for Women spot from Bev Oda.