CBC's Air Farce – A Truly Biased Farce Of A Network

On New Year’s Eve I recorded the CBC Air Farce special entitled 2006 The Year of the Farce and took a leisurely look at it the following day. Holy Biased Humour Batman!!

I watch Air Farce and have for years but I don’t think I have ever seen them this lopsided in their humour. I can understand a few extra ribs at the party in power but this New Year’s Eve 60 minute special was ridiculously slanted.

By my rough count the ratio of jokes poking fun at the four parties was as follows:

Conservatives were made fun of about 25 times
Liberals were made fun of about 4 times
Dippers were made fun of once or twice
BQ were not made fun of at all

Is this what politically incorrect humour has become? Of those 25 or so jibes, 20 of them were aimed at Stephen Harper with 3 (and possibly 4) attempting to tie him to George Bush, 2 aimed at his weight, 3 or 4 aimed at painting him as anti-gay, and even one pro-life comment which floored me because never have I heard Stephen Harper make any pro-life remark.

Again, I want to emphasize, I usually laugh along with Air Farce. But this blatant slanting against the current Tory government is simply not a fair indication of politics in Canada. In a year when the Dippers had a policy convention and the Liberals had a leadership convention, there had to be some prime targets for humour that simply did not appear in the show.

What gets my goat the most is that even in two attempts to start ribbing Dion and Layton, the humour gets twisted and both times Harper ends up taking the punchline on the chin.

I really think the CBC ought to readdress the inequality in their political humour.

To view a 10 minute assessment, click the video below once:

If you cannot see the above video, try clicking the link below.

ADDENDUMGerry makes a great comment below. I, myself, have commented to the Air Farce crew how disappointed I was at their biased New Year’s Eve special and encourage you to do the same by clicking this link.

34 thoughts on “CBC's Air Farce – A Truly Biased Farce Of A Network

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    January 2, 2007 at 10:57 pm

    The chicken cannon used to be funny. I wonder if our guys in A’stan saw the ‘uniforms’…I don’t think they would be laughing.Sad that some viewers don’t recognize the propaganda….and the insult to the intelligense i.e. “George Bush’s war”

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    January 2, 2007 at 11:15 pm

    I never watch the show, so I have to ask: Did they ever call it ‘George Bush’s War’ when Paul Martin was PM? I somehow doubt it.

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    January 2, 2007 at 11:53 pm

    Ever since John Morgan left the show it has become un-watchable

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    January 3, 2007 at 1:08 am

    To paraphrase vice-presidential candidate Senator Lloyd Bentsen, when he said to Senator Dan Quayle during the 1988 vice-presidential debate “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy” … Stephane Dion, impersonating the laid-back APPLE in the ersatz commercials, let me tell you, Mr. Dion, you’re no APPLE …

    I found the entire show painful to watch for its lack of wit. Too bad, because the cast used to be funny. Now they’ve just become suck-ups to the Liberal Clan. Maybe they should rename themselves The Heir Farts.

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    January 3, 2007 at 1:32 am

    I could only watch the first 15 minutes before I switched channels. the only good skit was the nun skit where everyone got equal ridicule. the Afghanistan bit was just plain stupid. All in all the show was dismally unfunny with harper definitely the focus of a lot of anger.
    I hope that evryone will do what i did and contact the Frace and tell them how unfunny and partisan their show was. They need to know that their partisanship was unwarranted and contributed to a show that was humourless and tasteless. As examplified by the beating up of the reporter by John S. among others.

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    January 3, 2007 at 1:50 am

    I’m not sure what’s funnier, the skits or the tories’ whining about the skits.

    Enjoy the brief time remaining to your Conservative government, Canada won’t tolerate Harper for much longer.

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    January 3, 2007 at 2:04 am

    I never watch that crap. All the air farce is, is a bunch of tired, useless, unfunny old losers who are too untalented to get jobs anywhere else so they’re stuck working for the CBC. So, if they’re stuck working for the CBC then they have to trot out the same old tired cliche, lefty B.S.

    Keep plodding around on stage until you need walkers you pathetic, old, has-been/never-weres.

    You’ll be stuck working for the CBC until you’re in the grave. You’re just not talented enough to work anywhere else then a government subsidized program.

    As Rick Mercer about that one.

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    January 3, 2007 at 10:26 am

    Poor Quantum still in delusion land. Canadians can see through the crap that the farce dishes out, and approve of the job Harper has done. The only recent liberal who showed any decisiveness, principle,and integrity was Trudeau. After him corruption and I’m not going to make a decision unless it gets me a vote became the foundation for the liberal party. People when they think liberal think corruption.

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    January 3, 2007 at 12:39 pm

    I too watched a part of the show but became very disgusted, very quickly.
    In the past I have always enjoyed it, notwithstanding the fact that they usually take jabs at the conservatives, but this time they went over the top.
    I don’t know the names of the cast but there is one young guy whose only schtick is to demean and denigrate
    Bush, Harper etc. Acts very smug and has a smarmy smile on his face, which begs punching.
    Typical “we know better than you” elitist assholes.

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    January 3, 2007 at 5:23 pm

    I’m with gerry and Ralph. These people had enough good material for season 1, but since then are unwatchable unctuous elitists.

    This is the culmination of that dreamy, doe-eyed institution, the crtc, with its canadian content foolishness. No matter how banal, or short of talent, you’re on, because you’re canadian.

    O/T: big news here on the wet coast. Today they are auditioning for fluff, to hold the briefcases for the latest in cutting edge canadian content, deal or no deal canadian edition. No doubt to be another illustration of the canadian rush to a morally superior second best.

    For this they get away with stealing tax money? Give us poor taxpayers a break, already.


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    January 4, 2007 at 12:11 am

    Message sent.

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    January 4, 2007 at 12:40 am

    Mac good comments but i still don’t know where you stand.

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    January 4, 2007 at 12:48 am

    Sorry, gerry, I don’t understand your post. My comments here or on the Air Farce website? Is there a place one can view the comments sent to the Air Farce? If so, I didn’t see the link…

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    January 4, 2007 at 7:13 am

    To Ralph (#9) the person you are talking about is Alan Park and I agree with you.

    Gerry, I think Mac was just commenting that he sent his message to the Air Farce crew. Knowing Mac from past comments here, I would think he agrees with us and gave the CBC folks a good blast of reality.

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    January 4, 2007 at 12:50 pm

    Well the more the Farce receives angry messages the faster they will clean up their act. They have definitely crossed the line from entertainment to political activism. Sorry mac i misunderstood your message and I apologize for my fascetious post. I think the Farce was with me when I wrote it.

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    January 4, 2007 at 3:39 pm

    No apology needed and my message to the Air Farce was their unfunny skits were spiteful and mean-spirited. Somehow, I doubt we’ll effect much change with the Air Farce. Their humour (or lack thereof) is a reflection of the attitude at the CBC. You know, if their skits were funny, I wouldn’t mind. Harper and company provide plenty of ammunition for humour but they’re going to the jugular instead of the laugh.

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    January 6, 2007 at 1:29 pm

    I used to get the odd chuckle out of Air Farce, but like most here I turned it off very quickly. Missed the actual beginning, I saw a takeoff on Harper that wasn’t amusing at a even a grade school level so I turned it off.

    CBC is losing market share and becoming even more irrelevant than it used to be. Go figure…

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    January 6, 2007 at 4:18 pm

    Boo CBC. I can’t believe they let people on there that think different things than we do. Hey 9 and 14, yeah, let’s punch someone that dares not adhere to our religious/political values. This will clear up why ‘progressive’ needed to be removed from “consevative’. Is it cold in herre or is just our thin skin?

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    January 6, 2007 at 6:14 pm

    Nathan i don’t know if you watched the show or not. The problem was its one sidedness and extreme at that. This was not comedy but political statements and activism. Fairness is important and it is up to us to ensure that fairness becomes an issue with the farce. It has nothing to do with thick or thin skins but our standing up and exposing dishonesty and deceipt. Anyone watching the new year’s farce would clearly see how one sided it was, and how negatively it protrayed conservatives, for no other reasons than they thought no one would object. Well I object and you smearing us as being thin skinned and non progressive indicates that you are probably a liberal which really doesn’t make you a bad person but someone who really should not be commenting on this since it doesn’t affect you in any way.
    You sound like a liberal “hey let’s punch anyone who doesn’t believe in our values etc.”

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    January 6, 2007 at 6:53 pm

    Nathan, the “progressive” rabble are much less tolerant than any conservative blog. I dare you to go to any progressive blog and post something demeaning their opinions. If (and it’s a big if) the post isn’t immediately deleted, you would be flamed to a crisp within minutes for daring to challenge their thoughts.

    Of course, you already know this which is why you post here.

    Incidentally, I agree the “punched in the face” bit was over the top. Yeah, the guy is smarmy but we must rise above the rabble.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    January 6, 2007 at 8:00 pm

    yes i watched the show. along with shots at harper etc. they sent up themselves, other cbc people, kim-jong-il, people that frequent donut shops, rumsfeld(american) stupid sean pen, those annoying bell canada beavers, kiddie shows, the russians, conrad(criminal)blak and his haughty wife, the pope, etc. gerry, i am not liberal. Or a Liberal. i’m a fan of tv. especially canadian tv. farce, 22, mercer, kids, codco, sctv- none of them are perfect, regardless of which season you reference. saturday night live’s budget is huge compared to these, and doesn’t always hit the mark. at least cbc tries to forward canadian themes- ill fated american based singing contests aside- compare that to ctv or global buying american stuff to sell ad space on while ignoring most canadian talent development.
    go online to farce over the years and count how many Liberal shots they took over sponsorship scandal, crazy ignatieff, boring dryden, stupid martin, crooked chretien & goodale, dopey layton and his wife, martha hall finly(who?) destructive duceppe/bouchard, even trudeau and you find over time things basically even out, with a bias always against the ruling party. formerly 13 or so years of libs. what are they gonna do, ream the no-power green party? the punching comment was a paraphrase from conservatives 9 & 14, not my idea. i did not suggest punching the actor, they did. it justifes the perceived straight-laced mindset of uptight conservatives with skin so thin, they advocate violence over say…changing the channel- a potential reason why ‘progressive conservatives’ forced themselves to drop ‘progressive’ and just be ‘conservatives’. my wife use to work in tv and believe me, the more negative comments there are, the better a show figures its doing because way more people are motivated to write a nasty complaint than praise. and with over a million viewers that new years show, that’s a lot of revenue for a canadian show. the more of an issue made of this by people complaining, the more likely they’ll spin into a media story that could actually boost show ratings. is that what you want? i doubt it. ultimately you will have a somewhat left lean from cbc, especially comedy shows because the conservative owned global (aspers) and ctv are too tight to put a show together that might lampoon the left… too busy grubbing the bottom line to pay for making a comedy show that would attack their idealogical opposites.
    and mac, i know you can’t go on a rabble blog and contradict. the last thing i’d expect from spiritual followers of o’reilly and cavuto is a contructive criticism of their argument, without them telling you to ‘shut up or i’ll turn your mic off’. they really don’t seem to tolerate any ideas other than their own. a side note, why no fuss anywhere from conservatives over the recent floor crossing of khan from lib to cons. why do party members claim to hate that- only when they are losing a member? why was stronach a bitch for doing it but khan and emerson heros? that’s one way conservative matters affect those who aren’t and where all parties are equal.

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    January 6, 2007 at 8:17 pm

    Nathan, you need to get out a bit more. The Rabble as spiritual followers of O’Reilly? Wow… if ever there was an dicotomy… although they’re similarly intolerant.

    Thanks for explaining your unique persective. Somehow, I find it hard to believe your claim you’re not a liberal. All of your arguments read like the leftist handbook.

    By the way, as far as the Asper family, you might want to read a bit before you make such foolish statements. Here’s a good link to start you off.


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    January 6, 2007 at 8:57 pm

    Mac, to clarify i didn’t mean Rabble, but conservative ‘rabble’ that are intolerant. I was merely agreeing with you that comments on those forums against the wave are indeed as you said, deleted or flamed.

    as you insist on taking my claim of not being liberal a lie, i’ll confess i was a green for 8 years, but have since lost faith in politicians in general. to me, regardless of party, they all seem out for themselves. that’s my perspective, take it or leave it, but i assure you i carry no political card. during elections, i attend the polls and officially decline my ballot.

    what foolish statement did i make about the aspers? thanks for the wiki link, but it is a fact that they buy most of their programming stateside- a recent exception being ‘the jane show’- and it’s not political.

    can you address my other points rather than ones i did not make? where’s your fuss over khan- i guess it’s ok to cross the floor- as long as it is from lib to tory and not the other way around? where’s your awareness that over the years, everyone takes the cbc/farce/22 hit, obviously most frequently the ‘in-power’ party? how do you justify not recognizing all of the lib slams they’ve made over the years- simply because it undermines your argument? you seem to have the discretion of a parking enforcement officer. why do you ignore about farce possibly making hay of these type of complaints? i am no lib/tory/ndp et al, but by judiciously ignoring these facts, you are most certainly conservative.

    the libs most recent mistake was electing a new (ineffective) leader as they seemed to be holding their own just fine against harper’s caucus without one. does not bode well for politics in general.

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    January 6, 2007 at 9:02 pm

    Nathan, I think your view of the Aspers is a bit off. Izzy was one of the biggest Liberals you could ever find and Leonard isn’t far off. Just ask past editor of the Ottawa Citizen what happens if you are critical of the Liberals while working for the Aspers.

    I agree with you that there were plenty of cheapshots in the show including the self deprecating humour of having Mr. Lauzon getting beaten up by George S. And as I mentioned I have been a fan for quite sometime, watching the show for pretty much as long as it has been on the air. I know the party in power gets the major kicks, but even when the Liberals were in power never was the slant as bad as the New Year’s Eve show.

    In a year with an NDP convention, a Liberal leadership convention, there was plenty of fodder to put a few more Lib or Dipper slams in. But the bias was completely against Harper. Over 20 jokes against Harper, his weight, tying him to George Bush…did you hear anything about Dion’s dual citizenship? How about about Jack Layton going to a private clinic for his Hernia? Nothing.

    You can call me thin skinned because I am a partisan conservative, but on the same token, anyone who doesn’t think the show was biased is wearing Liberal or NDP rose coloured glasses.

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    January 6, 2007 at 9:50 pm

    izzy WAS a lib, but anyone looking at the national post, the flagship asper paper and thinking it is other than far right is missing the editorial slant. where the post and the cbc are in sync is they would both dissolve w/o subsidy from sources other than themselves. post has been bleeding red since its inception.
    yes there was a new years farce bias against ruling party. that it is remarkable for farce, no. any extra slant against harper might be nothing more than a result of his reigning in of his ministers public statements/profile. when libs were in power, many were well-known to the public and got the spotlight to make asses of themselves: allan rock, goodale, david anderson, hedy (foot-firmly-in-mouth) fry, carolynn parrish, art eggleton, there’s a huge list…but harper seems to have muzzled outside comments and not only cbc has reported this. likely a smart potential damage control move on harper’s part trying to avoid any bona fide whack jobs ruining things with potential echoes of the reform party. george bush also tied himself to harper, what with calling him ‘steve’—still no one weighs in on the floor-crossing issue. too tough to say you’re wrong?

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    January 6, 2007 at 9:51 pm

    I was a liberal and a strong one at that. I voted trudeau, god forbid even Turner twice, and chretien twice as well ( i still like him regardless. I voted liberal in alberta for 25 years when no one was doing it.
    However, the liberal party with their corruption totally convinced me to go with Harper and the conservatives and guess what I find myself agreeing with a lot of their policies. The show was biased and that bothers me because you have a popular tv show trying to manipulate people’s perceptions. That is where honesty comes in. The show wasn’t funny and had a serious political message. As to affecting the farce, well sponsors pay attention to feedback especially if a large enough number contacts them with their concerns.
    As to riley well for the longest time I like most liberals feared seeinh him come into Canada. And surprise surprise he as well as fox news turned out to be more forthcoming and honest than CBC or sadly CTV.
    They openly admit to be conservative and I would rather watch their show than CBC news any day.

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    January 6, 2007 at 10:15 pm

    the gov’t itself receives far more $ from citizens than the cbc/farce and also tries to manipulate people’s perceptions. and no matter who is in power including libs, they never actually represent the majority of the voters. a problem with the first-past-the post system.
    even if you try to affect sponsors with your claims, the other million+ viewers likely don’t hold your views and they will hold sway with sponsors. you might have an easier time electing an independently seated prime minister.
    o’reilly claims to be independent, yet was revealed to be a card-carrying republican. he wasn’t forthcoming about that, or the sexual harrassment suit he was forced to settle. a fine, upstanding, non-corrupt conservative no doubt.
    and gerry, you say FOX openly admits to being conservative while sporting the slogan ‘fair and balanced’. This is more honest than ctv? burn your voter registration documentation.
    and still no one with the testicular fortitude to address the floor-crossing hypocrisy. these facts are funnier than anything farce will write.

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    January 6, 2007 at 10:34 pm

    Nathan, I never said you were a liar. I said I found it hard to believe your claim not to be a liberal and I’ve seen nothing to change my mind. Quite the opposite, in fact.

    Nathan said… “ultimately you will have a somewhat left lean from cbc, especially comedy shows because the conservative owned global (aspers) and ctv are too tight to put a show together that might lampoon the left…”

    Izzy Asper was a hard-core Liberal. The rest of the family were as well until they became disgusted by the growing anti-Semitic faction within the Liberal Party. Although David endorsed a Conservative candidate in the last election, that was the first time an Asper ever had anything to do with the Conservatives so your blanket statement of the Aspers being Conservatives is ridiculous.

    You probably think the National Post is right-wing because you’re so used to the extreme left-wing of the Star and most other MSM outlets that you’ve forgotten what balanced reporting looks like.

    As far as for tackling the Khan question, perhaps you don’t realize that it’s considered a breach of net-etiquette to change subjects on someone else’s blog thread… and, to be honest, it looks to me like you’re just flailing around, trying to provoke people.

    I, for one, don’t like floor crossers but I recognize that crossing the floor is part of parliamentary proceedings of long standing. Our style of democracy elects the candidate, not the party, and where a candidate feels the party’s platform does not reflect his/her personal positions, that candidate has the choice to leave the party and join the other party if they’ll have him.

    In this case, Khan was given an ultimatum, both publicly and privately, to either give up his special adviser role or be ejected from the Liberal Party. To me, that demonstrates the blind partisanship of Dion who feels his party is more important than the country.

    Khan made his choice and Harper accepted Khan into the Conservative Party without rewarding his defection unlike Martin who “paid” both Stronach and Brison with cabinet posts. The Khan situation has been covered on many, many rightist blogs. Like I said… you need to get out more.


    Finally, to go back to subject, I have no problem with the Air Farce lampooning politicians but their skits were mean-spirited and downright nasty. There’s a fine line between poking fun and poking a pointed stick into someone’s eye. The Air Farce were heavily on the latter.

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    January 6, 2007 at 11:08 pm

    let’s disagree about whether i’m liberal. if it’s hard to believe and i haven’t changed your mind, i give up. oh well.
    your italicized quote of mine still stands. global, whether some aspers remain lib or not, doesn’t make political comedy shows or much else canadian. a lost opportunity for them.
    if national post is balanced, we’re all in trouble. and i am truly amazed that you think you know what media i read. thanks to the net, i enjoy publications from around the world. if reading countless rightist blogs is ‘getting out more’, you’re obviously a globetrotter.
    as for flailing around, i’m responding to points raised by yourself and others. due respect on the floor-crossing issue though. thanks for your POV.
    No way– just got a call from my dad, told him what we’re talking about, and he says farce did a piece years back making fun of bouchard’s leg amputation. he’s no bq fan, but says that really pissed him off- s’cuse my (his) language. i guess farce poking mean pointed sticks isn’t exactly new for them. you might be championing a dead issue.

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    January 7, 2007 at 12:44 am

    We can agree to disagree if that makes you happy.

    I don’t know what media you read and I never said that I did. You have an interesting habit of putting words in other people’s mouths. That’s just not hygienic!!

    You raised the question of the Khan floor-crossing and numerous other points in your second post (the post without punctuation) yet now you claim you were responding to others. Tell me… do you re-write history often? Are you sure you’re not a liberal??

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    January 7, 2007 at 1:14 am

    Gentlemen Nathan is not worth the time or attention we are giving him. He likes the attention and will always come back with irrelevant or general statements which he feels are bare truths that we are too stupid to see.
    His reaction to the crossing spells volumes of where he stands politically. No one apart from a liberal would feel so strongly about being betrayed in this case. The hyprocisy is all his because he lacks the testicular fortitude to admit that he is a liberal upset with this crossing. He feels however it is perfectly all right to disparage others for not having that same fortitude. Nathan you are a sham, and a sad sham at that.
    Go wipe your eyes. Ask your dad why he never gave you the principle of honesty. But then agin dishonesty is a true liberal trait. I am glad that reason and morality caused me to cringe away from your liberal party.

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    January 7, 2007 at 11:14 pm

    Whoever put together the point by point video is right on. AF should implement the changes suggested so that the show is TRULY funny. Oh wait, then it would be the news.

    This is supposed to be comedy. You guys have a SERIOUS persecution complex. I hear Fox News will be making a conservative Daily Show soon, I’m sure it will be chock full of great right-wing humour about immigrants. I’m sure they will be mentioning all the great things the Democrats have done without making jokes about them at all, particularly if the Dems are in power.

    The real joke is the fact that the show is assumed hostile to the government because they make fun of the party in power. How about comparing with a show that they did when the Liberals were in power? If you find that they still make exclusive fun of the Conservatives for, say, the 2000 NYE show, then you have at least TWO sample points to talk out of your ass with. Hey, it’s TWICE as good as the one sample point that you currently have. Not that anyone would argue that the CBC has a bias towards small-l liberalism…but this is a ridiculous stretch. This isn’t bias.

    Lets not forget that Harper hasn’t made any efforts to befriend the media.

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    January 7, 2007 at 11:29 pm

    Hey, anon #32, did you bother to read any of the other comments? Every point you covered was already covered, most of them several times… but thanks for wasting your time and mine!!

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    January 8, 2007 at 7:20 am

    Mac: Not really. I scanned them and didn’t see anything close to what I was going to say – other than Nathan, and I find it tedious reading unpunctuated text. Not that he didn’t have any good points in it, however.

    Hey, I don’t mind wasting the whole 10 seconds it took to read my post, and (presumably) you run the blog, so neither should you. After all, if you do, then why run a blog allowing anonymous posts? With reference to your comment, I couldn’t find ‘persecution complex’ in the previous posts, nor did I find any mention of the fact that making the changes suggested in the video would make a comedy show into a news show. I also didn’t notice any suggestion to back-check other shows for Conservative bias, particularly when the Cons weren’t in power, in order to solidly substantiate claims of systemic bias.

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