Rogers Separates Church and Cable

This morning, at 11:21am I received an email from Rogers Cable telling me about all the great programs on their Rogers On Demand offering. It pointed me to Holiday Fun on channel 100. Yet all 38 movies displayed are Christmas oriented. Why would they not call the category Christmas Fun?

The main page had four subcategories:

Rogers 1

I then drilled down in the Holiday Classics section:

Rogers 2 Rogers 4
(click to view larger image)

Each of them Christmas oriented.

I then popped open the Animated Favourites section to see what was available:

Rogers 6 Rogers 6 Rogers 7
(click to view larger image)

Each and every animated one a Christmas movie.

I then scanned the Santa Specials knowing what Holiday these would celebrate:

Rogers 8
(click to view larger image)

And finally the last section, Holiday Hits:

Rogers 9 Rogers 10

(Click to view larger image)

So there you have it. Thirty Eight Movies. Thirty Eight Christmas oriented movies and Rogers has the politically correct gaul to avoid calling these categories Christmas names.

This is exactly the kind of bullchips that drive me insane. I would be perfectly happy to have overlooked this whole thing if there was a single movie based on any holiday other than Christmas. In fact, for the sake of equality it would have been nice to see others there. But when each movie is Christmas oriented, have enough respect for Christians to call it a Christmas movie section.

4 thoughts on “Rogers Separates Church and Cable

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    December 23, 2006 at 3:53 pm

    where does one find the smurfs, yogi bear or santa mentioned in the christmas story? just wondering. come down from your pedestal, you’ll get a nose bleed and ruin your holiday frock.

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    December 23, 2006 at 4:36 pm

    I’m of two minds on this one: sure, there doesn’t seem to be a wide selection of Hannukah or New Years movies, so generalizing the genre title seems a bit overdone.

    But some, such as “Jack Frost”, while at least nominally set in the Christmas season, aren’t really about Christmas.

    At least I get to reminisce about my own favourite Christmas classics, such as “Holiday Inn”, “White Christmas”, and “Scrooged” among others.

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    December 23, 2006 at 4:59 pm

    Paul, the Jack Frost and Frosty the snowman ones are the only two that are not Holiday oriented all, but are more or less seasonal. So I can live with those two examples as not being Christmas, but in my mind they are not Holiday oriented either. The word Holiday is a derivative of Holy Day.

    But Jeff, to comment about the shows you point to, the smurfs show is called “The Smurfs Christmas Special”. The two Yogi ones are called “Yogi’s First Christmas” and “Yogi Bear’s All-Star Comedy Christmas”. Tell me how these are NOT Christmas oriented?

    As for Santa….I think you must be sleeping under a bridge if you think Santa is not tied to Christmas. The concept of Santa comes from Saint Nicholas, a priest (i believe 5th century) who made and gave toys to the underpriviledged at Christmas. And the whole gift giving concept tied to him comes from the three wise men bringying gold, myrrh and frankincense to the new born king, Jesus Christ.

    There is your lesson for the day Jeff.

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