Got Tingling Hands? See Your Chiropractor!!

I don’t normally talk about my physical ailments on this blog, but this one is aimed at the Yellow Bellied McShifty who cut chiropractic subsidies when he took over as our premier. It also may help some of you who notice symptoms that may pertain to a pinched nerve.
About three weeks ago, I started having problems with both of my hands tingling depending on how I positioned them. Whether it was my left hand resting easily on my car door with the window rolled down or my right arm folded with my hand resting under my pillow at night. It happened to both hands while sitting at my desk sometimes and other countless ways.

I discounted the idea that my hands were falling asleep because as soon as I moved them and gave them a shake the tingling went away without the usual pins and needles that someone gets when an appendage falls asleep.

On Wednesday night I woke up with REALLY bad tingling in both hands and a feeling of pressure that made my hands feel like they were going to explode.

So Thursday afternoon I was off to my chiropractor. I described my symptoms to him and he held my neck at a specific angle while he twisted my arm inward with my hand held backwards like I was taking money from behind me. (Being a Conservative, he joked “like you’re a Liberal taking a payoff” which had me in stitches). Lo and behold the numbness was there right away.

He had me assume the “Liberal position” with my other hand and the tingling was the same.

He performed a quick adjustment on my neck and I have slept peacefully for the past two nights. I have also noticed that the tingling is pretty much gone. I think one or two more trips to my chiropractor over the next two weeks and I should be good as new.

The only problem is that the hit to my wallet is more than it used to be thanks to yellow-belly. But a small price considering the dramatic effects chiropractic has given me.

Thanks Dr. Jeff!!

P.S. A few years ago I dislocated a rib golfing over the weekend.  A problem which would have taken a month or more on muscle relaxants and bedrest to correct. This same chiropractor adjusted my back on the following Monday and Thursday and I was golfing the next weekend. Being a golfer himself, he knew what caused my dislocation, told me to keep my forward arm straight in the backswing to prevent it happening again. Not only did he fix my back but he fixed my golf game. I shot several strokes better that following weekend with the tip.
Please tell us about your chiropractic story in the comments below!!

Liberals, Kingsley And That Little Boy Who Cries Wolf

I have been surfing both Tory and Liberal blogs regarding whether or not convention fees count as donations and I have noticed the following.

1) Phantom Observer (a blogging tory) has some of the most valid arguments out there and has done his homework on the elections act. Nice job my friend. When are you coming back to Ottawa? P.O. has some links and assessments of the current elections act and the only thing clear in the elections act about this issue is the ambiguity.

2) In Phantom Observer’s comments someone named Eugene Parks. You all remember Eugene Parks don’t you? Kate already destroyed his credibility. You can read about this loser here, here and here. In any case, I didn’t see any emails or screenshots at his site. Just links to other blogs harping about this issue. Eugene is the same guy who tried to get the blogging tories shut down based on exceeding the donation laws. Some people just don’t know when to quit. to add to this point the guy is posting the same post all over the web promoting his site which points to a site that displays his emails. The same post has been spotted on other sites as well.

3) There there is sonemamedia. Again, emails which quote our friend Eugene, above which are the emails which Eugene claims help prove his case. Ironically, when someone is so hell bent on carving up the tories, his lack of credibility destroys sonemamedia’s blog posts. It looks like a which came first the sonemamedia posts using Eugene’s emails or Eugene pointing everyone to sonemamedia’s website … errr … sort of like the chicken and the egg(head).

4) Then we have Elections Canada head honcho, J.P. Kingsley. This is the man who can’t even keep non Canadian citizens from voting in our elections. How is he supposed to be able to sort out a mess that pertains to an ambiguous Elections Act. If it would mean revamping elections canada and the elections act, I would almost beg the tories to open the books and expose the flaws that let an American student at U of T get a ballot in the last election.

5) No one seems to be mentioning much about the Liberal leadership convention or past policy conventions except the Tories. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander so if the Tories have to open their books, the Liberals will have to as well.

6) What I find especially heinous here is that the Liberals are asking that the Tories put $1.7 Million into an account should their be any improper handling of the convention fees. I would like to ask the Liberals to put $100 Million (the amount that might have gone missing to Liberal friendly ad firms and was potentially kicked back to the Liberal Party) into a similar account until we find out where the Adscam money went. Oh wait … the Liberal Party of Canada doesn’t have any money. Maybe they should just declare bankruptcy and all go join the NDP. I bet Bob Rae would love that!

Behind Every Scary Man …

… is an even scarier woman!

I know I know, I replaced the word “great” but you HAVE TO READ THIS ARTICLE FROM BEGINNING TO END to understand why. (i.e. all four pages)

Wives of four of the central figures arrested last month were among the most active on the website, sharing, among other things, their passion for holy war, disgust at virtually every aspect of non-Muslim society and a hatred of Canada. The posts were made on personal blogs belonging to both Mr. Amara and Ms. Farooq, as well as a semi-private forum founded by Ms. Farooq where dozens of teens in the Meadowvale Secondary School area chatted. The vast majority of the posts were made over a period of about 20 months, mostly in 2004, and the majority of those were made by the group’s female members.

I could not stop reading how these wives crying foul on the news following the arrests were, in many cases, more anti-Canadian than their arrested husbands.

I would even go so far as to ponder why people like Ernst Zundel are arrested for hate literature while these ladies roam free and harp to our media how their husbands are innocent. (One would think that if these women were pushing their husbands to commit Jihad, they may find themselves charged with the same crimes their husbands are charged with.)

H/T to DustMyBroom

City Of Ottawa Join Ranks Of Thieving Cities And Misdirects Anger To Cabbies

The City Of Ottawa has joined Toronto and Edmonton in stealing our GST cut.

From CFRA Radio website:

Ottawa taxi patrons will not benefit from a one per cent cut in the GST on Canada Day.

The Conservatives will reduce the GST to six per cent on July 1st, but the savings will not show up on the meter for the price of a cab ride.

The City of Ottawa includes all taxes in the fare.

CFRA News has learned the savings from any GST cut will go into the pockets of cab drivers.

Bylaw Services Manager Susan Jones says the GST cut will offset any increased costs to operate a taxi in the City of Ottawa.

The Canada Revenue Agency says businesses don’t have to lower their prices. As of July 1, businesses must remit six per cent of the GST but what you pay may not change.

You notice the City tries to play the GST into cab drivers pockets. The truth of the matter is the City is taking our money and they are choosing to give the exact same amount to the cabbies. The choice to take it and the choice in how to spend it is the City of Ottawa’s.

And they have chosen to take it and give it to cabbies. I am not upset with cabbies. But I am ticked off with the City.

They have Officially Screwed us again.

I Should Buy Myself A Lottery Ticket

Saturday the wife and I made it through handling the sleepover birthday party of our (now) 10 year old daughter and 7 of her friends. (My ears haven’t heard this much squeaking and squealing since a Hillary Duff concert a couple of years back)

Sunday morning I managed french toast and bacon breakfast for them all and we got our son to his band trip to Kingston on time.

I managed to help pick up all the food/soft drinks and ice (along with setting up all the chairs) for a very large BBQ at the Carp Fair grounds.

With the help of my friend Craig I managed to get my fathers day gift of a roll out Basketball net together (and only had to undo something once which is amazing unto itself).

I managed to get my first podcast working. (give it a listen here).

And this morning I wake up to find out I am the BBS Blogging Tories Site of the Week!!BT Site of week logo

Now, if I can win the Tri-Riding Golf Tournament today, I KNOW I will be buying myself a few lottery tickets for Wednesday’s draw in the 6/49. I think the only downside was finding out our Minister of Defence, Gordon O’Connor won’t be giving a speech tonight at the post golf dinner as he was slated to. But in light of the fact that he and our Prime Minister will be in Halifax to kick off a week of spending announcements to bolster our much needed military refit, I think I can live with that. Especially since I ran into him yesterday.

Gordon OConnor and Me

Thanks for the honour BBS. It means a lot to me!! Has Sound!!

Well, I must first off say thanks to Darcey at for his Friday night blues and beer. His weekly podcasts have sparked my interest in getting my online music persona going again.

Many of you may remember my stint working for the now defunct, which was an online live radio station for listening over the web. I used to host a psychedelic Saturday night special there from 9pm to midnight playing some of the funkiest tunes from the pre 1979 (for the most part) under the moniker SpacedCowboy.
The advent of podcasting has made it quite easy for me to save a quick set and get it online for listeners. (It also gives me a chance to get unconservative and shake my booty a bit)

I will probably never put another solid blues set together, but in honour of DustMyBroom and their inspiration, this one is all blues and dedicated to them.

Set List
Collins, Copeland, Cray – Black Cat Bone
Grateful Dead – Walkin’ Blues
Allman Brothers – Statesboro Blues
Bob Dylan – From a Buick 6
Grateful Dead – Viola Lee Blues

Please let me know what you think, and hopefully I got this working right the first time.

Liberals Should Take A Lesson From The Green Party

Today I had the luxury of watching some of the Green Party leadership debate in Calgary (this is the second of two leadership debates).

The tale of the tape. (with a tongue in my cheek)

Green Party – 3 Candidates

Liberal Party – 24593 Candidates and one fiddle player (can you just see Joe Volpe tugging at everyone’s heartstrings with a rendition of Whitney’s Greatest Love of All on a Strad?)

Green Party – 2 hours, strict on time

Liberal Party – Months and months (and months) of pleading for national support?

Green Party – Numerous questions addressed in the debate with several diverse views but primarily it was a chance to see how people handle the public, and a chance to spotlight strengths and views on how they would lead. Which is in essence what a leadership debate really is.

Liberal Party – very few questions due to number of candidates, very few answers and all the answers were the same. “I agree with the Liberal philosophy and evil Harperites are evil evil evil” or something to that effect.

On the diversity front, the Liberals score more because they have about 10 people from each riding running for their leadership. But only one from Quebec.

The Green Party has an Ottawa political scientist (David Chernushenko), An American ex-patriot daughter of flower children turned environmental lawyer (Elizabeth May) and a real estate agent from St. Catherines who helped found a company bent on selling hemp products. (Jim Fannon).

I actually enjoyed watching these three both praise themselves but also the party and each other. There were no gutless attacks like Dion’s on Kennedy. There was no lopsided bullying the way the Libs all ganged up on Iggy. The Liberals should pay attention.

Smackdown (June 24th, 2006)

Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay has called for the arrest of Iranion Prosecutor General Saeed Mortazavi for his … ahem General PERsecution which lead to the death of Canadian journalist Zahra Kazemi.

The Iranian Justice Minister responded:

But in an interview with CBC News, Iranian Justice Minister Jamal Karimirad dismissed Canada’s claims, calling them “highly regrettable, a violation of international protocols.”

According to Karimirad, allegations that Mortazavi had any involvement in the death of Kazemi are unfounded.

“The allegations are fabrications,” he said, “baseless lies.”

“The fact Canada’s foreign minister was repeating them,” he added, “was libelous.”

To these comments, Peter MacKay laid the smack down Canadian style:

“Take me to court. Come to Canada and face it in the justice system, if that’s what he believes. I don’t put a lot of faith in what the Iranian justice minister has to say, frankly.”

Ouch. That had to hurt.

I just can’t imagine why Iran has such disdain for Canada.

H/T to Seanblog

Harper Crashes St. Jean Baptiste Day … Without Crashing Any Windows

TodayTomorrow is St. Jean Baptiste day. (It alsoToday happens to be Cookie’s birthday. Happy Birthday Cookie!!). For many this day, which is a statutory holiday in the province of Quebec, is often marked with storefront windows being smashed, looting and it is often tied to the separatist movement within la Belle Province.

I, and probably the churches, find this highly ass backwards. You see, for those who care to make the easy translation Jean de Baptiste is John the Baptist. I am curious how the man who is regarded as a prophet by three religions has become a symbol of vandalism, theft and separation?

Perhaps one of my readers from Quebec can help answer this curiousity.

I was very pleased to hear that our Prime Minister has chosen to take part in some of the celebrations. Not only does it help show Quebecers that he respects the holiday, but it shows he respects them. And I am glad he set a good example by enjoying the day without smashing any windows, without looting, and without promoting separation.

Bonne Fête mes amis en Quebec.