I Should Buy Myself A Lottery Ticket

Saturday the wife and I made it through handling the sleepover birthday party of our (now) 10 year old daughter and 7 of her friends. (My ears haven’t heard this much squeaking and squealing since a Hillary Duff concert a couple of years back)

Sunday morning I managed french toast and bacon breakfast for them all and we got our son to his band trip to Kingston on time.

I managed to help pick up all the food/soft drinks and ice (along with setting up all the chairs) for a very large BBQ at the Carp Fair grounds.

With the help of my friend Craig I managed to get my fathers day gift of a roll out Basketball net together (and only had to undo something once which is amazing unto itself).

I managed to get my first podcast working. (give it a listen here).

And this morning I wake up to find out I am the BBS Blogging Tories Site of the Week!!BT Site of week logo

Now, if I can win the Tri-Riding Golf Tournament today, I KNOW I will be buying myself a few lottery tickets for Wednesday’s draw in the 6/49. I think the only downside was finding out our Minister of Defence, Gordon O’Connor won’t be giving a speech tonight at the post golf dinner as he was slated to. But in light of the fact that he and our Prime Minister will be in Halifax to kick off a week of spending announcements to bolster our much needed military refit, I think I can live with that. Especially since I ran into him yesterday.

Gordon OConnor and Me

Thanks for the honour BBS. It means a lot to me!!

One thought on “I Should Buy Myself A Lottery Ticket

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    June 26, 2006 at 4:25 pm

    1. I trust a good time was had by all Hillary Duff fans.

    2. Congratulations on the BBS Site award.

    3. Good luck on the tournament AND the lottery, or voluntary tax that I and others like me willingly pay.

    4. Re: your June 23-24 post, I forgot to refer you to these sites that may interest you:

    Both are in English. I am assuming you do not read French – forgive me if I am wrong.

    Also be on the lookout for an English translation of André Pratte’s “Aux pays des merveilles – Essai sur les mythes politiques québécois” (Wonderland – An Essay on Quebec political myths)

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