City Of Ottawa Join Ranks Of Thieving Cities And Misdirects Anger To Cabbies

The City Of Ottawa has joined Toronto and Edmonton in stealing our GST cut.

From CFRA Radio website:

Ottawa taxi patrons will not benefit from a one per cent cut in the GST on Canada Day.

The Conservatives will reduce the GST to six per cent on July 1st, but the savings will not show up on the meter for the price of a cab ride.

The City of Ottawa includes all taxes in the fare.

CFRA News has learned the savings from any GST cut will go into the pockets of cab drivers.

Bylaw Services Manager Susan Jones says the GST cut will offset any increased costs to operate a taxi in the City of Ottawa.

The Canada Revenue Agency says businesses don’t have to lower their prices. As of July 1, businesses must remit six per cent of the GST but what you pay may not change.

You notice the City tries to play the GST into cab drivers pockets. The truth of the matter is the City is taking our money and they are choosing to give the exact same amount to the cabbies. The choice to take it and the choice in how to spend it is the City of Ottawa’s.

And they have chosen to take it and give it to cabbies. I am not upset with cabbies. But I am ticked off with the City.

They have Officially Screwed us again.