Behind Every Scary Man …

… is an even scarier woman!

I know I know, I replaced the word “great” but you HAVE TO READ THIS ARTICLE FROM BEGINNING TO END to understand why. (i.e. all four pages)

Wives of four of the central figures arrested last month were among the most active on the website, sharing, among other things, their passion for holy war, disgust at virtually every aspect of non-Muslim society and a hatred of Canada. The posts were made on personal blogs belonging to both Mr. Amara and Ms. Farooq, as well as a semi-private forum founded by Ms. Farooq where dozens of teens in the Meadowvale Secondary School area chatted. The vast majority of the posts were made over a period of about 20 months, mostly in 2004, and the majority of those were made by the group’s female members.

I could not stop reading how these wives crying foul on the news following the arrests were, in many cases, more anti-Canadian than their arrested husbands.

I would even go so far as to ponder why people like Ernst Zundel are arrested for hate literature while these ladies roam free and harp to our media how their husbands are innocent. (One would think that if these women were pushing their husbands to commit Jihad, they may find themselves charged with the same crimes their husbands are charged with.)

H/T to DustMyBroom