Got Tingling Hands? See Your Chiropractor!!

I don’t normally talk about my physical ailments on this blog, but this one is aimed at the Yellow Bellied McShifty who cut chiropractic subsidies when he took over as our premier. It also may help some of you who notice symptoms that may pertain to a pinched nerve.
About three weeks ago, I started having problems with both of my hands tingling depending on how I positioned them. Whether it was my left hand resting easily on my car door with the window rolled down or my right arm folded with my hand resting under my pillow at night. It happened to both hands while sitting at my desk sometimes and other countless ways.

I discounted the idea that my hands were falling asleep because as soon as I moved them and gave them a shake the tingling went away without the usual pins and needles that someone gets when an appendage falls asleep.

On Wednesday night I woke up with REALLY bad tingling in both hands and a feeling of pressure that made my hands feel like they were going to explode.

So Thursday afternoon I was off to my chiropractor. I described my symptoms to him and he held my neck at a specific angle while he twisted my arm inward with my hand held backwards like I was taking money from behind me. (Being a Conservative, he joked “like you’re a Liberal taking a payoff” which had me in stitches). Lo and behold the numbness was there right away.

He had me assume the “Liberal position” with my other hand and the tingling was the same.

He performed a quick adjustment on my neck and I have slept peacefully for the past two nights. I have also noticed that the tingling is pretty much gone. I think one or two more trips to my chiropractor over the next two weeks and I should be good as new.

The only problem is that the hit to my wallet is more than it used to be thanks to yellow-belly. But a small price considering the dramatic effects chiropractic has given me.

Thanks Dr. Jeff!!

P.S. A few years ago I dislocated a rib golfing over the weekend.  A problem which would have taken a month or more on muscle relaxants and bedrest to correct. This same chiropractor adjusted my back on the following Monday and Thursday and I was golfing the next weekend. Being a golfer himself, he knew what caused my dislocation, told me to keep my forward arm straight in the backswing to prevent it happening again. Not only did he fix my back but he fixed my golf game. I shot several strokes better that following weekend with the tip.
Please tell us about your chiropractic story in the comments below!!