Follow The Bouncing Moonbat Ball

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1) Canada’s Liberal Government gave China $50 Million a year in humanitarian aid.
2) China in turn has been providing food and aid to starving North Koreans
3) Kim Jong Poofyhead has been starving his people to live a lavish life and develop nuclear weapons
4) North Korea has claimed to have detonated a nuclear bomb
5) Nuclear bombs generate massive amounts of heat and radiation which is brutal for the environment


Every moonbat leftwing nutbar website is criticizing the Tory Clean Air Act and not the North Koreans. If the DPRK is even mentioned it’s to shift the blame somewhere else or to condone the detonation.

Tonight on The Hour, even George Strombolopolous threw out a joke that blamed the CBC for the North Korean nukes. Way to turn a global event into a cute self deprecating joke George. < sarcasm>Nice job.< / sarcasm>

Go figure. I guess to get a lefty to complain about a nuclear bomb going off, it would need to be detonated by George Bush. Although if that happened, you would see thousands of the environmentalistas picketing the US Embassy.

One thought on “Follow The Bouncing Moonbat Ball

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    October 11, 2006 at 10:12 am

    Dion completely loses it at Clean Air Presser

    Stephane needs your prayers…

    In a development that appeared to take his campaign staff totally by surprise, Stephane Dion, in stark contrast to the other Liberal Leadership hopefuls, was seen displaying disturbing vestiges of a moral compass.

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