Smitherman, Master Of The Boondoggle, Strikes Again

The man who was the Ontario Health Minister when the eHealth boondoggle started was recently was in my neck of the woods to announce another boondoggle.

George Smitherman was in West Carleton to announce the opening of a massive solar farm this past week.

So where’s the boondoggle you ask? Just read this to find out where we are getting OfficiallyScrewed by Smitherman (and McGuinty).

The Arnprior project, which has been undertaken by EDF EN Canada, the Canadian arm of a French renewable-energy company, EDF-Energies-Nouvelles, has been the beneficiary of about $100 million in funding from Ontario taxpayers. It is supposed to be operational in December and feed into the provincial power grid. The site, which the company has leased for 20 years, is expected to generate about 20 megawatts of electricity, which is enough to provide for the peak electrical demands of about 7,000 households.

Critics have questioned whether Ontarians are getting their money’s worth. They point out the province is subsidizing solar companies like EDF EN to the tune of about 42 cents a kilowatt-hour for their power, when conventional electricity sources such as coal cost consumers about five to six cents per kilowatt hour..

$100 Million in funding to a French company for the solar farm set up…BOONDOGGLE.

Subsidizing them 42 cents per kilowatt-hour when coal power costs 5 to 6 cents per kilowatt-hour…BOONDOGGLE.

But the insult to injury here is the fact that this solar farm is opening in December. Correct me if I am wrong but we have two things that make solar energy very tough to produce in December. 1) it’s Dark from 430pm through to 8am and 2) It snows in the Ottawa valley … ALOT. Hmmm….BOONDOGGLE.

Now let’s do some math. The farm is going to produce 20 Megawatt-hours of power which is 20,000 kilowatt-hours. And 46 cents x 20,000 is $9200 per hour. In Ottawa we get approximately 4000 hours of daylight a year which means the subsidy is going to be about $3.7 Million per year. Over 20 years, that’s another $74 Million dollars. Added to the $100 Million to build the farm, that’s enough money to produce 2.9 gigawatts of power.

For those who remember, that’s enough for Marty McFly to travel back in time twice.

Too bad Ontario voters can’t go back and time.

Liberals Chequing Out After Cashing In

Right now in the news the Liberal Party of Canada is working hard to make giant novelty cheques dirty. Whenever governments spend money, they have traditionally had a big novelty cheque created which the local politicians and the representatives of those receiving the money have a photo op. This has been customary for decades or even longer.

Yet now that they have demanded billions on infrastructure spending, I find it completely ridiculous that the Liberals feel the photo ops are abuse of tax dollars for partisan purposes. Below is a snippit from the National Post from Saturday February 19th, 2000.

OTTAWA and QUEBEC CITY – Jean Chretien, the Prime Minister, yesterday said his government had nothing to apologize for in seeking to reap maximum partisan political benefit from disbursing $1-billion worth of federal job grants across Canada each year.

He had always made sure since taking power in October, 1993, that voters were left in no doubt that it was his Liberals who were distributing such grants, he said.

“Listen,” he added, “we are the government … I don’t see why we can’t try to get credit for what we do. I hope we do so. There is nothing to be ashamed in that.”

Thanks to Stephen Taylor for digging this one up.

Now correct me if I am wrong but was Jean Chretien not a Liberal? The fact that the Liberals didn’t seem to mind mind “cashing in” on the photo ops when they were in power just makes them look like hypocrites now that the shoe is on the other foot.

New Twist To "Tax and Spend Liberal"

Today, columnist Michael Harris pinned the tail on the Iggy when he addressed Iggy’s “new” love for the environment.

A man who has just been knocked down by a bus doesn’t usually get up and jump in front of a train.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has done just that with the announcement that the “heart” of the Liberal platform in the next federal election will be the environment and clean energy. Has a political death wish ever been expressed more clearly? And didn’t they try that, albeit in reverse, in the last federal bun fight?

The plan under Stephane Dion was a carbon tax; the Ignatieff approach is oceanic government spending on clean energy.

But the key is this next line. If we were using hockey analogies, this next line is the equivalent of “putting it top shelf where mama keeps the peanut butter”.

Between these two professors, the traditional Liberal bases have been covered tax and spend.

Iggy is the “Spend” to Dion’s “Tax”.


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Obama Communication Chief Says Mao One Of Her Favourite Philosophers. How Many More Communist Sympathizers Will Obama Put In Key Positions?

White House Communication Chief Anita Dunn quoted from last June.

And the third tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people I turn to most.“.

Aside from the fact that she would put Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa in the same sentence, giving credence to a tyrannical dictator is simply wrong for someone who speaks for the President.

First we had Van Jones, the now resigned Green Jobs Czar, a self avowed Communist.

Then we had Mark Lloyd, the FCC Diversity Czar, with his ties to communism.

And now Anita Dunn. The woman who has stated she is treating Fox News as they would treat any other enemy. A woman who who has stated that Mao Tse Tung is one of her favorite political philosophers.

The same Mao Tse Tung who was responsible for over 70 Million peace time deaths in China. The same Mao who treated the lives of Chinese citizens as if they were flecks of dust.

To quote Lady Gaga, “Obama!! Are You Listening!!!”

Because we are.

You say you’ll change the constitution
Well you know
We’d all love to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow.

~John Lennon

Enough is Enough. Wake Up Ontario. McGuinty's Cronies Committing Larceny Of The Grandest Kind

I’ve had it. You should have had it too. OLGC boondoggles (not one but TWO), HST implementation without cutting the mill rate, A health tax levy weeks after taking office and now eHealth.

I’m sick and tired of Dalton “YellowBellied” McShifty running rickshaw over Ontario taxpayers.

The Gomery Commission was called by a Liberal when it was reported a $250 Million dollar program could possibly have as much as $100 Million wasted.

And yet Yellowbelly himself rejects a call for a public inquiry into the eHealth Boondoggle that is over 10 times as bad.

What’s that you ask? 10 times Mulder? Surely you jest.

No friggin way! The numbers don’t lie. The Auditor General says that in a billion dollar program, the tax payers received only hundreds of millions of dollars in value. Well do the math. 1000 million minus hundreds of millions means hundreds of millions may have been wasted.

The Sponsorship Scandal was $250 Million over 33 Million Canadians. That’s about $7.50 for every man, woman and child in this country.

And eHealth? Just do the math. $1 BILLION, that’s 1000 Million being wasted of Ontario taxpayer dollars. $1 Billion over 11.4 Million people is a whopping $87.72 for every man, woman and child in Ontario.

That’s 11.7 times how bad the Sponsorship Scandal was to the Federal Liberals.

But this is not the only reason “blood is shooting out of my eyes“. The fact that the Premier is not willing to investigate should ring bells loud and clear that a criminal investigation should take place. Yet who is responsible for administering the Canadian Criminal Code? The provinces. So who would be the authority in Ontario that would appoint a special prosecutor to this? The Ontario Attorney General. And who appoints the Ontario Attorney General? Dalton Friggin McGuinty.

If this isn’t the Fox watching the Henhouse then nothing is.

I think the Federal government should be putting in a special request to the Province of Ontario to uphold the Criminal Code and investigate this larceny of the grandest kind.

McGuinty’s government put the Mayor of Ottawa through the ringer for posible influence peddling that (if it had been true) would have cost the tax payers a few hundred thousand dollars, yet he won’t investigate A BILLION FREAKING DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE!!

Blood should be shooting out of your eyes too!!! Talk about taxpayers being completely bent over and getting OfficiallyScrewed.

Barack Obama Wins Miss Universe Pageant

BarryO-BeachIn an unprecedented situation, President Barack Obama has followed up his Nobel Peace Prize by winning the Miss Universe Pageant despite the fact that he a) is a man and b) did not enter the contest.

Pageant officials addressed the fact that President Obama is not a woman with the following statement:

We understand that the President has a Y chromosome, but we feel that this was an aberration that was beyond his control and should he have received the X chromosome from his father at conception, he would have been an incredibly attractive woman. And the judges feel his charisma has been clearly demonstrated in his numerous speeches, and his desire to “save the world” would put him on par with Miss Algeria, Miss Greece, Miss Spain, Miss New Zealand, Miss Brazil, Miss Guatemala, etc. Additionally, we know he looks great in evening wear and his beach photo’s demonstrate he would perform admirably in the swimsuit competition.

Congratulations President Illinois!!

Free Speech In America A Target For Another Obama Czar With Marxist Ties

I demand that you read my blog exactly as much as you read National Newswatch, Stephen Taylor, Small Dead Animals, Blue Like You and Chuckercanuck.

Ok, maybe that’s asking a bit much and you probably want to know what I’m smoking to make such a demand. But it’s the equivalent of what Barack Obama’s FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants in places like talk radio, television and yes, even the internet via taxation and subsidies.  Can you imagine the outcry if a blogger like me got a subsidy to sit at home and dole out trash while good ole Chucker had to pay a tax for every blog post he put up?

You see, in the USA there was something called the Fairness Doctrine. It gave lefties the right to have as much airtime as conservative broadcasters. And in a wise move, Ronald Reagan got rid of it and the Supreme Court of America agreed with him because the diversity and choice exists in enough abundance that government mandated equality is no longer needed.

Well the aforementioned Mark Lloyd appears to have ties to an outfit called  But does not believe in Free Press. It’s founder, Robert McChesney was the co-editor of “Monthly Review” for a time. Monthly review is as socialist as you can get. By it’s own admission it fights against an Imperialistic America. Mark Lloyd is friends with good ole Bob McChesney.

Now would you be surprised to find out that Bob McChesney has called the Monthly Review “one of the most important Marxist publications in the world, let alone the United States.”?  That should tell you something about him.

And would you be surprised to find out that Mark Lloyd also knows avowed Marxist Van Jones? Do you remember Van Jones? The Marxist Obama made the Green Jobs Czar. You know him. He’s the one who resigned a few weeks ago.

It doesn’t stop there.  The rat’s nest of marxists infiltrating the Obama Administration grows.  The FCC chairman Julius Genachowski named as his press secretary the former spokesperson Jen Howard.  Co-een-kee-dink?  I think not. is working hard to take control of the FCC so they can start to enforce equal time on the airwaves and the internet.

i.e. they are doing exactly what I mockingly tried to do in the first paragraph of this blogpost.

So let’s see put a few pieces together here.  Barack Obama states that we should judge him by who he surrounds himself with.  He chose avowed Marxist Van Jones as his Green Jobs Czar.  Then he chose Mark Lloyd to be his FCC diversity Czar and Lloyd turns out to be a tied to the hip of Marxists/Socialists.  So what are we to think? I’ll tell you what I think.

America?  Be afraid…be very afraid.

McShifty Taking It On The Chin. Let Our eHealth System Sew Him Up

Dalton McGuinty’s government is taking more heat on E-health.

In his 50-page report on eHealth released today, Auditor General Jim McCarter said he found Ontario taxpayers “have definitely not received value for money on the $1 billion spent to date.”He suggests that the actual value of services received wasn’t anywhere near the $1 billion in untendered contracts, and Ontarians have not received hundreds of millions of dollars worth of what they should have.McCarter blames the waste of money on the government spending hundreds of millions with no proper strategic plan on the results it wanted.He also blamed lack of supervision over the agency.

When will Ontarians learn that McShifty and his cronies are officially screwing us over?

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Speaking From The Hip

If you are a party member, he spoke to you in your email. If you were a fan of his show, you saw him riding the fine line between the parties. And if you are lucky enough to have him speak in a riding near you, I highly encourage people to go see Senator Mike Duffy.

“Duff” as he is affectionately known, has a wonderful gift of making politicos in the room stop mesmerized by his words.

But unlike his TV show, the new Senator Duffy is as partisan as you can get and he is pulling out all the stops to let Canadians know that the current Conservative government is doing things the right way.

I was lucky enough to see him speak at the Nepean-Carleton Ministerial reception last week and it was a fantastic night.

If you are in the Ottawa area, you can catch Senator Duffy speaking at the Carleton-Mississippi Mills 5th Annual Fall Supper on October 29th. I’ll be in attendance myself and look forward to hearing him again.