Enough is Enough. Wake Up Ontario. McGuinty's Cronies Committing Larceny Of The Grandest Kind

I’ve had it. You should have had it too. OLGC boondoggles (not one but TWO), HST implementation without cutting the mill rate, A health tax levy weeks after taking office and now eHealth.

I’m sick and tired of Dalton “YellowBellied” McShifty running rickshaw over Ontario taxpayers.

The Gomery Commission was called by a Liberal when it was reported a $250 Million dollar program could possibly have as much as $100 Million wasted.

And yet Yellowbelly himself rejects a call for a public inquiry into the eHealth Boondoggle that is over 10 times as bad.

What’s that you ask? 10 times Mulder? Surely you jest.

No friggin way! The numbers don’t lie. The Auditor General says that in a billion dollar program, the tax payers received only hundreds of millions of dollars in value. Well do the math. 1000 million minus hundreds of millions means hundreds of millions may have been wasted.

The Sponsorship Scandal was $250 Million over 33 Million Canadians. That’s about $7.50 for every man, woman and child in this country.

And eHealth? Just do the math. $1 BILLION, that’s 1000 Million being wasted of Ontario taxpayer dollars. $1 Billion over 11.4 Million people is a whopping $87.72 for every man, woman and child in Ontario.

That’s 11.7 times how bad the Sponsorship Scandal was to the Federal Liberals.

But this is not the only reason “blood is shooting out of my eyes“. The fact that the Premier is not willing to investigate should ring bells loud and clear that a criminal investigation should take place. Yet who is responsible for administering the Canadian Criminal Code? The provinces. So who would be the authority in Ontario that would appoint a special prosecutor to this? The Ontario Attorney General. And who appoints the Ontario Attorney General? Dalton Friggin McGuinty.

If this isn’t the Fox watching the Henhouse then nothing is.

I think the Federal government should be putting in a special request to the Province of Ontario to uphold the Criminal Code and investigate this larceny of the grandest kind.

McGuinty’s government put the Mayor of Ottawa through the ringer for posible influence peddling that (if it had been true) would have cost the tax payers a few hundred thousand dollars, yet he won’t investigate A BILLION FREAKING DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE!!

Blood should be shooting out of your eyes too!!! Talk about taxpayers being completely bent over and getting OfficiallyScrewed.