Speaking From The Hip

If you are a party member, he spoke to you in your email. If you were a fan of his show, you saw him riding the fine line between the parties. And if you are lucky enough to have him speak in a riding near you, I highly encourage people to go see Senator Mike Duffy.

“Duff” as he is affectionately known, has a wonderful gift of making politicos in the room stop mesmerized by his words.

But unlike his TV show, the new Senator Duffy is as partisan as you can get and he is pulling out all the stops to let Canadians know that the current Conservative government is doing things the right way.

I was lucky enough to see him speak at the Nepean-Carleton Ministerial reception last week and it was a fantastic night.

If you are in the Ottawa area, you can catch Senator Duffy speaking at the Carleton-Mississippi Mills 5th Annual Fall Supper on October 29th. I’ll be in attendance myself and look forward to hearing him again.