Free Speech In America A Target For Another Obama Czar With Marxist Ties

I demand that you read my blog exactly as much as you read National Newswatch, Stephen Taylor, Small Dead Animals, Blue Like You and Chuckercanuck.

Ok, maybe that’s asking a bit much and you probably want to know what I’m smoking to make such a demand. But it’s the equivalent of what Barack Obama’s FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants in places like talk radio, television and yes, even the internet via taxation and subsidies.  Can you imagine the outcry if a blogger like me got a subsidy to sit at home and dole out trash while good ole Chucker had to pay a tax for every blog post he put up?

You see, in the USA there was something called the Fairness Doctrine. It gave lefties the right to have as much airtime as conservative broadcasters. And in a wise move, Ronald Reagan got rid of it and the Supreme Court of America agreed with him because the diversity and choice exists in enough abundance that government mandated equality is no longer needed.

Well the aforementioned Mark Lloyd appears to have ties to an outfit called  But does not believe in Free Press. It’s founder, Robert McChesney was the co-editor of “Monthly Review” for a time. Monthly review is as socialist as you can get. By it’s own admission it fights against an Imperialistic America. Mark Lloyd is friends with good ole Bob McChesney.

Now would you be surprised to find out that Bob McChesney has called the Monthly Review “one of the most important Marxist publications in the world, let alone the United States.”?  That should tell you something about him.

And would you be surprised to find out that Mark Lloyd also knows avowed Marxist Van Jones? Do you remember Van Jones? The Marxist Obama made the Green Jobs Czar. You know him. He’s the one who resigned a few weeks ago.

It doesn’t stop there.  The rat’s nest of marxists infiltrating the Obama Administration grows.  The FCC chairman Julius Genachowski named as his press secretary the former spokesperson Jen Howard.  Co-een-kee-dink?  I think not. is working hard to take control of the FCC so they can start to enforce equal time on the airwaves and the internet.

i.e. they are doing exactly what I mockingly tried to do in the first paragraph of this blogpost.

So let’s see put a few pieces together here.  Barack Obama states that we should judge him by who he surrounds himself with.  He chose avowed Marxist Van Jones as his Green Jobs Czar.  Then he chose Mark Lloyd to be his FCC diversity Czar and Lloyd turns out to be a tied to the hip of Marxists/Socialists.  So what are we to think? I’ll tell you what I think.

America?  Be afraid…be very afraid.