New Democrat Wants To Redistribute Wealth

They finally said it.

Rookie NDP MP Dany Morin of Chicoutimi–Le Fjord, while speaking in the house on Wednesday June 22, 2011 admitted that the NDP want to redistribute wealth.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to say to the Conservative member that the NDP supports wealth creation. However, unlike our Conservative colleagues, we support the redistribution of this wealth in society.

We all know this means dipping (no pun intended) into the pocket of those who have and putting into the pocket of those who do not have with a “commission” for the bureaucracy. How big that commission is? Or who decides who is a have or a have not is not up to you but up to the state.

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

h/t to ShamTheToryMan

On Bob Rae Being Appointed Interim Leader Of The Liberal Party. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

When Stockwell Day was the leader of the Alliance he got painted as a religious right zealot by the Liberals and the press ate it up.

When Stephen Harper took over leadership of the Alliance and eventually the Conservative Party of Canada he was painted as “Scary” Stephen Harper with his Hidden Agenda by the Liberals and the press.

When Stephane Dion became leader of the Liberal Party of Canada he was painted as the incompetent professor who was the environment minister but let emissions rise by the Conservatives and somewhat by the press.

When Michael Ignatieff took over the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada, he was painted as an “Americano” who was out of the country for 3 decades and came back to be Prime Minister. He was just a visitor. This is what the Conservative advertisements told us.

So if you were the Liberals and you wanted to avoid having your leader painted for two years with Conservative advertising on some negative issue and you needed a reprieve for…oh let’s say 18 months…so your new leader could rebrand himself with the press, would it not be prudent to buy that time somehow?

Would appointing him “interim leader” and then changing your rules before convention to let him run for the official leadership be a wise thing to do? I think it would.

So my advice to the Conservative Party. Dip into that war chest you just built up with Convention attendee fees and start painting Bob Rae as Buffalo Bob. Start telling the Canadian public how his term was so bad that the NDP didn’t win a single seat in Ontario in 1993.

Because if the Liberal Party pulls a fast one and puts him in as leader in 18 months, it may be too late to brand him if he has branded himself.

I’m just sayin…

On Senate Appointments

For all those lefty AND righty whiners complaining about Harper appointing Smith, Verner and Manning to the Senate….Tough freaking noogies.

The Liberals had control of the Senate for 65 of the last 70 years. And now that Harper has chosen to stuff it full of cronies all I hear is Wahhhhh Wahhhh Wahhhh. Grow up people. This is not TiddlyWinks or Go Fish. It’s Big Boy Monopoly and Harper is playing by the rules. He tried to change things and the other parties told him to go pound sand. So now everyone else can go pound sand.

He also told the provinces to nominate their own Senators and the PM would appoint them but only Alberta has chosen to do so. Again, shame on the provinces for not taking advantage of this.

I hope another 20 Senate appointments come up and that Harper shoves another 20 forty year old conservatives in the upper house. Maybe when the other parties see that they will not regain control of the Senate until 2050 they may change their minds about Senate reform.

Keep on rolling Mr. Prime Minister.

Go Right Young Man. Go Right.

My wife calls me an idealogue thinking I always side with the Conservative Party of Canada. Today however, I am upset at two items on the agenda.

1) The expansion of funding to the CBC. James Moore (as pointed out by Ezra Levant) is being mocked by the brass at CBC and being effectively called a lapdog now that they have funding increases coming. This is NOT what most conservatives feel should be happening and I join in the chorus of those who think the budget of the CBC should either be slowly trimmed back $100M a year for 11 years until they have learned to swim on their own or simply cut it all at once and let them sink or swim on the merits of their work.

And more importantly,

2) As pointed out by Mark Steyn, the new criminal omnibus bill has a clause that will make it a two year prison term to link to a website spewing hate speech. The vagueness of this or the risk of errant links is too great. But the reality is that hate speech is free speech. At the Conservative policy convention in Winnipeg, the party unanimously voted to scrap section 13 on hate speech. So why are we reinforcing it? I was in Winnipeg. The support was incredible to move towards free speech above all.

Some have labelled Steyn’s site a hate speech site. Well I link there and am proud to say I link there. I guess I’ll wait for the internet cops to track me down and toss me in jail for 2 years.

So I am bringing both of these points directly to my MP and letting him know that I am not happy about this. When we won a majority, I thought we would be leaning further right, but it seems that on these issues we are just riding up the middle of the road just like our predecessors.

Holy Smokes! Don Boudria Agrees With Me That We Need To Enumerate

Tonight on Goldhawk, Don Boudria, while discussing voter turnout, said that he thinks the number is not correct because we have moved to a permanent voter’s list and there are errors. He then said that we should move be enumerating.

As many of you know, I have been calling for enumeration for quite some time and agree that the % turnout is far higher than it seems.

To reiterate.

When I was an Information Officer in the 2006 election, I had more than one person come up with multiple voter cards. One gentleman came up with three cards.

One for John Davidson.
One for John W. Davidson
and one for John William Davidson.
(names were changed to protect the innocent)

So to Elections Canada, there are 3 voter cards mailed, yet only one voter.

To read my previous posts on Electoral Reform see links below.

Two critical flaws in our Electoral System that need addressing


More on our Electoral System

Layton Inadvertently Smacks a Few of His New MPs With Debate Comment

In the English language debate, Jack Layton dealt a death blow to Michael Ignatieff by saying something to the effect of “If you want a promotion, you need to show up for work.”

How many of his new Quebec MPs didn’t campaign a single stitch? How many did not even show up in their riding during the election?

Unless they have $150,000 a year jobs now, many just got a promotion without showing up for work.

I’m just saying….

The real losers here are the constituents who will have poor representation by someone who does not understand the local issues. But they are also the ones who did the voting so it seems they are stuck with their own bad decisions. 41st Canadian Election Seat Predictions

Posting red text with actual results

For the record, I will say that my numbers are educated guesses based partly on the last election, partly on the tides of change happening in this election, partly on my desire to see a stable majority government in Canada, partly on my seat by seat analysis, partly on the pollsters data and finally to throw much of this out the window, partly on my decision to move a few blocks of seats out of sheer gut instinct.

i.e. to figure out how I got these numbers, you will likely yank your hair out for hours.

In any case here they are.

Conservatives – 170 166
New Democrats – 61 103
Liberals – 57 33
Bloc Quebecois – 19 4
Green Party – a big fat goose egg 1
Independent – 1 (Sorry Helena, it ain’t you) 0

Conservative – 28 27
All other parties – 0
NDP – 1

Conservative – 25 21
NDP – 8 12
Liberal – 3 2
All others – 0
Green Party – 1

Conservative – 10 11
NDP – 4 2
All others – 0
Liberal – 1

New Brunswick:
Conservative – 8 8
Liberal – 1 1
NDP – 1 1
All others – 0

Newfoundland and Labrador
Liberal – 3 4
Conservative – 2 1
NDP – 2 2
All others – 0

Nova Scotia:
Liberal – 5 4
Conservative – 4 4
NDP – 2 3
All others – 0

Conservative – 1 1All others – 0

Conservative – 63 73
Liberal – 27 11
NDP – 16 22
All others – 0

Conservative – 2 (bubbye Wayne Easter) 1
Liberal – 2 3
All others – 0

NDP – 27 59
Bloc – 19 4
Conservative – 14 5
Liberal – 14 7
All others – 0

Conservative – 12 13
Liberal – 1 1
NDP – 1 0
All others – 0

Western Arctic:
Conservative – 1 0
All others – 0
NDP – 1

Liberal – 1 0
All Others – 0
Conservative – 1

PSAC Launders Tax Dollars

Joe Canadian pays taxes to government’

Government hires and pays Public Servants.

Public Servants pay union dues to PSAC, the public servants union.

PSAC pays for advertising against Steven Harper and the Conservatives, making their advertising partisan. (I heard ads running on CFRA radio here in Ottawa this week.)

i.e. PSAC is laundering money from Joe Canadian to partisan politics.

Another way, we as taxpayers, get Officially Screwed.

The Prime Minister is Stalking Me…But Only On Weekends

Saturday March 26th, 2011 I was asked to deadhead to Quebec City on a 130 pmish charter to drive an empty truck back to Ottawa to save the Conservative Party some campaign expense. (Little did I know it was on the Conservative Party campaign jet as it flew its’s first leg of the long campaign tour.) After getting on what must have been the safest airplane in the nation and sitting in my seat, the Prime Minister came on board. I then had the privilege of seeing the Quebec City rally where I got to speak to Senator/Minister Marjory LeBreton for a good hour or so.

Then last Saturday afternoon as I was working in the campaign office of the Honourable Gordon O’Connor, the phone call came in. The party was looking for some athletic youth for a photo op at Greco Lean and Fit on Sunday morning (April 3rd, 2011) in the north side of Kanata which is in our riding. So I voluntold my kids (who were actually keen on the idea) and Saturday by 9am I was in a room full of press and supporters as my kids worked out in the background. Senator Jacques Demers gave a rousing introduction of all the local MPs and then proceeded to introduce the Prime Minister and his wife. I think the best moment for me was watching from afar as the Harpers spoke to my kids.

Which brings us to Saturday April 9th. My daughter Cookie, as many of you know, plays volleyball with the Ottawa Fusion 15u Girls competitive team. The provincials this year are being held in Waterloo again at RIM Park. The girls did fine yesterday winning their pool which put them into the top 16 in the province for today’s seeding round. We arrived early and got to spend some time watching the 15U boys play as they played in the gaps between the girls games. So as the day goes on, we notice the number of RCMP security in the building creeping upwards finally culminating in the PM arriving to watch his son play in the provincials. (and may I add, the Boys 15U team from Ottawa has a great team likely to medal this year).

So there you have it. Three Weekends…three different cities…and the Prime Minister is there each time. I told you that he was stalking me.

Seriously. I consider myself pretty fortunate to have the opportunity to have met him once, let alone the few times that I have gotten to meet him. I am proud to say I am a supporter of him and the Conservative Party of Canada and I am glad to put in volunteer hours above and beyond what many consider normal. I am of firm belief that the party is on the right track and guiding our government properly with minimal problems.