Many of those who know me know I do not support Supply Management as it artificially changes the price of goods. I used to work for a dairy co-operative and heard the stories of drivers taking their milk loads and dumping them in the middle of a farm field as part of the process of ensuring the supply did not get into the system.
So how did we get to the point of an auto tariff trade war with the USA?
Well back in 1971, Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s government passed the bill authorizing Supply Management. Little did he know his son would be in power when it became a major sticking point between US/Canada trade relations. Trump is now threatening to levy tariffs on Canadian made automobiles and siting Supply Management (for how little it really affects things) as one of the major reasons why the USA is considering this aggressive trade move.
We are quickly getting to a point in which Baby Trudeau will need to either double down on his father’s legacy and seriously jeopardize Canada’s economy or eliminate the unfair trade practice. Pretty ironic if you ask me. In fact, my view on Baby Trudeau’s stance of measured and proportionate tariffs is this. We can bloody the nose of the USA with equal tariffs but what good is it if we are buried 6 feet under?
If you don’t agree with me, why not take Amanda Lang’s view on it? She is not a raving libertarian like me but even she knows if push comes to shove and the USA proceeds with this, our economy in Canada will be crippled.
or in other words…we would be Officially Screwed.