Free Speech In America A Target For Another Obama Czar With Marxist Ties

I demand that you read my blog exactly as much as you read National Newswatch, Stephen Taylor, Small Dead Animals, Blue Like You and Chuckercanuck.

Ok, maybe that’s asking a bit much and you probably want to know what I’m smoking to make such a demand. But it’s the equivalent of what Barack Obama’s FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants in places like talk radio, television and yes, even the internet via taxation and subsidies.  Can you imagine the outcry if a blogger like me got a subsidy to sit at home and dole out trash while good ole Chucker had to pay a tax for every blog post he put up?

You see, in the USA there was something called the Fairness Doctrine. It gave lefties the right to have as much airtime as conservative broadcasters. And in a wise move, Ronald Reagan got rid of it and the Supreme Court of America agreed with him because the diversity and choice exists in enough abundance that government mandated equality is no longer needed.

Well the aforementioned Mark Lloyd appears to have ties to an outfit called  But does not believe in Free Press. It’s founder, Robert McChesney was the co-editor of “Monthly Review” for a time. Monthly review is as socialist as you can get. By it’s own admission it fights against an Imperialistic America. Mark Lloyd is friends with good ole Bob McChesney.

Now would you be surprised to find out that Bob McChesney has called the Monthly Review “one of the most important Marxist publications in the world, let alone the United States.”?  That should tell you something about him.

And would you be surprised to find out that Mark Lloyd also knows avowed Marxist Van Jones? Do you remember Van Jones? The Marxist Obama made the Green Jobs Czar. You know him. He’s the one who resigned a few weeks ago.

It doesn’t stop there.  The rat’s nest of marxists infiltrating the Obama Administration grows.  The FCC chairman Julius Genachowski named as his press secretary the former spokesperson Jen Howard.  Co-een-kee-dink?  I think not. is working hard to take control of the FCC so they can start to enforce equal time on the airwaves and the internet.

i.e. they are doing exactly what I mockingly tried to do in the first paragraph of this blogpost.

So let’s see put a few pieces together here.  Barack Obama states that we should judge him by who he surrounds himself with.  He chose avowed Marxist Van Jones as his Green Jobs Czar.  Then he chose Mark Lloyd to be his FCC diversity Czar and Lloyd turns out to be a tied to the hip of Marxists/Socialists.  So what are we to think? I’ll tell you what I think.

America?  Be afraid…be very afraid.

Why Does ACORN Exist?

Tonight’s episode of Glenn Beck’s show had some very important statistics about ACORN in light of the recent video being released of ACORN employees breaking the law.

Number of times ACORN story was mentioned on FOX News in the past 30 hours: 19
Number of times ACORN story was mentioned on CNN in the past 30 hours: 3
Number of times ACORN story was mentioned on MSNBC in the past 30 hours: 0
Number of times ACORN story was mentioned on ABC in the past 30 hours: 9
Number of times ACORN story was mentioned on CBC in the past 30 hours: 0
Number of times ACORN story was mentioned on NBC in the past 30 hours: 0
Number of ACORN workers fired since story aired: 2
Number of fraudulent voter registrations ACORN admitted to in the 2008 election cycle: 400,000
Number of states where ACORN is under investigation: 14
Number of ACORN workers arrested for voter fraud: 50
Number of cases that resulted in guilty pleas: 30
Amount of taxpayer dollars ACORN has received since 1994: $53,000,000
And the kicker…
Amount of federal tax dollars ACORN is eligibile to receive in the stimulus package: $8,500,000,000 (thats 8.5 BILLION)

But wait, there’s more:

Number of Republicans calling for investigations into ACORN: 67
Number of Democrats calling for investigations into ACORN: 2 (but one was Arlen Spectre who has since become a Democrat and the other was John Conyers who withdrew his request) so the real number is ZERO!!!

Those last two bullets are why America is OfficiallyScrewed.

Now you know why I was so angry when I saw that ACORN is growing in Canada.

ACORN Tentacles Growing In Canada

Tuesday night on local Ottawa CTV news there was a piece about a small group of citizens living in sub standard housing.  In the middle of the clip I hear the war cry of ACORN… “What do we want…Justice….When do we want it….Now.”  And my heart sank because I knew immediately that the tentacles of the Rathke brothers and Saul Alinsky have reached into our fair nation.  Up until tonight I had not heard a peep out of them.  But now that has all changed.

After decades of sucking the life (not to mention billions of dollars) out of the USA, ACORN has set it’s sites on global targets and Canada is a target.

From the website of ACORN Canada.

Don’t miss a thing; enter your email address to stay up to date with ACORN Canada’s work organizing Canada’s low income communities for social justice!

The redistribution of wealth is their ultimate goal.   With lines like “organizing low income communities for social justice” it won’t be long until the voter fraud starts. In the USA the name ACORN has been getting such a bad reputation that they are changing their name to avoid the negative connotations associated with being (pardon the pun) a little nuts.

ACORN now has offices in Toronto (HQ), Ottawa, Surrey/Vancouver and Hamilton.

To quote from The Fly, “Be afraid.  Be very afraid.”

Liberals Need Comparison Before Grading Conservative Spending Of Stimulus Money

So we here at are going to give it to them.

Today, Liberal critic Gerard Kennedy had a few choice words for John Baird regarding stimulus spending.

Liberal infrastructure critic Gerard Kennedy said the minister was ducking from his responsibilities.

“It is politically convenient for him to say he doesn’t know why projects aren’t happening, when, in fact, the government has been responsible for all the delays until now,” Kennedy said.

So far, the federal government says $2.8 billion of the $4-billion infrastructure stimulus fund has been spent and more than 1,700 projects have been approved.

Meanwhile just tonight on Hannity, Karl Rove gave us some details on how the U.S. stimulus spending is going. The Americans have spent a mere $67.4 Billion out of a $787 Billion stimulus package.

So Canada has spent 70% of our stimulus while the Americans have spent 8.6% of theirs.

Gerard Kennedy should hang his head in shame for even suggesting that our Federal government is holding up spending.

Sheila Copps Is A Partisan Second And A Hypocrite First

Sheila Copps wrote a piece for the Hill Times where she spews on about how women in politics (whether politicians or journalists) are being ignored and shoved to the sidelines but she eschews the top female news maker in politics, Governor Sarah Palin.

It is not only an injustice to her article to avoid mentioning Palin, but it demonstrates that Liberals are as much in line with the likes of the ACLU, who did not lift a finger to defend Palin against late night host David Letterman when he made jokes about her 14 yr old daughter having sex with a Major League baseball player.

In addition, Copps goes on about how the Liberal Party should up it’s female candidate quota from 33% to 40% in the next election and she mentions the number of female cabinet members Obama has named but she doesn’t mention the fact that the only major political party in Canada without a female leader in it’s history is her own Liberal Party.

What a hypocrite. Sheila Copps is a major reason why this country is OfficiallyScrewed.

h/t ChuckerCanuck

Socialism Explained Simply

I got this via email from a friend.  Nothing could be simpler.

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.   After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset and the students who  studied little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.  The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that.

Sometimes You Have To Scratch Your Head

Received in my email. Probably because I provide components to the makers of Blackberry and because I am pretty Conservative.

Recently Michelle Obama went to serve food to the homeless at a government funded soup kitchen .

Blackberry User Snaps Photo Of Michelle Obama at Soup KitchenClick Image To Enlarge

Cost of a bowl of soup at homeless shelter $0.00 dollars

Having Michelle Obama serve your soup $0.00 dollars

A homeless person who is receiving government funded meals while taking a picture of the first lady using his Black Berry cell phone $$$$ Priceless