Liberals Need Comparison Before Grading Conservative Spending Of Stimulus Money

So we here at are going to give it to them.

Today, Liberal critic Gerard Kennedy had a few choice words for John Baird regarding stimulus spending.

Liberal infrastructure critic Gerard Kennedy said the minister was ducking from his responsibilities.

“It is politically convenient for him to say he doesn’t know why projects aren’t happening, when, in fact, the government has been responsible for all the delays until now,” Kennedy said.

So far, the federal government says $2.8 billion of the $4-billion infrastructure stimulus fund has been spent and more than 1,700 projects have been approved.

Meanwhile just tonight on Hannity, Karl Rove gave us some details on how the U.S. stimulus spending is going. The Americans have spent a mere $67.4 Billion out of a $787 Billion stimulus package.

So Canada has spent 70% of our stimulus while the Americans have spent 8.6% of theirs.

Gerard Kennedy should hang his head in shame for even suggesting that our Federal government is holding up spending.