ACORN Tentacles Growing In Canada

Tuesday night on local Ottawa CTV news there was a piece about a small group of citizens living in sub standard housing.  In the middle of the clip I hear the war cry of ACORN… “What do we want…Justice….When do we want it….Now.”  And my heart sank because I knew immediately that the tentacles of the Rathke brothers and Saul Alinsky have reached into our fair nation.  Up until tonight I had not heard a peep out of them.  But now that has all changed.

After decades of sucking the life (not to mention billions of dollars) out of the USA, ACORN has set it’s sites on global targets and Canada is a target.

From the website of ACORN Canada.

Don’t miss a thing; enter your email address to stay up to date with ACORN Canada’s work organizing Canada’s low income communities for social justice!

The redistribution of wealth is their ultimate goal.   With lines like “organizing low income communities for social justice” it won’t be long until the voter fraud starts. In the USA the name ACORN has been getting such a bad reputation that they are changing their name to avoid the negative connotations associated with being (pardon the pun) a little nuts.

ACORN now has offices in Toronto (HQ), Ottawa, Surrey/Vancouver and Hamilton.

To quote from The Fly, “Be afraid.  Be very afraid.”