As I mentioned in my last post, I got the opportunity to drive by the Brookstreet Hotel (shown above) to see what kind of hoopla was going on. Not as an activist mind you, but as an observer. I managed to snap the above photo of the hotel and noticed the parking lot was blocked off with small metal fence baricades. Nothing overly secure, but enough to tell drivers not to enter the long driveway.I noticed a bunch of youngsters standing in the rain eating Pizza Pizza under a couple of umbrellas.
I knew right away they weren’t from Ottawa because no self respecting resident of Ottawa would eat Pizza Pizza. It’s solely for those transplanted Torontonians who haven’t experienced the good stuff Ottawa has to offer.
But I had to ask. So I pulled over, tossed on my blinkers and got out with my cell phone/camera. I asked them if they were there to see what the hullabaloo was about and they said yes and asked me if I was with Alex Jones. I almost died laughing when they asked me if I was with him.
For those who don’t know, Alex Jones is a whack job who thinks past U.S. President’s and U.S. government officials get together for some crazy ritual worshiping a giant stone owl and burning a human in effigy to represent the death of bohemian culture. *clutching side in laughter*
Obviously the nutbar is planning on crashing the Bilderberg. I proceded to say “no” and asked them if they were local guys from Ottawa. They admitted to being from a few different places … Toronto, Vancouver and even a carload from Spain huddling in from the rain.
As you can see from the photo below, the event has cop cars all over. I hope they aren’t needed and if the rain keeps up the way it is expected to, there will be no golfing for the elite, and no fun in the sun for the protesters.
ADDENDUM: I recalled reading about Bill Clinton attending a conference but wasn’t sure if it was the Bilderberg, so I got his biography off my bookshelf and sure enough, Bilderberg is listed in the index and pointed me to page 376. However, there was no mention of the Bilderberg on that page or any in the vicinity. If I manage to dig it up, I will post what Bill wrote about it.
An added note, the CTV 11 pm news just reported that Stephen Harper attended a Bilderberg in the past but is not, apparently, at this one. They also added that if he was, it is shrouded in so much secrecy that no one would know.