Brookstreet … A Hotel Of Kings Now Too? There Go The Room Rates!!

The Marshes Golf Course is pretty nice. But the prices are way too high. Links style or not, I have only played there when they have deals or when someone else is paying because I much prefer Loch March.

But the prestigious golf course, located a mere 500 meters from my office, is part of the Brookstreet Hotel complex which is hosting a group that is even more secretive than the Free Masons.

The Bilderberg Group is in Ottawa this week and staying at the hotel I put my suppliers up in.

Despite being sick as a dog, I need to go to the office tomorrow for a couple of sales calls. I might just have to pass by the gorgeous, (and often empty due to the room rates) hotel and see if I can recognize anyone before security tosses me out on my ass. Ironically, the same doormen who do are the ones who consistently open the doors for me when I go to pick up those suppliers to go on sales calls. Ahh the irony of it all.

Enjoy your stay in our town Kingmakers. In light of this high profile meeting, I have to wonder if the Toronto 17 were arrested just in case this meeting was a possible target. This is one of the first years the get together is being publicized.

2 thoughts on “Brookstreet … A Hotel Of Kings Now Too? There Go The Room Rates!!

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  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    June 9, 2006 at 9:22 pm

    In light of this high profile meeting, I have to wonder if the Toronto 17 were arrested just in case this meeting was a possible target.

    It’s possible. It certainly justifies putting Ottawa and everyone at the Ottawa airport on high alert for when the Bildies do roll through there.

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