Liberal MP Keith Martin Makes A Good Proposal … A Year Too Late

Riddle me this? When I a Liberal a hypocrite? Pretty much always, especially when it comes to standing up to international tyrants.

Liberal MP Keith Martin is asking the Conservative government to indict Robert Mugabe under the Crimes Against Humanity Act.

“Mugabe’s actions have left millions on the brink of starvation and a similar number have been forced to flee his dictatorial regime to surrounding countries. Time is of the essence and the international community must act with haste,” Mr. Martin said.

We must act in haste?? Time is of the essence??

How’s THIS for haste Mr. Martin? Your party was in power when these atrocities were occuring yet you did nothing when you had the reins. How do I know this? Because I blogged about it last August.

The very same China that we give money to gives money to Robert Mugabe, the ruthless dictator. The same Robert Mugabe who ordered massive raids leaving 1000’s of homes, farms and business decimated, and over 300,000 people homeless. With nights in Zimbabwe reaching down to freezing temperatures, the death toll steadily rises. All under the name “Operation Murambatsvina” which means “get rid of trash” in Shona.

Mugabe, the same man who handed over the farms to the retired armed forces who had helped him take control over 20 years ago. Mugabe, who has now turned on them, taking the land. Mugabe, whose governments lack of planning left so many of those retirees without seed for a new crop. Mugabe, who now, along with the ZANU-PF party, sees these retirees as more of a burden to their fiscal plan, than an asset.

It’s good to see someone we give money to, turn and give money to a nation that is clearly in need of new leadership and new international relationships. Canada gives to China, who gives to Robert Mugabe. Let me repeat that for those of you sleeping. CANADA GIVES MONEY TO CHINA, WHO IN TURN GIVES MONEY TO ROBERT MUGABE AND THE RUTHLESS ZANU-PF PARTY IN ZIMBABWE. Ok, Just checking, relax. I didn’t mean to yell.

Why were you not demanding your own party stand up to this tyrannical leader back then, Mr. Martin? Were you not aware that the Liberals were giving $50 Million dollars a year to the Chinese, who in turn were helping fund the actions of Robert Mugabe? More Liberal hypocrisy.

We all know the Conservatives cut the $50 Million dollar transfers to China. A good start. And should Mugabe be indicted? Yes, I agree he should. But your call for action now and demanding haste is self serving. You would not DARE call out your own government’s inaction a month or two before the writ was dropped last fall. And now you call for action trying to look like a compassionate Liberal.

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