… and this silver lining deserves a good reading. Salim Mansur has just made my list of pundits for his refreshing and frank view of the current state of affairs in the world.
I highly urge everyone to read his article from today’s Sun newspaper.
A snippet…
But whose fault is this? Let us, Muslims, be brutally honest.
We have inherited a culture of denial, of too often refusing to acknowledge our own responsibility for the widespread malaise that has left most of the Arab-Muslim countries in economic, political and social disrepair.
Statistics and intergovernmental reports over the past several decades have documented a gap, perhaps now unbridgeable, between Muslim countries and the advanced industrial democracies in the West.
In a recent “failed states index” published in the journal Foreign Policy (May/June 2006), Pakistan, for instance, is ranked among the top 10 failed states in the world — ahead of Afghanistan. Pakistan is a Muslim country, a nuclear military power, but it can barely feed, clothe, educate and shelter its population.
H/T to Canadian Sentinel