I Could Have Been His First Blogger

Tossing and turning in the warm Ottawa night and something hit me in my half awake-half asleep stupor.

With regards to the battle between the Prime Minister and the Parliamentary Press Gallery, if they had opened up the list to non PPG people like … ohhhhh … shall we say … ME the MSM could have been drooling over bloggers, much as they were during the election campaign when bloggers such as MK Braaten, Stephen Taylor, Craig Smith and Steve Janke who were busting open stories such as the Income Trust scandal and the exorbitant expenditures for relocation that included hotel bills in Cancun and Hawaii.

But I can just see it now. Had Mr. Harper given an interview to a lowly blogger like me, the MSM would have ripped him a new one with headlines like “Harper gives Officially Screwed Interview” or they could have posted a photo of me next to the PM with a subtitle like “Officially Screwed By P.M.”

Needless to say, Stephen Harper DID give Officially Screwed a brief 90 second interview when I met him at the Senators-Capitals Hockey game on March 2nd. He was both cordial and friendly and showed actual interest in my blog.

But that night I had the luck of being seated a mere 35 or 40 feet from the PM and he took the opportunity for a photo op a scant 10 seats over from where I was sitting. As much as I loved the ease and friendliness he gave when I approached him to say hi and congratulate him on the recent win, I now shudder to think how close someone with bad intentions could have come to him.

In light of the recent news of the intent of one of the Toronto 17 to behead him, I hope our PM takes a far more secure approach to his public appearances. The country needs him to lead for several more years in order to straighten out the mess Dat Der Guy From Shawinigan put us in.

Long live the PM and the BPG (Blogger Press Gallery).

Now back to bed for me.