Not Political You Say??

Whenever someone tells me we have been in Afghanistan too long, I tend to tell them that it was having our troops in South Korea for decades that finally allowed that country to flourish as a thriving democracy with such global corporate giants as Samsung and Hyundai. Companies that would never have succeeded under the conditions imposed on those living in North Korea.

Well this is a touching story that goes beyond the politics and corporations and war.

The young man in the video below turned 11 in September of 2007. His name is Sungha Jung. He had been watching his father play guitar and picked one up a little over 2 years ago. I urge you to do two things.

1) click the video below once and watch him play the video I have chosen.


2) once the video is over, click the link below the video to go find his page on YouTube and watch some of the other videos he has up. He is a remarkable young man and one whom I am positive would not be playing the western rock songs he seems to enjoy if we were not in South Korea for so long.

You can say this is just one young man, but think of all the other talented people that have been allowed to flourish in a free South Korea and how many more would be allowed to flourish in a free Afghanistan.

Link to Sungha Jung’s Channel on YouTube

h/t to Mac

Smackdown: Spanking Scott Brison

Why do the Liberals let floor crossers ask questions during Oral Questions?

The only answer I can think of is to provide with fodder for more Smackdown videos.

I’ll thank Scott Brison for this one. If you want to rate the video (and I hope you do) click the link below the video and watch it on YouTube where you can rate it. Otherwise, click the video below once to start watching.

If you cannot view the video above, click the link below.

Smackdown – Peter Van Loan Scores on Ken Dryden

From the “When will the Liberals ever learn?” file comes this video. Ken Dryden tries to play martyr by complaining that the Conservatives do not listen to the common man and are more in bed with corporations.

What amazes me is that Liberal Dryden asks these questions on the day the Liberal Party is attempting to hold an illegal fundraiser which skirts Elections Canada donation procedures by not providing tax receipts in an auction where “The Sky’s the limit” and one that encourages corporations and associations to bid on the prizes.

One of those prizes happens to be attending a Canadiens/Senators hockey game in the company of…you guessed it…Ken Dryden.

In a world where corporations do not care about tax receipts and are more interested in “what politician is in their pocket?” this type of fundraiser flies in the face of the new donation laws that limit donations to individuals and set that limit at $1100 to a national party and $1100 to riding associations.

Stephen Taylor caught the fundraising scandal but Peter Van Loan provides the Smackdown.

Click the video above once to begin play. If the video does not play properly, you can click the link below.

Smackdown – Diane Finley Exposes Liberal Jim Karygiannis Hypocrisy

Being of Greek heritage myself, I especially loved this one. For all the good Greek values Jim seems to have turned his back on, I applaud Diane Finley for letting Jim know how much of a hypocrite he is.

Well done Minister!!

Click the video above ONCE to start viewing. If it does not start playing shortly after, you can try clicking the link below.

Salt Water To Replace Gas

A must see video.

If this technology is real and viable for running cars then we have something that means we can run our big SUVs and help keep Al Gore at bay on the whole “oceans are rising” crock.

Please share this with anyone you know.

Click the video above once to view. If it does not work, try clicking the link below once.