Why Is Media Ignoring Oliver Stone’s Anti-Semitic Statements?

Oliver Stone with Hugo Chavez
Oliver Stone with Hugo Chavez

Media double standard comes to forefront as all three major networks, ABC, CBS and NBC ignore left leaning Oliver Stone’s anti-Semitic rant. The full credit for all these stats should be given to Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe.

When Mel Gibson teed off (drunk) on a Malibu police officer the following happened:

  • 1,077 articles appeared on Nexis about his rant
  • New York Times made it a page 1 story, and followed up with two more days of much longer stories
  • LA Times made it on page 1 for three days with several stories inside the covers
  • Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said cut him no slack
  • Baba Wawa (Barbara Walters) on The View said she would not go see another Mel Gibson movie ever again
  • Slate ostracized Gibson

But when Oliver Stone tees off (sober) about how Jewish dominated media prevents Hitler from being seen in the right context……well you be the judge.

  • Nexis has fewer than 150 stories on Stone’s statements
  • ABC, CBS and NBC news programs have ZERO coverage of Stone’s rant
  • The New York Times covers it briefly in two small clips in their “Arts, Briefly” section
  • Slate was silent
  • An LA Times blogger practically defended Stone

Now don’t mistake the point of my article. Both men said some pretty bad things about Jews. In no way do we condone any of them. The whole reason this post exists is to point out that the Main Stream Media can easily be dubbed the Drive By Smeardia and the slant is determined by how left or right leaning someone is.

In my opinion, Gibson got OfficiallyScrewed (and deserved it). But Stone got a slap on the wrist (and deserved to get OfficiallyScrewed too).

Ontario Liberals creating further Eco Fee Ass Co.

$5M of our money to keep Eco Fee Ass Co. going.

Why is everyone celebrating?  There was NO win for taxpayers yesterday when the Liberals put a 3 month moratorium on the new Eco Fee.   A fee that turns out to be the biggest tax grab in our provincial history which is a pretty lofty achievement considering the previous two biggest tax grabs were just put in by our Liberals with their health levy a few years ago and the new HST.

At the same time they announced this moratorium, they committed a further $5M out of our regular taxes until an assessment of this ridiculous tax grab is made.  I would go so far as to say that this is meant to appease complainers like me in hopes I will forget that in three months the moratorium will expire and the program will likely be slipped in under the radar again.

So now instead of taxing us at the till, we are being taxed from general revenues to fund a program that needs assessment.   Think about that.  They admit it needs assessment.  Yet they still continue to fund it.   Why do we always end up losing out?  Why can’t they just put a halt on the program outright?

OfficiallyScrewed … again.


Lowell Green on CFRA brings up a good point.  Why are we paying a further $5M while assessing this?  Stewardship Ontario has a reserve fund close to $73 Million invested in GICs, Money Market and Bonds which are part of their assets. From Stewardship Ontario’s own website financials.

Below is the Balance Sheet indicating how the assets. (note the comment on Investments)

Below is their statement of variance.  Note how much money they spend in a year and mostly on our Blue Box program.  I always thought my municipal taxes paid for blue box programs.

And now the kicker.  Where the $72+ Million in Investements are.  Completely liquid assets.  So instead of taking a minor hit on the interest and selling $5M of investments, the stinking Liberal McGuintyites are taking the $5M from our general tax revenue when they have completely liquid assets.

McGuinty Robbing Us Blind On Auto Insurance

Christina Blizzard has the lowdown here.

Remember the Liberals promising to roll back insurance premiums by 10%? That worked out well, didn’t it? Have you checked your bill lately?

Two sets of numbers released last week suggest Ontario is still one of the highest priced jurisdictions in the country when it comes to auto insurance.

Kinetix, a company that provides on-line insurance quotes, reported Ontario insurance rates had increased 15.2% in the second quarter of 2010 over the same period last year.

Meanwhile, in Quebec, rates fell 8.2% in the same period.

In Alberta, auto insurance decreased 0.2%, the fourth consecutive quarter Alberta car insurance decreased.

OfficiallyScrewed by Dalton McGuinty … Again.

Ottawa Recreational Soccer League Creates Wimpy Children

It had to be said after I read this story.

In yet another nod to the protection of fledgling self-esteem, an Ottawa children’s soccer league has introduced a rule that says any team that wins a game by more than five points will lose by default.

The Gloucester Dragons Recreational Soccer league’s newly implemented edict is intended to dissuade a runaway game in favour of sportsmanship. The rule replaces its five-point mercy regulation, whereby any points scored beyond a five-point differential would not be registered.

If I were a parent of a child in this league, I would move them out. When kids are not allowed to experience the pain of a good ass whooping, they are simply being protected from an experience that will drive them to strive harder. The coddling has to stop or our children will grow up trained to roll over and take it because it can’t get any worse.

These poor kids aren’t even old enough to realize they are getting OfficiallyScrewed.

h/t to my friend Iain for this one.

Comparing Bieber Blocker to Hitler is Simply OfficiallyScrewed

I fully agree that free speech means Justin Bieber can sing where he wants, have whomever he wants market him, show up on any channel willing to air him and any computer screen that doesn’t break from the screaling teens who sit and drool over this young man.

However, I also think if someone is ingenious enough to figure out how to block something he/she does not want to see, then good on them.  This is exactly what Greg Leuch has done.  His Bieber blocker dubbed Shaved Bieber may be a Godsend to many, but it is also now sparking death threats to the young programmer.

But after Leuch posted the application to a free technology website, word started to get around, and the backlash began. He started getting hate mail from around the world, sent by angry fans of the teen idol from Stratford, Ont.

“I hate you because you invented Shaved Bieber. Justin Bieber is the best,” one wrote.

Another even threatened Leuch’s life: “I know many things about you and I know where you live. Just be aware I might appear behind you and shoot you with a gun.”

Another compared him to Hitler: “What you’re doing is going back to World War II all over again. Hitler wanted to erase Jews from society, you want to erase justin Drew Bieber.”

Leuch is taking it all in stride, and said he is more bemused than worried. He offered a light-hearted response to the backlash:

“Oops,” he said. “Umm, I mean I really did not expect all this fan backlash, so oops.”

Comparing the Bieberblocker to Hitler might be a little OfficiallyScrewed.

Now to find out if I can find a similar program to block Apple I-product commercials!!!

San Francisco Proposing To Let ILLEGAL Aliens Vote

I would say this is the most insane, ridiculous concept that has come out of the San Francisco in a long time.

But what do you expect from the city that has declared itself a sanctuary city for illegal aliens? Or the city that shuttles illegal drug lords around to bypass federal authorities.

At least they look to be backtracking on the sanctuary city now that they are entering the national fingerprinting program.

What I am thinking is that this is quite the example of bringing the mountain to Mohammed. All these illegal aliens lining up to register themselves to vote and get their names (and addresses) on a list. How convenient!!