Cookies Climbing The Ranks

Last weekend I made the journey down to Toronto where Cookie was competing in the first of two Ontario provincial qualifiers for rhythmic gymnastics.

They changed the format this year so that anyone who wants to compete at provincials must compete at both qualifiers. The scores are then merged and they take the top 60% to provincials. This means that we got a good look at all of the competition that she will face should she qualify.

Last year, as some of you may remember, she finished in last place at provincials, but just making it was big for her. At this first qualifier, competing against everyone, she finished 10th of 17 in her free routine, and 4th of 17 in her her hoop routine for a 6th place overall.

Am I a proud dad or what?  She is making huge strides in her athletics.

But I must add, I am even MORE proud of the nine A’s she received on her report card a week or so ago. She’s one smart Cookie too!!

Is It Me Or Is That Blood I Smell On The Ice?

Warning: The content of this post contains violence and parents may want to cover the eyes of their kids.

If you think this post is going to be about baby harp seals, you’re wrong. Although it’s a hot topic, I already covered that one here.

Today, on a day when the temperature reached almost 20 in Ottawa, the topic (and smell in the air) is playoff hockey. I got an email with a link to a video of the brouhaha between the Senators and the Flyers from a couple of years ago. You can watch the video by going here. (Thanks for the link Pete, it really can get someone psyched up for the playoffs). I am not positive of the start date, but first round games should start on or about Friday April 21st. A mere 3 weeks away.

This year my Leafs look to be doomed to watch the action on video Ipod downloads while they golf the next day. What a miserable year they had. It wasn’t unexpected with the new salary cap restrictions that force John Ferguson Jr. to the brink of unemployment. But lucky me, I am also a Senators fan. Living here a mere 5 clicks from the Palladium … errr …. Corel Center …. errrr …. Scotiabank Place, and sharing access to rink side seats with a co-worker, I should get to about half the playoff games in town. The house should be a rocking for at least two rounds of hockey and more than likely 3 or 4 if the Sens play the way they have all season.

Drop a comment in the box regarding what you think about the pending NHL Playoff picture.

Time For A Bush Party

Wow.  Even Tom Clark says George Bush is charming.

In light of all the talk about the Canada/USA relationship leading up to the summit in Cancun, I thought I would toss in my two cents.

I am very pleased that the relationship with our American neighbours is warming up at the head of state level.  But I also must add that my relationship with all the Americans I deal with has not changed.  I deal with them every day in my job and have for 12 years.  I have numerous (by that I mean hundreds) of American friends I have made over the years that I keep in touch with via the odd email or phone call.  I have family scattered across the north from Central Michigan to New York City.

And I can tell you that my relationship with them does not change based on what our leaders say or do.  Or how warm their phone conversations are.  Or whether or not they call each other regularly just to say hi.  Or whether various party members call the opposing leader a moron.

My relationships are one strand in a huge weave that crosses our border daily with an email or phone call.  There are millions of people on both sides of the border with similar relationships to mine.  Perhaps not to the same extent.  Perhaps to a greater one.  But in any case, this weave is what makes the relationship between the leaders irrelevant.  How do I know this?

Think about what you would do if either of our nations declared war on the other?  We would probably still go to work every day, still make those phone calls, still send those emails and still mail those packages.  How many industries would fall over without the amount of trade and transaction between our nations?  Do we not sell the Americans 30% of their oil?  Does a billion dollars of goods not cross the border daily?

Millions of people on both sides are affected from couriers to electronic chip companies knocking on the doors of Nortel and ATI and RIM.  From border guards and customs agents to art collectors waiting for that shipment of Inuit soapstone.  From family split in the 1700’s and 1800’s by the various wars to the immigrants scattering across our nations today.

These are the relationships that show how our two nations are intertwined and how strong our relationship is.

The Numerical Truth About Ice Caps, Global Warming, And The Empty Threat Of Floods

I am starting to get quite upset at the fear factor card being played by environmentalistas and their ilk who think that the polar caps melting will cause flooding and devastation across the globe. So I am going to take a second and tell you a story my dad told me as a kid.

In the Greek city of Syracuse, a couple of thousand years ago, the king was having a problem with goldsmiths pilfering his gold by substituting lead in with the gold when it was melted down. Once it was reformed, it was difficult for the king to know if he was getting ripped by the goldsmiths.

So he asked his chief scientist, Archimides to figure out a way to catch them if they did substitute something in. Archimides was befuddled with the idea until one day, while dipping himself in the tub for a bath, he noted the displacement of the water. In this bathtub the concept of density was born. Archimidis, in his excitement at solving the problem for the king, jumped out of the tub, and streaked down the streets of Syracuse screaming “Evreka!, Evreka!!” or “I’ve found it!!, I’ve found it!!”

Density is how much mass something has with respect to the volume it takes up. Regular tap water has a density of 1000 kg/m3 . (A nice round number that happens to be that way because of the beauty of the metric system). But other substances, such as gold are much higher, whereas, oil is quite a bit lower explaining is why it floats.

Let’s apply Archimides discovery of density to icebergs. (Because after all, the north polar cap is just a giant iceberg)

First let me explain to you what happens when liquid water is cooled enough to form ice. The temperature drops and as water begins to freeze, it expands. This is because the density of ice is about 920 kg/m3, and that of sea water is 1025 kg/m3.

So what does this mean? It means the ice is less dense than it used to be as water. With this density decrease, the ice begins to float, because in a way, it is lighter than sea water. The ratio of ice that is “pushed” above water is about 10% of the mass of ice. This concept is best understood if you do not think in terms of ice floating, but instead, think in terms of the ice below sealevel being lighter than the surrounding water enough to lift about 10% of it’s mass above water. The mass in this case is the top of the iceberg but could be anything, such as ohhhhh, an expedition heading to the north pole or a harp seal waiting to become a nice jacket.

If you were to put a weight equivalent to this 10% on top of an iceberg, the iceberg would sink until it’s top point was just covered by water. In this case, that density decrease WOULD displace more water and raise the sea level. But in reality there is no weight to push icebergs underwater. There is only Archimides and the math behind density. And density says that they can freeze or melt all they want. If they do it while floating in the oceans they will not affect sea level.

That’s the Officially Screwed math lesson for the day. Now if you want to amaze your friends, take a clear glass jug, fill it about 2/3rds full of cold water, and toss in as much ice as you like so long as none touches the bottom of the jug. Then mark the waterlevel and wait for the ice to melt. The ice that floats up above the waterline will have no effect on where the water level is when it melts. You should note that the water level is exactly where you marked it.

Go and amaze your lefty friends with what they will consider a parlour trick, but you can rest assured is simple science that is over 2000 years old.

Nepean-Carleton Provincial By-Election

The Nepean-Carleton MPP post left vacant by John Baird when he moved to the Federal scene will be contested on March 30th, 2006. The Progressive Conservatives have put up a strong candidate in Lisa Macleod, but she will get a good run from ex-police chief Brian Ford.

I had the opportunity to attend the debate in Stittsville last week and thought that Lisa and Brian both did very well in the debate, as did the Freedom party representative, Jurgen Vollrath, who seems to have a fairly conservative agenda. I also got my second opportunity to see John Turmel, whom is running in his 61st election. He is 0 for 60 so far. I give him credit. He knows how to work a room. He had everyone in stitches with his new math personal bond theories.

The NDP have tossed perennial candidate, Laurel Gibbons into the ring. (Way to get some usage out of those signs Laurel!!) Peter Tretter of the Green Party had his Green Party Policy handbook ready and towed his partys line properly.

For those of you in this riding, get out and vote. I have added the date to our calendar.

Another Young Medallist In Our Household

Yesterday was the gruelling two and a half hour soccer marathon that ends the year of T-bone’s indoor soccer season.

The format was a mini round robin of three 25 minute games, one against each of the other teams in their league. After two wins and a tie his team faced off against the other finalist in a full hour long game.

I must say that I do enjoy watching the indoor winter league more than the summer leagues. The pace in the final game was very quick as the two teams knew what was on the line. But in the end T-bone and his teammates were victorious.

He is sporting a shiny gold medal today.

I think the only downside to the day was that he only got to play about 30 minutes out of the 125 minutes of game time through the competition. The average time played was about 70 minutes on his team. With the league being just a small four team houseleague and not a “Competitive” level, I would have hoped he had more playing time, even if it meant they didn’t get the gold.

But the disappointment in playing time didn’t down us or how well he played when he did get on. I’m still very proud of him. In the third preliminary game he had a couple of great breaks up the field dekeing a player on each. Both runs were started with nice defensive plays and one ended up with a nice push forward to a winger and the other in a shot that was just shy of the mark.

First A Beatle, Then The Walrus, And Now Just A Whipped Dork

You know….sometimes it just doesn’t befit someone to call them an idiot or a fool or unmanly or under the sexual thumb of his wife, or boyish in the brain and not the looks but these days all those would be fitting. I much prefer to just call Paul a dork. It’s simple to the point and effective.

Knowing Apple records history for lawsuits I will probably get sued for this post but I’m sick of stars coming in and using their clout to start a protest against something they know little about. The McCartney’s are getting up in the face of East Coast Canadian seal hunters who started the annual seal hunt today. They released a new video calling for the boycott of Canadian seafood. (We all know how the boycott is just so huge, don’t we?). Little do they know the seal population has tripled in the last 25 or so years. How many fish do you think seals eat? You can’t just jump in and cut off the cycle of hunting or the battle for fish will affect the populations of numerous other species when the seals eat up all the stock.
A note to Miss McCartney, (yes by Miss I mean Paul), why don’t you pull up your skirt, grow a pair and go out and down one of them seals yourself. Aren’t you the Walrus?? Would you deny yourself the pleasure of your dinner?  Did you know that Walrus’ eat seals?

I am the eggman…I am the eggman….I am the Walrus….coo coo coochoo!!

Lowell Green To Be Roasted, Along With Eastern Ontario Beef

Well it seems the Island of Sanity will be having a Luau on April 20th celebrating the 50 years Lowell Green has been in the business.  The event will actually be a roast of the CFRA weekday morning host who tackles topics from the municipal level all the way up to the federal level with the zeal of men a third his age.

The event is actually a fund raiser and all proceeds of the $100 tickets will be used to provide the Ottawa Food Bank with a boatload of Eastern Ontario beef.

You can pick up tickets and find out more by calling 613-745-7001.

HSUS Claims Size Does Matter…But Is It All Just Bravado?

Tonight on Duffy a member (David Martosko), from Consumer Freedom alluded to a study they did of the restaurants that the Humane Society says have joined their boycott of Canadian seafood. They revealed some pretty interesting results.

They called the 200 + restaurants listed as boycotters and of the 87 they got a hold of, over 78% claimed they were either selling Canadian Seafood or never did to begin with.

The representative went on to say that no longer would organizations like the Humane Society be able to toss out numbers like they do without having an audit performed to confirm or deny their claims.

This is exactly the kind of checking the Canadian seal hunt needed. Nice job Consumer Freedom!!