First A Beatle, Then The Walrus, And Now Just A Whipped Dork

You know….sometimes it just doesn’t befit someone to call them an idiot or a fool or unmanly or under the sexual thumb of his wife, or boyish in the brain and not the looks but these days all those would be fitting. I much prefer to just call Paul a dork. It’s simple to the point and effective.

Knowing Apple records history for lawsuits I will probably get sued for this post but I’m sick of stars coming in and using their clout to start a protest against something they know little about. The McCartney’s are getting up in the face of East Coast Canadian seal hunters who started the annual seal hunt today. They released a new video calling for the boycott of Canadian seafood. (We all know how the boycott is just so huge, don’t we?). Little do they know the seal population has tripled in the last 25 or so years. How many fish do you think seals eat? You can’t just jump in and cut off the cycle of hunting or the battle for fish will affect the populations of numerous other species when the seals eat up all the stock.
A note to Miss McCartney, (yes by Miss I mean Paul), why don’t you pull up your skirt, grow a pair and go out and down one of them seals yourself. Aren’t you the Walrus?? Would you deny yourself the pleasure of your dinner?  Did you know that Walrus’ eat seals?

I am the eggman…I am the eggman….I am the Walrus….coo coo coochoo!!

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