Another Young Medallist In Our Household

Yesterday was the gruelling two and a half hour soccer marathon that ends the year of T-bone’s indoor soccer season.

The format was a mini round robin of three 25 minute games, one against each of the other teams in their league. After two wins and a tie his team faced off against the other finalist in a full hour long game.

I must say that I do enjoy watching the indoor winter league more than the summer leagues. The pace in the final game was very quick as the two teams knew what was on the line. But in the end T-bone and his teammates were victorious.

He is sporting a shiny gold medal today.

I think the only downside to the day was that he only got to play about 30 minutes out of the 125 minutes of game time through the competition. The average time played was about 70 minutes on his team. With the league being just a small four team houseleague and not a “Competitive” level, I would have hoped he had more playing time, even if it meant they didn’t get the gold.

But the disappointment in playing time didn’t down us or how well he played when he did get on. I’m still very proud of him. In the third preliminary game he had a couple of great breaks up the field dekeing a player on each. Both runs were started with nice defensive plays and one ended up with a nice push forward to a winger and the other in a shot that was just shy of the mark.