Nepean-Carleton Provincial By-Election

The Nepean-Carleton MPP post left vacant by John Baird when he moved to the Federal scene will be contested on March 30th, 2006. The Progressive Conservatives have put up a strong candidate in Lisa Macleod, but she will get a good run from ex-police chief Brian Ford.

I had the opportunity to attend the debate in Stittsville last week and thought that Lisa and Brian both did very well in the debate, as did the Freedom party representative, Jurgen Vollrath, who seems to have a fairly conservative agenda. I also got my second opportunity to see John Turmel, whom is running in his 61st election. He is 0 for 60 so far. I give him credit. He knows how to work a room. He had everyone in stitches with his new math personal bond theories.

The NDP have tossed perennial candidate, Laurel Gibbons into the ring. (Way to get some usage out of those signs Laurel!!) Peter Tretter of the Green Party had his Green Party Policy handbook ready and towed his partys line properly.

For those of you in this riding, get out and vote. I have added the date to our calendar.