OS Bookshelf – How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must) by Ann Coulter

talktoliberal.jpgI actually finished this book quite a while ago and just never got around to putting a review up. I enjoyed reading it but found the essay format a bit un-Coulterish. Some of the essays were very blunt and to the point, others got to the conclusion after a round about way, but all in all a good read with many good talking points which address the title of the book. From abortion to teachers unions, Ann Coulter hunkers down and bombards leftist views on topic after topic in her usual style.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is familiar with Ann Coulter, but not as a first read. If you have never read Coulter before go read Treason or Godless first.

I give this one a 7 out of 10

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Another Ottawa Blog Mafia Gathering Scheduled

With the municipal election wrapping up, we are now ready for our next Ottawa Blog Mafia gathering. This event is open to all bloggers or politically minded people so don’t be shy. We may bark a lot, but we don’t bite.

Where: Marshy’s Bar and Grill at Centrepointe

When: Saturday November 25th at 7pm

Of note, Marshy’s now has free wireless internet access so if you feel dangerous, you can bring your laptop. There is no Sens game that night so traffic shouldn’t be too bad for anyone on the 417.

If you are thinking of attending, please drop me a note or comment below so we can make accommodations should the numbers get too far out of hand. If anyone has any questions feel free to email me at webmaster@officiallyscrewed.com

See you there!!

ADDENDUM: This gathering is in no way directly (or indirectly) tied to this blog site or the owner of this blog site. This gathering is just an announcement of the owner of this blogsite’s intent to be at the above location at the above specified time. This gathering is taking place at a bar/restaurant that is open to everyone in the general public, including the bloggers that seem to want to join in.

Sorry for the legalese, but since the event is an open event, I don’t want to be held liable for any actions or anything that may happen as a result of anyone attending this gettogether. i.e. if you choose to attend and drink and drive, I am absolving myself of any legal control over you. I also suggest that you do not attend this event alone if you have no familiarity with the area where we are gathering or any of the people attending.

You are your own keeper. I am not your keeper, nor am I to be held responsible for your actions or the actions of anyone but myself.

Ok, now that that is out of the way we have about a dozen or so people tentatively confirmed already. So spread the word, grab a friend who likes talking politics and drag them on down next Saturday night.

Is Kylie Minogue Really Worthy Of All The Press?

Or is CTV Newsnet pimping itself?

When I was attending the University of Western Ontario, I remember the re-release ofkylie minogue Locomotion by Kylie Minogue. I didn’t hear boo from the Australian pop star for 15 or 20 years until a week or two ago.

CTV newsnet ran a piece on how she had recovered from cancer and was expecting to be back on tour soon. Considering I didn’t even KNOW she had been touring or heard boo from her since the Locomotion release, I found the story odd.

Today, the CTV has done it again. They had footage of Kylie on stage kicking off her new tour. They even went so far as to say that she would be doing 20 or so shows in Australia before heading overseas but no Canadian dates have been announced.

Is it me, or is this shameless promotion? What are the odds that the CTV is getting paid to promote Kylie Minogue in an effort to see if there is enough interest for her to come to Canada?

I know this is a very cynical view of the press but TV shows and movies have gone to integrating advertising into the background for extra income. So why wouldn’t a network that lives on news stories like CTV Newsnet do the same by integrating some advertising into a story?

If this is the case then it crosses a line as a news agency goes from reporting the news to promoting and creating via a news broadcast. It’s a fine line that the press should not cross. I’ll be watching this because I am really curious if Bell Globemedia is going to sponsor her tour in Canada.

Your opinions and comments are welcome.

Municipal Election Shenanigans Begin

It was looking like a pretty clean municipal election campaign in Kanata South until this morning. I found the photo below in my mail box in what is a blatant attempt to tie the right leaning candidate, Allan Hubley, to the Liberal Party in an attempt to discredit him as a candidate. Well I hate to disappoint someone but people have photos taken with prominent politicians all the time and pulling one out of the hat from 7 years ago doesn’t hold much water. Especially when they can’t even spell Allan’s name properly.


I can’t say which candidate’s supporters put this in my mail box but I just want to tell them that it will not be switching my vote. Our Ward needs a new face that won’t vote for Crack Pipe Kits, that won’t vote for North-South LRT, and who won’t flip flop like a fish.

Why Can't They Just Send Me My Bill?

I woke up this morning and made my weekly run down to the “community mailboxes” which my neighbourhood has. You see, I don’t go down every day because I don’t get much mail. I only get flyers. This morning, in one week I received the following.

-34 pieces of advertising for businesses. 34!!!! It’s time our nation got a “do not mail” list to go along with the “do not call” and “do not spam” lists we need.

-5 bills

-6 political notices (not unexpected with a municipal election on Monday)

But what peeves me off more than the fact that the majority of mail is advertising is that even the mail that is not meant to be advertising has a bunch of gobbledygook in it.

Let me explain.

I opened up my Hydro Ottawa bill and inside the envelope was one sheet of paper with my bill, two inserts that were identical telling me to look up (for overhead wiring) before I do any work. For those that know Kanata, you will notice that our residential neighbourhoods have NO overhead wiring. We are an underground wiring community. But on top of the two inserts (one English and one French) I got a copy of this quarter’s Hydro Ottawa’s Currents a mini newsletter with full blown colour photos, information on LED lights, air conditioner disposal, etc.

How many of my electricity bill dollars does it take to pay someone to generate this crap? I don’t pay my electricity bill to keep a marketing team employed. I pay for my electricity.

Next. My Enbridge Natural Gas bill. Inside was one sheet of paper with all my billing information. I like the size of this one as it is small and full of info all on one sheet. But what does Enbridge go and add? One insert asking me “What’s hiding in your ducts?”. Another insert asking me “Who helps you weather the weather?”. Both advertising for services Enbridge offers to clean ducts or tune up my furnace. But it doesn’t end there. I got an insert telling me about my new rate information. I seem to get one of these every month because the rates fluctuate. This one was to inform me of a decrease in delivery charge. (Yes, Virginia, bills go down too). But then the kicker. I also get a newsletter called the Enbridge Pipeline!! Again, a piece of marketing fluff telling me all about natural gas and how Enbridge works with it.

Can’t my mailbox be JUST for my personally addressed mail? Can’t companies just send me my bill and not all the fluff? I am getting tired of compressing all the garbage and turning it into a fireplace log. But on the plus side, it does help keep my Enbridge bill down when I burn these logs.

In light of this, I have created a new poll regarding do not call, email or phone lists.

The Hair Is Always Thicker On The Other Side Of The Scalp

In light of the recent comments by left wing environmentalistas with regards to Minister Rona Ambrose’s hair, I just had to make a couple of personal observations.

1) I have typically found that people who put effort into their grooming tend to put similar effort into almost everything else they do in life. It has nothing to do with time to do one and not the other, but it is more an issue of someone who takes pride in everything they do. If Minister Ambrose puts a conscientous effort into her grooming then she probably puts the same effort into all other aspects of her life including her diligence with the Environment portfolio.

2) I can only imagine this unwarranted slam is an insult to every female in Montreal. Let me explain. I work in Ottawa and have travelled to many Canadian and American cities on business but I must point out that there is no city like Montreal when it comes to grooming. I don’t care if someone is a lowly clerk or receptionist to the highest level executive, the women in Montreal all put a lot of effort into their appearance. This goes for the short, the tall, the old, the young, the slim, the not so slim. They all put effort in to their hair, wardrobe and makeup. So when the lefties slam someone for having nice hair, they are insulting every woman in Montreal.

P.S. I have to point out that my sister owned a hair salon in Toronto a few years back that I helped name. That name was Hairdotcomb, I figured the websurfers out there might appreciate that one.

Smackdown – Minister of Defence Lays Into NDP MP Dawn Black

This is from Thursday November 9th, 2006 – Oral Questions.

“Ms. Dawn Black (New Westminster-Coquitlam, NDP): Mr. Speaker, when it came to support for his war in Iraq, George Bush told fellow Americans, “You are either with me or against me”. After last night’s mid-term election results, it looks like the Americans are against him, with Republican after Republican getting booted from office for their support for this unpopular war.

When it comes to Afghanistan, will the government learn any lessons from last night, or will it stay the course and meet the same fate as its American cousins?

Hon. Gordon O’Connor (Minister of National Defence, CPC): Mr. Speaker, I consider that basically a silly question.

Some hon. members: Oh, oh!

The Speaker: Order, please. The Minister of National Defence has the floor.

Hon. Gordon O’Connor: Mr. Speaker, it is the equivalent of me asking the NDP if the election of Daniel Ortega will have changed its policies.”

Simply priceless Minister O’Connor, simply priceless.

H/T to DBT

Let's Help London North Centre Go Conservative!!

The Blogging Tories are trying to help raise money for the by-election in London North Centre. I have decided to make the plunge and put a link to the donation page up at the top right corner of my page until the by-election at the end of November.

If you are interested in helping out, it is easy to make a small donation of $25 or $50 to their election fund via PayPal.

Just click the small link that says “Make A Donation” to help out.

And remember, when you make a political donation, you get a tax CREDIT worth 3/4 of the donation. i.e. if you donate $50, you will get $37.50 back so please take this into consideration when donating.

Strike Two For CTV On Stem Cell Research Stories

After reading Joel over at Proud To Be Canadian with regards to Kate Wheeler promoting stem cell research healing hearts, I have to also point out that this is strike two against the CTV. They continue to promote ADULT STEM CELL RESEARCH SUCCESS but do not differentiate that ADULT STEM CELLS are what were used and not Embryonic Stem Cells. This lack of perspective means that many who are not scientifically familiar believe that all stem cell research is successful and worth investigating. We know this is not the case but the CTV doesn’t help educate others of this fact.

I must point you to CTV’s Strike One where they did not differentiate between the different types.

I must also point you to my story (or Ann Coulter’s) outlining the successes of ADULT and UMBILICAL Stem Cells and the lack of success using embryonic stem cells.

Spread the gospel please. The world needs to know that there IS a difference between the three types of stem cell research and which are proven successes (ADULT AND UMBILICAL) and which are not (EMBRYONIC). It is obvious that the MSM has ignored the differences and that they are manipulating people’s views by leaving out a description of these differences. Shame on the CTV.