The Hair Is Always Thicker On The Other Side Of The Scalp

In light of the recent comments by left wing environmentalistas with regards to Minister Rona Ambrose’s hair, I just had to make a couple of personal observations.

1) I have typically found that people who put effort into their grooming tend to put similar effort into almost everything else they do in life. It has nothing to do with time to do one and not the other, but it is more an issue of someone who takes pride in everything they do. If Minister Ambrose puts a conscientous effort into her grooming then she probably puts the same effort into all other aspects of her life including her diligence with the Environment portfolio.

2) I can only imagine this unwarranted slam is an insult to every female in Montreal. Let me explain. I work in Ottawa and have travelled to many Canadian and American cities on business but I must point out that there is no city like Montreal when it comes to grooming. I don’t care if someone is a lowly clerk or receptionist to the highest level executive, the women in Montreal all put a lot of effort into their appearance. This goes for the short, the tall, the old, the young, the slim, the not so slim. They all put effort in to their hair, wardrobe and makeup. So when the lefties slam someone for having nice hair, they are insulting every woman in Montreal.

P.S. I have to point out that my sister owned a hair salon in Toronto a few years back that I helped name. That name was Hairdotcomb, I figured the websurfers out there might appreciate that one.