Is Kylie Minogue Really Worthy Of All The Press?

Or is CTV Newsnet pimping itself?

When I was attending the University of Western Ontario, I remember the re-release ofkylie minogue Locomotion by Kylie Minogue. I didn’t hear boo from the Australian pop star for 15 or 20 years until a week or two ago.

CTV newsnet ran a piece on how she had recovered from cancer and was expecting to be back on tour soon. Considering I didn’t even KNOW she had been touring or heard boo from her since the Locomotion release, I found the story odd.

Today, the CTV has done it again. They had footage of Kylie on stage kicking off her new tour. They even went so far as to say that she would be doing 20 or so shows in Australia before heading overseas but no Canadian dates have been announced.

Is it me, or is this shameless promotion? What are the odds that the CTV is getting paid to promote Kylie Minogue in an effort to see if there is enough interest for her to come to Canada?

I know this is a very cynical view of the press but TV shows and movies have gone to integrating advertising into the background for extra income. So why wouldn’t a network that lives on news stories like CTV Newsnet do the same by integrating some advertising into a story?

If this is the case then it crosses a line as a news agency goes from reporting the news to promoting and creating via a news broadcast. It’s a fine line that the press should not cross. I’ll be watching this because I am really curious if Bell Globemedia is going to sponsor her tour in Canada.

Your opinions and comments are welcome.

6 thoughts on “Is Kylie Minogue Really Worthy Of All The Press?

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 12, 2006 at 1:45 pm

    Hey , did anyone see Ralf Klien comment on Belinda Stronach not having a conservative bone in her body , well , maybe one.

    I thought that remark was quite appropriate because it is normal behaviour to give a Dog a bone.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 12, 2006 at 2:14 pm

    I’m not a huge Kylie Mingue fan, but she certainly has had a noteworthy career since “Locomotion”, so I’d say the fact that you haven’t heard from her since then is kinda immaterial. I’m gonna come off looking like a big fan here, but I just thought that I should note a bunch of stuff from her career (checked Wikipedia) to point out that your not having heard of her since “Locomotion” isn’t necessarily representative of the wider world.

    Now, adimttedly, “Locomotion” was her only #1 hit in Canada, so there’s that. But she has had two top ten hits in Canada since (2002’s “Love at First Sight” hit #5, and 2003’s “Slow” hit # 6). She’s also hit #1 seven times in the U.K, nine times in Australia, and seven times in Europe, so that’s not so bad. (I was shocked to see that “Can’t Get You Outta My Head” only reached #55 in Canada, according to Wikipedia, but I guess I’m so familiar with that single because it hit #1 in the U.K., Australia and Europe, and #7 in the U.S.). Her 2001 album “Can’t Get You Out of my Head” sold over 4 million copies worldwide (it was her 10th of 14 albums).

    Since 2001, she’s been nominated for 5 Brit Awards (she won 2) and nominated for 3 Grammies (she won Best Dance Recording for “Come Into My World” in 2004). She won the MTV Eurpose awards for Best Pop Act and Best Dance Act in 2202, and the Video for “Can’t Get You Outta My Head” won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Choreography (which, I don’t actually know if Minogue had anything to do with, but I think she did).

    Minogue has sold over 65 million albums in her career (as of May 2004) and was named Australia’s Biggest Selling Artist of All Time in 2002 (

    She’s not Madonna, but Locamotion isn’t even the most famous thing she’s done anymore, and hasn’t been for years.

    Her battle with cancer has been well-publicised worldwide, so I’m not at all surprised to see it getting play on a news station that needs to fill 24 hours a day.

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    November 12, 2006 at 2:29 pm

    Lord Kitchener (#2). I stand corrected. You and my wife have both slapped me back. As soon as I heard the beat of “can’t get you outta my head” which my wife played for me I told her the name of the song. I had no clue it was Kylie. My wife also pointed out to me the many movies and TV shows she has taken part in and it was even pointed out to me that her Grammy for top pop song beat out Cher and Madonna. Go figure.

    I humbly apologize to Kylie for misrepresenting her career and I grudgingly apologize to CTV because outside of two weeks ago they haven’t said much about Minogue at all.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 13, 2006 at 4:49 am

    I think the hype is totally shameless.She is fairly popular in UK especially with tabloids, but only because she has this bland non-personality that courts no gossip or controvery, and she has a million or so gay male fans and some dorky housewifey type of devoted females.Her singing is really mediocre.Her shows..well they are not quite about the music, nor are they quite about caberet.Not quite sure what they except and awful lot of money on endless props and costumes. Certainly she is not some international Icon deserving of all this absurd outpourings in UK or Australia just because she had a breast op,6 months of chemo,took 18 months off, and has returned to sing the same old songs all over again for the millionth time.

    Deep and intropsective she is not.. it is pure puff, and drivel lyrics ,and the same old pop/disco beat forever and ever ,amen. which no doubt is why the Brits like her.If you like decent music and lyrics with some IQ and good muscinanship rather than commerical suagr coated tripe she is NOT for you.

    It is a lot of hot air really except to the 2 million odd fans she has… U2 also in Australia right now ae packing in 70,000 a night whilst she has not filled 10,000 capacity venues.So all taken with a massive dose of salt as her PR machine is in overdrive to try to turn her into some International Superstar.Which she is not, and is not likely to ever be.Her vocals are too nasal and weak and trapped in one beat and genre.

    Suffice to say that people ( the majority ) in UK at least have similar opinions as mine.Why is all this hype newsworthy.?

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 13, 2006 at 6:23 am

    Madge, the ticket sales information is quite interesting. I guess Kylie is trying to ride a few successes to global stardom. I guess this brings me back to my original post in asking if the CTV is part of that PR machine you mention. One would think there is far more news to report than covering an aging Aussie Madonna wannabe.

    I’ll take your points to heart.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 17, 2006 at 7:00 pm

    Precisely.And yours is but one of several thousand blogs asking why this “singer” is suddenly after 20 years of mediocrity so printable.Well for a start she holds copyright on every single photo taken of her and receives a nice old % every time they are used.So in her financial interests to be papped going her and there and off to buy milk.!!!!! The tabloids here owned by Murdoch 9 ex Aussie) are used as the point of leaks from her or her PR machine.

    Sandra Bullock famously said “anybody can buy good press, but only a narcassist would bother to want to.!!!!!! ”

    Draw your own conclusions.She is in the best selling lists of UK albums of past 25 years only number 56 out of 100..says it all…….and that only one album released years ago….
    This current hype is last gasp and desperate attempt to crack USA before she retires,or flops again for another 7 years like she did between 1992-1999

    She has sold around just under 40 million albums in her 20 that to Madonna’s almsot 300 million !!!! Also says it all.

    her Brsibane shows on Saturday and Sunday 18-19 Novemeber are still offering tickets whislt Billy Joel in his adage is on Tuesday in Brisbane is fully booked our and has been for months and is $50 more a seat.

    Go figure why she needs media hype so much and why she will do most anything to get it…including bigging up loverboy..who had not done a movie since he met her.!!!

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