Strike Two For CTV On Stem Cell Research Stories

After reading Joel over at Proud To Be Canadian with regards to Kate Wheeler promoting stem cell research healing hearts, I have to also point out that this is strike two against the CTV. They continue to promote ADULT STEM CELL RESEARCH SUCCESS but do not differentiate that ADULT STEM CELLS are what were used and not Embryonic Stem Cells. This lack of perspective means that many who are not scientifically familiar believe that all stem cell research is successful and worth investigating. We know this is not the case but the CTV doesn’t help educate others of this fact.

I must point you to CTV’s Strike One where they did not differentiate between the different types.

I must also point you to my story (or Ann Coulter’s) outlining the successes of ADULT and UMBILICAL Stem Cells and the lack of success using embryonic stem cells.

Spread the gospel please. The world needs to know that there IS a difference between the three types of stem cell research and which are proven successes (ADULT AND UMBILICAL) and which are not (EMBRYONIC). It is obvious that the MSM has ignored the differences and that they are manipulating people’s views by leaving out a description of these differences. Shame on the CTV.

2 thoughts on “Strike Two For CTV On Stem Cell Research Stories

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 9, 2006 at 3:17 am

    CTV manipulative – probably. But it could also be that they’re simply ignorant – after all, CTV is basically an infotainment drama modelled after Entertainment Tonight type shows, they don’t have to hire the brightest lights to do their breathtaking drama schtick…

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