John Mark Something Or Other Distracts MSM From Real News

The swarm was hot for two weeks.

Every major news agency had press following every move of John Mark Karr. CNN and others were even so blind that they were broadcasting what he ate on his flight over the ocean, how many times he went potty and what flavour toothpaste he brushed with.

They let us know that he wears boxers over briefs, that he enjoys washing his hair twice with shampoo before applying a single layer of conditioner. They even let us know he has owned two cats, a dog, two guinea pigs and three hamsters in his life and that he prefers ribbed vs. non ribbed condoms.

They let us know he is allergic to bee stings but loves mixed nuts, enjoys a nice bordeaux with his seafood and that he actually likes the taste of orange juice right after brushing his teeth.

We found out he was a bed wetter until he was 13, that his favourite colour is fuschia and that he was in his high schools version of Grease, where he played the role of Kanicky.

Ok, so all the bullshit above was made up by me. I paid absolutely no attention to this guy other than to flip the station or turn the page everytime his name appeared in the press.

Why the media circus for two weeks?

I think something big just happened somewhere and not one reporter was available to cover it thanks to this story.

ADDENDUM  JMK prefers Tim Hortons 12 grain bagels to low fat blue berry muffins.  His blood type is O positive.  He has a mole on his left buttock and a small birthmark in the shape of a sickle on his right thight.  He is circumcised.  He was a virgin until he was 17, and his first three girlfriends were named Carmen, Jacqueline and Soulesha.  He has never been married but has his patterns picked out.  He enjoys playing badminton with traditional wood racquets instead of the new carbon fiber.  His eye sight is perfect but before he had laser surgery his astygmatism was +2.25 in his right eye and -1.50 in his left eye.  He is also reported to have put dimes in his penny loafers in his youth to be different.

(ok, sorry, I woke up ornery over this and felt like writing more bullshit about the guy)

Ceasefire In Middle East Blamed For Disney Store Plummeting Sales

Reuters photographer Sharif Karim’s checklist before heading off to take a few snaps in Beirut.
Camera – Check
Film – Check
Food and Water – Check
Extra Flash Batteries – Check
Bag full of stuffed toys to stage photos – Check

It’s a few days old, but for posterity I thought I would post these lovely heartwrenching images all taken by the same photographer, Sharif Karim, all with pristine and clean children’s toys. I have included a link and the original text that came with the image.


A toy lies among the wreckage of a demolished building in the Hizbollah stronghold that was targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 26, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim(LEBANON)


A toy is seen in Beirut suburbs, after it was targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 21, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim (LEBANON)


A building is destroyed in a Hizbollah stronghold targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 28, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim (LEBANON)

How many toys does Sharif Karim have in his bag of tricks??

H/T Slublog (via my friend Alan)

Name A Hungarian Bridge

Hungary has this amazing suspension bridge that the Hungarian government wants help naming via an online poll. The current leader has over 2 million votes, but with a concerted effort I think we can get the bridge named the Canada Bridge.

I have submitted the name and urge you all to head over to their site, scroll down to Canada Bridge in the list, give the radio button a check and then scroll down and submit your vote.

Note, the site is in Hungarian so you may not understand most of the text but there are some amazing photos of this bridge. It’s a doozy!!

If you want to help spread the word and get the bridge named the Canada Bridge, feel free to link to their site or this blog post and help get the ball rolling.

Currently, there are some pretty whacked out names up there. The Chuck Norris bridge has over 360,000 votes!!! As a nation we can beat Chuck Norris!!!

YES!!! The Wanker Censored Me!! I Win!!

Yesterday I made a trek over to Robert McClelland’s blog to see what the radical, left wingnutbar, one-man freakshow had to say about a video on Stephen Taylor’s site and before anyone had commented on the post, I submitted a comment asking him if he even bothered to even watch the video.

I went back today to see if there was any comments and lo and behold, my comment did not make it through his left wing filter.

At first I thought “Wow, what an asshole”, but then I thought about it and, considering how much this man is hated, I felt like I have earned my stripes. What stripes? I have no clue, but I just felt that way.

But it just goes to show you he finds it easier to drop a comment than to argue it. I guess I can assume I won that argument. Hehehehe.

Ottawa Blog Mafia Goes Mexican

It was a great night to sit out on the patio at Mexicali Rosa’s at the Dow’s Lake Pavillion last night. We equalled the numbers we got last time around. A good sign considering it’s summer.

I picked up ShamTheToryMan (Shameer Ravji) who lives nearby and off we went. Already waiting for us at the bar outside with a beer was Brent Colbert. PhantomObserver (Victor Wong), with his fedora, found us outside shortly after and Matt McGuire from a Step To The Right strolled on in with a buddy of his his buddy Sean not long after.

Two hours, a couple of brewskis and an evening of political gabbing made it nice way to spend a Friday night in July.

Here we are surrounding a copy of “An Army Of Davids”.

Ottawa Blog Mafia 3rd meeting

Ottawa Blog Mafia Get Together – July 14th at Mexicali Rosa's – Dow's Lake Pavillion

The third Ottawa blogger gathering that I know will be this coming weekend. Specifics are not finalized but it will be either Friday or Saturday.

Head on over to Phantom Observer’s site to put your two cents in. for more info.
Let’s try to get more than the small crew we got together last time around.

I will post again once Phantom sets the schedule and location which shouldn’t be long.

Update: The date is set for July 14th from 8pm to 10pm at Mexi’s at Dow’s Lake Pavillion. You can view a map via google maps here. Note, just northwest of Prince of Wales and just east of Preston is the parking lot. It’s free or pretty cheap if I remember correctly. I think you can enter just off of Prince of Wales.

Spread the word.

Adscam2 Is Getting Interesting And It Just Might Make The Summer Fun!!

…and this could be fun.

Steve Janke has tracked down what the $210,000 got us as citizens and it isn’t pretty. So far there are three one page advertisements that depict a few people enjoying antiquing, fishing and cycling in the Caledonia area.

Caledonia 3
Caledonia 2
Caledonia 1

I don’t know about you guys, but I think these ads could have been done with a digital camera, a few family members and Adobe Photoshop. To prove this, I would like to point you all to Stephen Taylor’s quick work in creating knock offs.

In fact, I have a feeling that there will be dozens of knock off comedic versions in the blogosphere by the end of July. Oh look!! A third one already!!


To help the effort, I would like to provide anyone out there with the following two images to incorporate into your own version.




I Should Buy Myself A Lottery Ticket

Saturday the wife and I made it through handling the sleepover birthday party of our (now) 10 year old daughter and 7 of her friends. (My ears haven’t heard this much squeaking and squealing since a Hillary Duff concert a couple of years back)

Sunday morning I managed french toast and bacon breakfast for them all and we got our son to his band trip to Kingston on time.

I managed to help pick up all the food/soft drinks and ice (along with setting up all the chairs) for a very large BBQ at the Carp Fair grounds.

With the help of my friend Craig I managed to get my fathers day gift of a roll out Basketball net together (and only had to undo something once which is amazing unto itself).

I managed to get my first podcast working. (give it a listen here).

And this morning I wake up to find out I am the BBS Blogging Tories Site of the Week!!BT Site of week logo

Now, if I can win the Tri-Riding Golf Tournament today, I KNOW I will be buying myself a few lottery tickets for Wednesday’s draw in the 6/49. I think the only downside was finding out our Minister of Defence, Gordon O’Connor won’t be giving a speech tonight at the post golf dinner as he was slated to. But in light of the fact that he and our Prime Minister will be in Halifax to kick off a week of spending announcements to bolster our much needed military refit, I think I can live with that. Especially since I ran into him yesterday.

Gordon OConnor and Me

Thanks for the honour BBS. It means a lot to me!!