Ottawa Blog Mafia Get Together – July 14th at Mexicali Rosa's – Dow's Lake Pavillion

The third Ottawa blogger gathering that I know will be this coming weekend. Specifics are not finalized but it will be either Friday or Saturday.

Head on over to Phantom Observer’s site to put your two cents in. for more info.
Let’s try to get more than the small crew we got together last time around.

I will post again once Phantom sets the schedule and location which shouldn’t be long.

Update: The date is set for July 14th from 8pm to 10pm at Mexi’s at Dow’s Lake Pavillion. You can view a map via google maps here. Note, just northwest of Prince of Wales and just east of Preston is the parking lot. It’s free or pretty cheap if I remember correctly. I think you can enter just off of Prince of Wales.

Spread the word.

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