Ceasefire In Middle East Blamed For Disney Store Plummeting Sales

Reuters photographer Sharif Karim’s checklist before heading off to take a few snaps in Beirut.
Camera – Check
Film – Check
Food and Water – Check
Extra Flash Batteries – Check
Bag full of stuffed toys to stage photos – Check

It’s a few days old, but for posterity I thought I would post these lovely heartwrenching images all taken by the same photographer, Sharif Karim, all with pristine and clean children’s toys. I have included a link and the original text that came with the image.


A toy lies among the wreckage of a demolished building in the Hizbollah stronghold that was targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 26, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim(LEBANON)


A toy is seen in Beirut suburbs, after it was targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 21, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim (LEBANON)


A building is destroyed in a Hizbollah stronghold targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 28, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim (LEBANON)

How many toys does Sharif Karim have in his bag of tricks??

H/T Slublog (via my friend Alan)

2 thoughts on “Ceasefire In Middle East Blamed For Disney Store Plummeting Sales

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    August 19, 2006 at 10:37 pm

    Pretty pathetic, isn’t it? The sad part is the sheer volume of people who AREN’T outraged by this kind of nonsense.

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