Unions Still Don't Get It

What kind of strangle hold do union bosses have on their members?

Gerry Nicholls has a nice piece at the Brookstreet Blog on how the unions spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on NDP candidates last election without a peep coming from the employees on their opinions of which party should get the union financial support.

Well this is now changing and that money will, inevitably, be pumped into the Liberal party.

Hargrove told the convention in Vancouver that as long as he has member support, the CAW would not be part of a body that doesn’t respect one of the largest unions in Canada.

The outspoken labour leader says this doesn’t mean the CAW won’t support some New Democrat candidates, but overall the NDP will not get financing from the union.

Getting back to the stranglehold, I must point out that the only candidate other than Buzz Hargrove on the ballot has withdrawn his nomination and is now supporting three faced Buzz.

Thanks Ontario Teachers For Making Our Kids More Stupid

Ontario Elementary Teachers Federation voted to reduce the number of annual report cards from three to two.

Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

I wonder what my boss would do if me and the other sales guys said we were going to cut our customer visits by 33%. I’ll tell you what they would do. They would fire all our asses.

Once again, the honest taxpayer is getting OfficiallyScrewed.

My wife pays very close attention to the homework the kids are assigned and we work hard to strengthen their basic reading, writing, and math schools.

But how many parents rely on the report cards to determine how their kids are doing? How many kids are going to find the halfway point too late in the year to pull their bootstraps up?

I’m pretty upset at this. How could teachers have possibly gotten by for decades doing three report cards and all of a sudden it is too much?

Perhaps if the schools stopped teaching left wing politics and stopped giving lessons to grade schoolers on how to put a condom on and focussed on the three R’s and the report cards, the world would work just fine and dandy.

Having Your Cake And Eating It Too

Ghosts of Mr. Dithers…

When the Lebanese Canadian evacuation wasn’t to the liking of left leaning Canadians, they criticized and said a slowdown was because the Prime Minister’s office was calling every shot.

When rumour got out that MPs were told to run all press releases/statements through the Prime Minister’s Office, the press and leftists fried PM Harper for being too controlling.


When Harper doesn’t show up at the Outgames, instead letting his Montreal based Cabinet Minister have the honours he gets sacked for not taking part.

And once again, after letting his Health Minister, Tony Clement, ably handle the responsibility of attending the International AIDS Conference, the Prime Minister takes a beating from the press and the lefties for not attending.

For all you moonbats, what’s it going to be? Do you want his hands in the cake or do you want him to let his team of chef’s do the baking?

Make up your freaking minds already.

Name A Hungarian Bridge

Hungary has this amazing suspension bridge that the Hungarian government wants help naming via an online poll. The current leader has over 2 million votes, but with a concerted effort I think we can get the bridge named the Canada Bridge.

I have submitted the name and urge you all to head over to their site, scroll down to Canada Bridge in the list, give the radio button a check and then scroll down and submit your vote.

Note, the site is in Hungarian so you may not understand most of the text but there are some amazing photos of this bridge. It’s a doozy!!

If you want to help spread the word and get the bridge named the Canada Bridge, feel free to link to their site or this blog post and help get the ball rolling.

Currently, there are some pretty whacked out names up there. The Chuck Norris bridge has over 360,000 votes!!! As a nation we can beat Chuck Norris!!!

Salad Anyone?

After digging Darcey’s tomatoes, I had to do a bit of bragging for my wife.

We’ve got more veggies than we know what to do with. Tomatoes, banana peppers, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers. We also have some onions that are almost ready to pull and our first try at strawberries has garnered a half dozen worth eating. They take a few years but I suspect by next summer we will have vines sprawling all over.

We can’t eat the tomatoes fast enough!! I think we need a good Salsa recipe.


PM Paul Martin A Shitty Tipper?

Talk about a crazy websurf.

I start off reading Steve Janke’s article about a holocaust cartoon contest put on by an Iranian newspaper.

While looking at the list of submitters I see the name Aaron Heineman.

Being a fan of Discover Channel’s Mythbusters starring Jamie Hyneman (I was never sure how he spelled his name), I google the name Aaron Heineman and find myself at a website called “Kiss My Bitter Ass” that has a poor tipper database.

Seeing a couple of celebrities like Chris Rock, Kirsten Dunst and Ted Knight on the list, I start surfing the database for shits and giggles and poof, Paul Martin’s name shows up.

The Shitty Tipper Database!

Tipper’s Name: Paul Martin
Where it happened: Ottawa
Total bill / Tip amount / Percentage: $1556.22 / $0.00 / 0%
What happened:
Former PM and some buddies came in and proceeded to get drunk and loud. I got moved to their table because they were harassing the poor server that had them to the point she was almost in tears.In the end they paid their tab and left a ZERO tip. Even after I ran between their section and my own and made sure they had everything they wanted.I guess when you’re not spending the taxpayers dollars its hard to be generous.Bastard Politicians.

Why do I have a feeling if he was still Prime Minister the tip would have been a heck of a lot bigger?

Disclaimer: The information above is part of a user submitted info database like wikipedia so I take no credit for the accuracy of the tip information or the validity of the statements on the bitterwaitress.com website.


Have you ever gotten those emails with the annual Darwin Award winners? You know the ones that pick winners for the stupidest ways people die? The motto of the winners is “I don’t think, therefore I am not.” They are a classic example of thinning the herd.

I would like to know why they haven’t added “sharing drug needles” or “having unprotected sex” to these lists of insanely stupid ways to die? Instead they teach us to not have a strength contest by hanging on a freeway overpass railing. Or they teach us not to get off a bus moving 60 MPH for a cigarette.

At the International HIV/AIDS conference going on in Toronto Bill Gates gave the cure out, but very few people heard him.

You see, Uganda has dramatically reduced HIV in their nation by implementing something called ABC.

A – Abstinence
B – Be Faithful
C – Condomize

Yet the crowd in Toronto was so upset at the mention of “abstinence” that they booed so loud the B and C parts were drowned out. Every person at the conference who booed and dies of AIDS should be a Darwin Award winner.

Are the attendees at this conference so hard up (pardon the pun) to shove their unprotected peckers between a couple of hairy buns that they would risk their lives for it? I would classify this as Darwin Award winning behaviour, wouldn’t you?

This disease can be licked in a single lifetime. Our lifetime. All that we need to do is follow the ABC method and stop sharing drug needles. We don’t need billions on research for a cure. We already have it.

It’s easy as ABC folks.

New OfficiallyScrewed Poll

Our last poll was quite convincingly in favour of Israel’s action to go into Lebanon in response to having two Israeli soldiers kidnapped and 8 killed by Hezbollah. Over 92% of the 100 plus votes thought this.

Our next poll has to do with how long you expect the current ceasefire to last. Feel free to vote on the right.

ADDENDUM – Well you’re an optimistic lot.  I went to bed at 10 votes and wake up to 27 votes and 70% of those 27 votes expecting the ceasefire to be over in less than two weeks.

On a second note, with regard to everyone claiming victory, I have to agree with Mark Regev, the Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman who says (and I paraphrase)… You have to question someone who is claiming victory from a cave, underground, where no one knows where he is.