What kind of strangle hold do union bosses have on their members?
Gerry Nicholls has a nice piece at the Brookstreet Blog on how the unions spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on NDP candidates last election without a peep coming from the employees on their opinions of which party should get the union financial support.
Well this is now changing and that money will, inevitably, be pumped into the Liberal party.
Hargrove told the convention in Vancouver that as long as he has member support, the CAW would not be part of a body that doesn’t respect one of the largest unions in Canada.
The outspoken labour leader says this doesn’t mean the CAW won’t support some New Democrat candidates, but overall the NDP will not get financing from the union.
Getting back to the stranglehold, I must point out that the only candidate other than Buzz Hargrove on the ballot has withdrawn his nomination and is now supporting three faced Buzz.